

13 screenshots from a Reddit thread where a momma's boy asks Reddit if it would be bad if he left his pregnant girlfriend and moved in with his mom in order to save money 'AITA for leaving my pregnant girlfriend temporarily to save money? I (28M) wasn't thinking and I moved out from my mom's and in with this girl and immediately got her (26F) pregnant after just 6 months of dating'

28-Year-Old Man Child Leaves His Mother's Nest Only To Accidentally Impregnate His New Girlfriend, Doesn't Have A Stable Job Nor Income And Is Now Asking Reddit If He'd Be An AH If He Moved Back With His Mommy To Save Some Money

A true man child in his natural habitat
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10 screenshots from a Reddit post about a boyfriend that kicked his girlfriend out of his house after his mom convinced him she was a freeloader | Thumbnail includes a pink/red background with a screenshot from the Reddit post 'AITA for asking my girlfriend to leave my house after my mom told me to kick her out? I started to be a little meaner and I could feel myself getting annoyed easily at my girlfriend, I would 'joke' that she should sleep on the floor or just'

'Grown men don't let their mommies dictate their relationships!': Boyfriend Kicks Foreign Girlfriend To The Curb After His Mommy Decided She Was A Freeloader

Whatever mommy says - goes.
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