
twitter post | thumbnail text - cinnamon bun @notsofiacoppola my bf is ignoring me so I created him as a sim and locked him up in the basement on sims 4 Been dating this guy for 4 months and today he asked me why I don't have a boyfriend.

13 Tweets About Dating That Will Make You Giggle A Lot (October 20, 2022)

aita post | thumbnail text - r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/Wakalakatime 8 hours ago AITA for putting my husband's fancy knives through the dishwasher?

Husband Fuming After Wife Puts His Fancy Knives In Dishwasher, Refuses To Wash Them Himself

Funniest Tweets About the Ridiculous Things People Have On Their Wedding Registries

Funniest Tweets About the Ridiculous Things People Have On Their Wedding Registries

Pianist turns top 40 songs into classical wedding marches

Musician on TikTok is Turning Top Bangers from Artist like Blink-182 and Taylor Swift into Classical Piano Wedding Entrance Songs

divorce memes | thumbnail text - my parents are divorced and posted first pic and my dad took and CROPPED MY MOM OUT SHADE SKILL NADAL

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divorce memes | thumbnail text - PARENTS DIVORCE NO ONE WANTS CUSTODY

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twitter post | thumbnail text - make up a guy @makeupaguy guy on tinder who says "heard a queen just died, you okay" as a pickup line

The 17 Most Hilarious Relationship Tweets We've Seen This Week (Sept. 19)

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Funniest Marriage Memes We Saw This Past Week

Funniest Marriage Memes We Saw This Past Week

reddit aita | thumbnail text - AITA for leaving before my sister's wedding ceremony started and leaving someone else in charge of my responsability? My (F)bsister got married on Friday. She and I are twins, so we are very close and best friends. She is child-free and I have 2 kids (3M and 1 M).

Girl Curses Out Her Sister For Missing Her Wedding To Be With Her Hospitalized Son

Funniest Marriage Tweets We Saw This Week

Funniest Marriage Tweets We Saw This Week

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aita post | thumbnail text - Posted by u/throwawaytexasboy1 2 days ago 5 18 18 2 S28 AITA getting my aunt and uncle kicked out their house not letting my husband and sleep together?

Aunt And Uncle Don't Allow Adult Nephew To Sleep In The Same Room As Spouse Because They're A Gay Couple

reddit post | thumbnail text - What is a cooking related red flag in a relationship? My ex thought that "browning" ground meat meant leaving it in the fridge til it turned brown.

People Share The Biggest Cooking-Related Red Flags They've Seen In Their Partners