married life

Woman stands ground against in-laws' demands to move closer to them but demeans husband with lower-paying job in the process: 'I make the money, I make the decisions'

Woman stands ground against in-laws' demands to move closer to them but demeans husband with lower-paying job in the process: 'I make the money, I make the decisions'

Overworked Mother of Two Juggling Career and Family, Confronts Couch-Potato Husband About His Refusal to Help with Housework, Leading To Heated Argument over Fairness in Marriage

Overworked Mother of Two Juggling Career and Family, Confronts Couch-Potato Husband About His Refusal to Help with Housework, Leading To Heated Argument over Fairness in Marriage

Woman refuses to compliment husband for doing the bare minimum around the house, leading to a heated conversation about household duties: ‘You’re not even grateful‘

Woman refuses to compliment husband for doing the bare minimum around the house, leading to a heated conversation about household duties: ‘You’re not even grateful‘

Woman Refuses to Bring Husband to Weddings After He Causes Her to Miss Ceremony, She Accuses Him of Lacking Etiquette and Refuses to Let Him Accompany Her

Woman Refuses to Bring Husband to Weddings After He Causes Her to Miss Ceremony, She Accuses Him of Lacking Etiquette and Refuses to Let Him Accompany Her

Woman’s Spineless Husband Allows Entitled Family to Use Their House Like a Hotel, She is Driven to Breaking Point After a 3-Week Stay: ‘I don’t want to micro-manage my family’

Woman’s Spineless Husband Allows Entitled Family to Use Their House Like a Hotel, She is Driven to Breaking Point After a 3-Week Stay: ‘I don’t want to micro-manage my family’

Man Leaves Wife After Years of Belittlement Over Not Being 'Manly Enough,' She Changes Her Tune After Seeing Him Happier and More Relaxed Without Her

Man Leaves Wife After Years of Belittlement Over Not Being 'Manly Enough,' She Changes Her Tune After Seeing Him Happier and More Relaxed Without Her

Woman's In-Laws Pressure Her to Name Firstborn Child According to Family Tradition, They Double Down When She Attempts to Compromise with Middle Name: 'You're erasing our legacy!'

Woman's In-Laws Pressure Her to Name Firstborn Child According to Family Tradition, They Double Down When She Attempts to Compromise with Middle Name: 'You're erasing our legacy!'

Woman's Sister-in-Law Purposefully Serves Her Dessert with Nuts Despite Allergy, Husband Sides with Sister for 'Embarrassing' Him in Front of Family with Her Outburst at Being Poisoned

Woman's Sister-in-Law Purposefully Serves Her Dessert with Nuts Despite Allergy, Husband Sides with Sister for 'Embarrassing' Him in Front of Family with Her Outburst at Being Poisoned

Man Refuses to Vacation with Wife at Disney World for the Ninth Year in a Row, She Takes It Personally and Invites a Friend Instead: 'We even had our honeymoon there'

Man Refuses to Vacation with Wife at Disney World for the Ninth Year in a Row, She Takes It Personally and Invites a Friend Instead: 'We even had our honeymoon there'

25 Parenting Memes for Long-Term Married Couples on the Arduous Yet Joyful Journey of Raising Kids

25 Parenting Memes for Long-Term Married Couples on the Arduous Yet Joyful Journey of Raising Kids

Woman Fed Up with Weekly Friday Dinners with the In-Laws, Husband Takes Personal Offense When She Suggests Staying In Once a Month: ‘You knew what you signed up for’

Woman Fed Up with Weekly Friday Dinners with the In-Laws, Husband Takes Personal Offense When She Suggests Staying In Once a Month: ‘You knew what you signed up for’

Years of Resentment Due to Weaponized Incompetence Come to a Head After Man Ruins Wife's Bathroom with Shoddy Caulking Job: 'Our small kids could've done better'

Years of Resentment Due to Weaponized Incompetence Come to a Head After Man Ruins Wife's Bathroom with Shoddy Caulking Job: 'Our small kids could've done better'

Woman Refuses to Host Christmas After Greedy Family Steals All the Thanksgiving Leftovers, Leaving Her Fridge Empty for the Holiday Weekend

Woman Refuses to Host Christmas After Greedy Family Steals All the Thanksgiving Leftovers, Leaving Her Fridge Empty for the Holiday Weekend

Thanksgiving Dinner Ends in Tears When Woman Refuses to Eat Mother-in-Laws Yam's, Suspecting That They Were Leftovers from Last Year's Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Dinner Ends in Tears When Woman Refuses to Eat Mother-in-Laws Yam's, Suspecting That They Were Leftovers from Last Year's Thanksgiving Dinner

Man Goes Behind Wife’s Back and Reveals to Her Pregnant Sister That She Is Being Cheated On, Leading To the End of Her Marriage and Possibly His Own

Man Goes Behind Wife’s Back and Reveals to Her Pregnant Sister That She Is Being Cheated On, Leading To the End of Her Marriage and Possibly His Own

20 Memes That Capture What It's Like To Be A Woman of Matrimony

20 Memes That Capture What It's Like To Be A Woman of Matrimony