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hinge tweets | thumbnail text -  evelyn @deleteevelyn My longstanding belief 90 hinge users are federal agents waging psychic warfare on citizenry is proven more and more true every day 6:53 PM Sep 26, 2022. Twitter iPhone

This Week's Hottest Hinge Tweets Of The Week (September 28, 2022)

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The Bluntest Tweets We Saw About Bumble This Week (September 28, 2022)

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Modern Dating Tweets For All The Singles Currently Playing The Dating Game

dating app tweets | thumbnail text - Grace Jarvis @gracejarvisohno dudes on dating apps love tell women aren't funny while quoting jokes Mindy Kaling wrote Office 7:37 AM Sep 19, 2022 Melbourne, Victoria Twitter iPhone

This Week's Batch Of Fire Dating App Tweets (September 22, 2022)

hinge tweets | thumbnail text - PEENK SEXY @man1cpixidrmgrl hinge should introduce new feature where can automatically block all users who use "pineapple on pizza" as their controversial opinion prompt 2:31 PM Sep 16, 2022. Twitter iPhone

The Hottest Tweets About Hinge This Week (September 21, 2022)

bumble tweets | thumbnail text -  ryan @willowshawty6 slowing down time with my mind give her more time message on bumble

The Bluntest Bumble Tweets Of The Week (September 21, 2022)

okcupid tweets | thumbnail text - OkCupid @okcupid 1920s flirting Walks 4 miles snow send letter may never actually reach Flirting today Sends memes made them think 2:57 PM Jul 8, 2022 TweetDeck

15 Honest Dating Tweets Penned By OkCupid (September 21, 2022)

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This Week's Batch Of Wild Tinder Conversations (September 19, 2022)

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The 17 Most Hilarious Relationship Tweets We've Seen This Week (Sept. 19)

bumble tweets | thumbnail text - jessica' (O) @ironthyrsus on the bumble app there's a prompt that asks what your zombie survival plan? i said I have IBS and that i'm a goner. this is supposed to be a deterrent why am i getting responses. 6:56 PM. Sep 13, 2022. Twitter for Android

14 Blunt Bumble Tweets That Made Us Want To Bumble Into Some Gentlemen's DMs (September 16, 2022)

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This Week's Batch Of Funny Dating App Tweets (September 15, 2022)

okcupid tweets | thumbnail text - OkCupid ok @okcupid Are they cool and mysterious or are they just emotionally unavailable wear sunglasses lot 5:24 PM. Sep 2, 2022 TweetDeck

14 Funny Tweets Penned By 'OkCupid' That Speak Nothing But The Truth (September 15, 2022)

reddit post | thumbnail text - We met through an app, his profile said he was 6'1", and I'm 5′ 7″. If a guy is 5'8" I truly don't care about height beyond that, and he was clearly my exact same height. Regardless, we had an awesome date and had he approached me in a bar I absolutely would have said yes. It's the lying though, I understand the frustration guys feel with the height thing, but I just feel like he already

People Discuss If Someone Lying About Their Height Is A Red Flag

Funniest Memes About the Horrors of Dating in Your 30's

Funniest Memes About the Horrors of Dating in Your 30's

hinge tweets | thumbnail text - Mother Mysa @Brieyonce Every single man on hinge knows best spot town tacos

This Week's Collection Of Honest Hinge Tweets (September 13, 2022)

tinder conversations | thumbnail text - The dog Heyyy what made ya swipe right?

This Week's Collection Of Wild Tinder Conversations (September 12, 2022)