
Dads Who Tweet Funny Things We Didn't Know We Needed In Our Lives| thumbnail text - Simon Holland @simoncholland I don't secretly steal my kids' Halloween candy. I eat it right in front of them while maintaining eye contact. Total power move. 2:46 AM · 11/1/21 · Twitter for iPhone 97 Retweets 16 Quote Tweets 1,538 Likes

Dads Who Tweet Funny Things We Didn't Know We Needed In Our Lives

Woman Reveals To Sister-In-Law That Her Brother Is Actually Stealing From Their Family| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Puzzleheaded_Mess746 9 hours ago AITA for telling my sister-in-law the truth about my brother?

Woman Reveals To Sister-In-Law That Her Brother Is Actually Stealing From Their Family

Woman Catches Her Brother-In-Cheating, Family Turns Against Her| thumbnail text - woman

Woman Catches Her Brother-In-Law Cheating, Family Turns Against Her

people reveal worst weddings they ever attended | thumbnail includes picture of bride and groom Text - The food gave EVERYONE really severe food poisoning the next day. Some even started feeling it a few hours in. Picky eaters won that day.

People Reveal The Worst Weddings They Attended

Woman Fakes Pregnancy To keep BF, Fuming When She Gets Exposed| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/Nomym · 6h AITA For exposing that my sister wasn't pregnant?

Woman Fakes Pregnancy To keep BF, Fuming When She Gets Exposed

Woman Refuses To Throw Away Anime Body Pillow Because It Saved Her Marriage| Thumbnail Text - Eye - AITA for not wanting to get rid of the anime body pillow that saved my marriage? My husband and I are best friends during the day. Love of my life. It's at night that's an issue. I'm a blanket stealer. I once yanked them so hard poor Hubby flipped a full 180. Hubby, for his part, is a thrasher. Bruce Lee would be jealous of the moves he pulls off while unconscious.

Woman Refuses To Throw Away Anime Body Pillow Because It Saved Her Marriage

10 Fascinating Facts about Sex| thumbnail text - Men who help with housework also tend to have more sex

10 Fascinating Facts About Sex

Why You Should Give Short Guys A Chance| thumbnail text - 7. You broaden your dating pool The average height for men is 5'9, NOT 6 feet. As soon as you drop the expectation of dating someone over 6 feet you will double and possibly triple your chances of finding a good partner.

Why You Should Give Short Guys A Chance

Rude Husband Throws Out All Of Wife’s Authentic Asian Meals Because He Doesn’t Like Them| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/Throwar563577 • 17h S 13 e 3 7 6 O 11 VOTE AITA for refusing to cook for my husband after he threw away all the food I prepared for my family?

Rude Husband Throws Out All Of Wife’s Authentic Asian Meals Because He Doesn’t Like Them

Unprofessional Receptionist Spoils Woman's Pregnancy To Her Whole Family| Thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/TAbabyblabbermouth • 10h VOTE 2 .... WIBTA if I reported a family friend who outed my pregnancy to her place of work?

Unprofessional Receptionist Spoils Woman's Pregnancy To Her Whole Family

funny tweets from husbands who think they're funny | thumbnail text - The Dad BriefsTM @SladeWentworth ... Can you please stop breathing like that? -A marriage story 2:01 AM Jan 31, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 184 Retweets 11 Quote Tweets 1,083 Likes

Tweets From Husbands Who Think They're Funny

Mother-In-Law Angry When Couple Won't Let Her House-Sit After She Ignores Boundaries| thumbnail text - Posted by u/throwaway_MIL_mess 19 hours ago AITA for not letting my MIL come over unsupervised? Not the A-hole

Crazy Mother-In-Law Fuming When Couple Won't Let Her House-Sit For Their Honeymoon

Jealous Woman Bullies Friend's Fiancé Because She Is Constantly Getting Hit On| thumbnail text - Posted by u/throwawayhusband264 3 hours ago AITA for telling my wife to stop being so jealous of my friends fiance?

Jealous Woman Bullies Friend's Fiancé Because She Is Constantly Getting Hit On

Man Goes Psycho On Uber Driver During A Date| thumbnail text - Chris actually had the nerve to text me the next day and I told him I don't believe assault is condoned in the Bible.

Man Goes Psycho On Uber Driver During A Date

Immature Husband Tells Wife He's Disgusted By The Idea Of Her On Her Period| thumbnail text - Posted by u/throwaway58895 15 hours ago 15 12 3 21 25 AITA for telling my husband I'll dispose of my feminine products when he wipes better

Immature Husband Tells Wife He's Disgusted By The Idea Of Her On Her Period

aita post | thumbnail text - AITA For no longer doing the dishes after my wife called me her "dish b!tch" My office is only a couple miles from my house so I usually go home for lunch every day. Since it is so close, I have time to do the dishes, take out the trash, switch the laundry, etc, before I go back to work. I find it's a nice use of my lunch break and helps to free up some time in the evening so I can relax more with my family.

Man Refuses To Continue Doing House Chores After Wife Referred To Him As Her Dish Slave In Front Of Friends