
16 funny marriage memes | Thumbnail includes the Drake meme of him waving and a picture of DJ Khaled 'Advice I give to my wife that she rejects Exact same advice given by someone she doesn't know very well My wife when the dog shelter employee asks "anything else?" ANOTHER ONE'

Weekly Mrs. Memes For The Witty Wifey Committee (February 17, 2023)

‘You Think You Can Cheat On Me?’ : Woman Creates Local Valentine's Day Ad With Pic of Cheating Husband and Married Coworker, Leading to Ultimate Nuclear Revenge

‘You Think You Can Cheat On Me?’ : Woman Creates Local Valentine's Day Ad With Pic of Cheating Husband and Married Coworker, Leading to Ultimate Nuclear Revenge

22 funny and relatable memes about marriage | Thumbnail includes a picture of purple word art and a picture of magnetic letters on a fridge 'When you get married and you have to share your property with your wife Sounds like COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA BUT OK Exploding Unicorn @XplodingUnicom My wife and I hit an important marriage milestone. We had a fight entirely in fridge magnets. buy MORE MILK Follow'

Marriage Memes For People Whose Marriage Has Been Through It All But Is Now Stronger Than Ever

13 screenshots of a Reddit post and comments about a man that proposed to name his futuwife (31F) are expecting a child in 12 weeks time. We don't know the sex of the baby but we've started thinking about baby names. A couple of nights ago we were suggesting names. I had a girlfriend for around 6 years before meeting my now wife.'

Ludicrous Husband Proposes To Name His Soon To Be Child After His Ex-girlfriend, Doesn't Comprehend Why On Earth His Wife Is Against The Idea

16 screenshots from a Reddit post where a husband tells the story of how his wife's cleaning demands are too high and his are too low | Thumbnail includes a picture of text and a pink box on top with a quote inside 'n. I regret not moving in together until we married b le I kn tent. L on to he is th dishe our h le I'm days s ned w 'She hates dishes in the sink while I'm content with letting them sit for a couple of days' She sp they inside ower'

'If only I knew she would be so neurotic about hygiene before I married her': Slobby Hubby Takes To Reddit To Complain About His Wife's 'Unreasonable' Cleaning Demands, Gets A Quick Reality Check From Readers

24 Cuffing Season Memes: Best Relatable Relationship Funnies Of The Week (February 14, 2023)

24 Cuffing Season Memes: Best Relatable Relationship Funnies Of The Week (February 14, 2023)

Memes For Girls Who Date and LOVE Food | Thumbnail includes disney and spongebob memes

These Memes Are For The Girls Who Date and LOVE Food

14 screenshots of Tinder conversations and exchanges | Thumbnail includes two screenshots of two separate Tinder conversations 'I'll admit sometimes I enjoy being an as hole but I'm really just gonna try to give you some advice, I won't speak for all men but I think most of us will be turned off by your armpit hair and it's a simple fix. Just get rid of it lol Today 2:04 PM What? Are you ok? I don't have armpit hair?? And even if I did that would be none of your business! Wtf is yo'

Weekly Batch Of Wildest & Wittiest Tinder Interactions Just In Time For Valentine's Day (February 14, 2023)

14 witty Valentine's day cards | Thumbnail includes a picture of the lion king on a red background 'You can hakuna my tatas anyday To: From:'

14 Witty & Nostalgic Valentine's Day Cards To Send To All 14 Of Your Crushes

28 funny marriage memes | Thumbnail includes a meme of a couple laying in bed and a couple in a therapy session 'Her: I bet he's thinking about other women Him: If she farts like that again I'm gonna press charges Therapist: what's upsetting you? Wife: he's always using common phrases incorrectly Me: cry me a table, Linda'

28 Funniest Memes For Lovers Who Act Like Old Married Couples

38 funny and relatable relationship memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Elmo laying on a bed and a picture of Spongebob's grandma 'bae: put on that red thing I like me: when you spend the night at his house and you come out of the shower with your fresh face and hair not done waiting for him to compliment u'

Dumpster Truck Of Relationship Memes For Any & Every Dating Scenario (38 Memes)

Memes Only Husbands and Wives Will Understand | Thumbnail includes beyonce jayz and kim kardashian

15 Memes That Only Husbands And Wives Will Understand

15 wholesome husband memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man looking into the computer as a woman stands behind him and a picture of two pigs cuddling 'I ASKED HIM IF HE LOVED ME HE SAID IF THERE WAS A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE HE WOULD PROTECT ME. HE THEN SPENT 4 HOURS EXPLAINING THE VARIOUS WEAPONRY & SHELTER HE WOULD USE IF SUCH AN INCIDENT DID OCCUR. When you both gained a few pounds but the love is strong'

15 Wholesome Hubby Memes For Wifeys That Can Honestly Say That Their Husband Is Their Bestest Friend In The World

17 wholesome memes about love and relationships | Thumbnail includes a screenshot from Tumblr and a picture of Bart and Marge in a restaurant 'I have this weird theory that some people are drawn to each other because their atoms were near each other when the universe was created and over time the same atoms keep coming back together DID YOU JUST SCIENTIFICALLY EXPLAIN SOUL MATES?! from the moment i saw her I knew this one was worth a broken heart'

15+ Wholesome Love Memes To Warm Your Hearts For Vday

19 witty marriage memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Spongebob holding Squidward's butt as he climbs and a picture of a lot of French bull dogs in a shopping cart 'My husband "helping" me around the house. Just stick to the grocery list Me: I am Wife: Nothing but what's on the list Me: [crossing fingers] I promise'

19 Witty Marriage Memes To Brighten Up Your Weekend

17 funny memes about opposites attracting | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man and a dog smiling and a woman and a cat staring at the camera with a cold look. Thumbnail also includes a picture of Lisa Simpson 'Me and our dog and my wife and our cat Me starring at my gf admiring her beauty. My gf: what dumbas, you wanna fight?'

16 Memes For Couples That Represent The 'Black Cat Girlfriend & Golden Retriever Boyfriend' Meme In Real Life