
money problems

‘You're Freeloading On My Investments’: Husband Demands Divorce After Wife Goes On Luxury Shopping Spree, Calls Her A ‘Freeloader’ On His Investments, Then Backtracks

‘You're Freeloading On My Investments’: Husband Demands Divorce After Wife Goes On Luxury Shopping Spree, Calls Her A ‘Freeloader’ On His Investments, Then Backtracks

Money is one of the primary points of argument in relationships, and oftentimes the person making more begins to resent the person making less. In this case, the person making less was OP. She went on a luxury shopping spree without telling him the amount she was going to spend, which she admitted was a bit substantive. OP told her husband she would stop buying luxury items, but then bought sandals for the summer. He got so mad that he called her a ‘free loader’ on his investments and added tha…
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Delusional Boyfriend Refuses To Split The IKEA Bill With GF For Their Shared Home| Thumbnail text - Font - AITA for going to IKEA with my girlfriend and then refusing to pay half? My girlfriend(23F) and I(24M) just moved in together yesterday. I moved into her apartment that she had shared with her roommate before I moved in. IKEA

Delusional Boyfriend Refuses To Split The IKEA Bill With GF For Their Shared Home

Someone needs a reality check
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Terminally Ill Aunt Only Gives Inheritance To Niece And No One Else| Thumbnail Text - Purple - AITA for leaving my niece an inheritance but not my nephew? I was diagnosed with a terminal illness a few months ago. It's not a matter of if, but when, and the best estimate is that I have in the neighborhood of 1-2 years. I'm dealing with it. I've had a good life and no regrets.

Terminally Ill Aunt Only Gives Inheritance To Niece And No One Else

Sensitive Family Matters
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