
mind games

Oh, No He Didn't: How Not to Respond to Your Girlfriend Being a Sore Loser | screenshot reads - AITA for telling my girlfriend to accept that I am smarter than her?

Oh, No He Didn't: How Not to Respond to Your Girlfriend Being a Sore Loser

"I'm smarter than you" was not the right answer...
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Advice from our resident f*ckboy | thumbnail text - They will flake on dinner to drink with the boys, just as easily as they will stop responding to your text messages with a shred of urgency once they have already sealed the deal (i.e. just to reiterate, again, I am talking about SEX. Good ol' finger banging, butt licking, steamy, sweaty sex).

Ten Major F*ckboy Red Flags

Beware of the f*ckboy
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