
AITA: ‘He acts like I’m a burden' : Entitled girlfriend expects parental treatment from husband, he sets an ultimatum: ‘Change, or we break up’

AITA: ‘He acts like I’m a burden' : Entitled girlfriend expects parental treatment from husband, he sets an ultimatum: ‘Change, or we break up’

22 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a naturally cheerful husband who punishes his kids and wife whenever they express sadness or anger by taking away $1 from the kids' allowance | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of text with a pink box and a yellow quote 'Every time you feel sad, I will make it worse by taking money from you'

‘Every time you feel sad, I will make it worse by taking money from you’ : Controlling Husband Who Is ‘Cheerful by Nature’ Forbids Wife and Kids to Express Any Negative Emotions by Instilling a ‘Pessimism Jar’, Family Conflict Ensues

14 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a husband who tells his wife to quit her job because it's getting in the way of her cleaning and cooking and taking care of the kids | Thumbnail includes a baby purple background with a screenshot of text 'My husband had this idea though that if there are dishes in the sink, or the floors need to swept, laundry folded, etc then I shouldn't go to work that day. We made the"deal"that if I went back to work, this is how it would go. I feel it's a pretty un'

'If you can't handle it, maybe you should just quit your job' : Entitled Husband Proposes Wife Quits Her Hybrid Job Because It's Getting In The Way Of Her Maid Duties at Home

‘Don’t tell your wife, I sense she is insecure around me' : Love triangle ensues after woman admits romantic feelings for best friend, warns him not to tell his wife, he keeps his vows and notifies wife immediately

‘Don’t tell your wife, I sense she is insecure around me' : Love triangle ensues after woman admits romantic feelings for best friend, warns him not to tell his wife, he keeps his vows and notifies wife immediately

Saucy Reddit Thread: Men Share Sweet and Salty Hard Truths About Love, Dating, and Relationships

Saucy Reddit Thread: Men Share Sweet and Salty Hard Truths About Love, Dating, and Relationships

19 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a single mother who orders food after her kids go to sleep so she doesn't have to share | Thumbnail includes a black and white picture of two human figures (a female and a male) and a screenshot of text on top 'He also accused me of being a bad mother because I rather order food for just myself without thinking of my children whose were with me at the time and that I should've just waited until they were with him for the night.'

'You're a HORRIBLE mother!' : Fuming Ex-husband Berates Ex-wife for Ordering Take-Out and Not Sharing With Kids, Assumes She Used the $100 in Child Support He Gave Her for the Month

20 wholesome husband memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man and a dog roasting sausages on the pavement and a picture of a baby with bananas holding up its bottle 'Day 14 of wife being on a work trip It was my husbands turn to feed her'

Hilariously Wholesome Hubby Memes That Perfectly Illustrate What It's Like To Leave Husbands Home Alone With Kids

15 witty wifey memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a mouse with big ears and a picture Spongebob throwing hearts at Squidward 'A woman's ear when.. Husband is on the phone. my man with love after Me showering getting on his last nerve'

The Best Witty Wifey Memes of the Week (March 17, 2023)

19 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a husband that got tested for his wife's kidney transplant and was a perfect match | Thumbnail includes a picture or a bride's dress and wedding flowers 'TIFU By getting getting tested to donate a kidney to my wife. TL;DR: Wife of 6 years needs a kidney I got tested and we have an abnormally high match percentage for being husband and wife.'

'Accidental sister-wife?' : Husband Gets Tested for Wife’s Kidney Transplant, Results Reveal an Abnormally High DNA Match, Leaving Him to Speculate Whether They're Secretly Related

17 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a husband that was caught switching out his daughter's Indian lunches because she was getting bullied for them | Thumbnail includes a picture of food on a wooden table in the background and a screenshot of text from a Reddit post 'AITA for switching out my daughter's school lunches behind my wife's back? My wife Sara (36F) and I (35M) have an 11 year old daughter named Lily. Lily had begun attending'

AITA : 'I want her to be comfortable around her classmates' : Husband Caught Switching Out Daughter’s Indian Lunches for Western Food, Infuriated Wife Drags Him for Denying Their Culture

wife wifey husband hubby relationship marriage married memes love laughing hilarious humor comedy

Amusing Wifey Memes for Couples Whose Love Language is Laughter

20 amusing marriage memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Leonardo Dicaprio in the Great Gatsby and a picture of Woody and Buzz 'You and your significant other looking at each other trying to figure out how to dip out of a social event early AFTER GETTING MARRIED. "HAIR, WOODY. HAIR IN ALL THE DRAINS."'

20 Amusing Marriage Memes Illustrating the Realities of Life After the Altar

17 screenshots from a Reddit thread where a woman tells the story of how her husband pretended to be sick on her birthday so he wouldn't have to plan her a party | Thumbnail includes a pink, purple, and turquoise background with a screenshot of text on top 'For my birthday I tell him I just want help with the kids, the house cleaned, a nap, and him to cook supper or take me out. Maybe a homemade gift from the kids and a cake. Yesterday, my husband starts complaining of a sore throat.'

AITA : 'you ruined my birthday... AGAIN' : Instead of Planning a Birthday Party for Wife, Husband Taps Into Weaponized Incompetence & Pretends to Be Sick, Turmoil Ensues

15 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a woman who refused to come pick up her husband on a night out | Thumbnail includes a pink background with a screenshot of text on top 'AITA for not going out to drive my husband home when he got too drunk? This happened several days ago and he's still put out over it, so I don't know how to feel. My husband went out with a few friends of his friends, which he does just fine all the time. It was late, and I worked the next day, so I laid down.'

'So much for through thick and thin' : Wife Rejects Husbands Request to Come Pick Him up After He’s Been Abandoned on a Night Out With Friends in the Middle of Nowhere

20 wholesome memes about love | Thumbnail includes a picture of Pikatchu with a surprised face and a screenshot of a text 'Me: I have a lot of mental illnesses, dating me might get difficult. Partner: It's okay, I love you just how you are :) Me: *shows symptoms* Partner: *still loves me* Me: Dez @desuhhhrae Don't worry ur secret is safe with me... and my bf 11:38 PM - 2/17/19 Twitter for iPhone 3,456 Retweets 9,730 Likes 27'

20 Weekly Wholesome Love Memes to Prove That True Love Will Always Prevail (March 15, 2023)

20 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a wife who left her family for a 2 day trip and came back to a messy house and her husband's suitcases packed | Thumbnail includes a pink and orange painted background with a screenshot of text 'AITA for Leaving My Husband Alone With The Kids For 2 days So I decided after I put the children to sleep that night to leave a note saying that I'll be out just leave and have a night out with the girls which ended up turning into a weekend out with the girls.'

AITA : 'I'm DONE!' : Overworked Wife Abandons Husband & Kids for a Two-Day Vacation, Comes Back to a Messy House and Husband’s Suitcases Packed Because He Couldn’t Handle Her Workload