
marriage memes

30 wholesome memes about husbands being supportive and silly | Thumbnail includes a picture of a baby sitting on a pink circle mat 'Simon Holland @simoncholland Nothing like seeing a new dad at Disney World find out a Mickey shaped balloon with a glow stick in it is $35. Welcome to the club buddy. Playtime is OVER'

30 Most Wholesome Hubby Memes of the Week (May 7, 2023)

If there's one thing we're forever grateful for it's our supportive hubbies! Say what you want about marriage, but one thing you can't deny is that when you find your partner, no, we don't mean your lover, but your partner, then everything comes into place. Sure, they may not always be able to tell their own two feet apart, but we love them regardless. Because at the end of the day, it's not all about romance and lovey-doveyness. Don't get us wrong, all of that is super important but it doesn't…
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23 witty wifey memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Patrick Star pulling a carton with a pink squid inside and a picture of a man and a woman sitting at a panel with lots of microphones pointing only to the woman 'Bringing ur man into Sephora just so you can see something "real quick" Kids, making requests and asking questions to mom when dad is right tf there'

Top 23 Amusing Marriage Memes for the Witty Wifey Community

A world without wifeys? No thanks.
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21 humorous wholesome hubby memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of an orange cat laughing and a white cat sitting near it and a screenshot of a tweet 'My wife Me laughing at my own joke What's one thing marriage has taught you? me: If you walk into the house eating a candy bar you better have one for her too'

Top 21 Wholesome Hubby Memes of the Week (April 30, 2023)

Marry your best friend, that's all we have to say
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marriage memes married life relatable love besti best friends couple goals homie hobby relationship relationships goal

Amusing Marriage Memes of the Week for Spouses Who Spend Too Much Time Together (April 22, 2023)

When did my hubby become my hobby?
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33 wholesome and hilarious memes about husbands | Thumbnail includes a picture of a couple in therapy and a picture of Kylie Jenner pregnant 'Therapist: what's upsetting you? Wife: he's always using common phrases incorrectly Me: cry me a table, Linda When he constantly tags you in memes you've never seen before WIF @MasiPopal [next thing I knew, I was pregnant]'

33 Hilariously Wholesome Hubby Memes of the Week (April 23, 2023)

Dad jokes and dad bods
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48 funny and feral memes about relationships and spicy couples | Thumbnail includes a picture of Goofy looking out from a door crack and a picture of a neon green sign 'When you gotta leave for work but she's sleeping with her legs open and titty hanging out FOR AN ADDITIONALI $2.95 WE WILL PROVIDE A RECEIPT THAT MATCHES WHAT YOU TOLD YOUR SPOUSE YOU PAID.'

48 Fresh, Feral Memes for Spicy Spouses

A little extra sizzle can't hurt anybody
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26 tweets about marriage | Thumbnail includes a picture of tomatoes and greens and a screenshot of a tweet 'Josh @iwearaonesie If you like long drives back to the grocery store because the tomatoes you got weren't organic, marriage might be for you'

25+ Marriage Tweets for Couples Who Embrace Each Other's Quirks & Imperfections

Good ol' marriage
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21 wholesome and relatable memes about silly husbands | Thumbnail includes a picture of green skittles and a screenshot of a Facebook post 'Wife: You should eat more greens with your lunch Me: I will mike rachel and i are no longer dating 18:14 PM 10 Jun 22 Twitter for iPhone 27 rachel@ Replying to mike that's a horrible way of telling people we're married'

21 Hilariously Wholesome Hubby-Wubby Memes for a Happily Ever After (April 16, 2023)

Marriage is a blast
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sassy marriage pet-peeve married married-life marriage-memes husband wife relatable relationships love bestie best friends friend forever

Sassy Marriage Memes for Wifey's Who Love Their Hubby, But Consider His Existence a 'Pet Peeve'

Eternity is a long time
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21 Witty Little Wifey Memes for the Queens of the Household (April 14, 2023)

21 Witty Little Wifey Memes for the Queens of the Household (April 14, 2023)

Here's to every wifey out there!
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marriage memes marriage-memes married-life married relatable love in-love spicy couple couple-goals honeymoon hot cute reality adorable spouse wife husband wifey hubby

Spicy Marriage Memes for Couples Who are Perpetually in Their Honeymoon Phase

I would hit on my husband for sure
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20 funny and sassy marriage memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a dog driving and giving side eye to the camera and a picture of a woman looking appalled at what she's seeing 'The look you give your wife when she says "take this exit!" and you're in the left lane. ME WHEN MY HUSBAND IS WATCHING VIDEOS ON HIS PHONE AT MAX VOLUME.'

20 Marriage Memes for Sarcastic Couples Who Keep It Sassy and Classy

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22 witty and amusing wifey memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a cartoon from Arthur reading an apology letter and a picture of a dog with its head faced towards a car seat 'This is how women apologize Dear Arthur Stop being mad at me I'm hungry. When he picks you up and says he already ate'

20+ Amusing Marriage Memes for the Wittiest Wifeys

Bring on the wit
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wholesome marriage married life memes love relationships relatable besties best friends soulmates meme cute heartwarming relatable wife husband wifey hubby lol

20 Wholesome Marriage Memes for Witty Wifeys Who Chose to Do Life With Their Best Friend

Some couples leave silly little notes on the fridge for each other, but we send each other memes instead
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wife wifey husband hubby relationship marriage married memes love laughing hilarious humor comedy

Amusing Wifey Memes for Couples Whose Love Language is Laughter

I lubba-dub-dub my hubba-dub-dub
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20 amusing marriage memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Leonardo Dicaprio in the Great Gatsby and a picture of Woody and Buzz 'You and your significant other looking at each other trying to figure out how to dip out of a social event early AFTER GETTING MARRIED. "HAIR, WOODY. HAIR IN ALL THE DRAINS."'

20 Amusing Marriage Memes Illustrating the Realities of Life After the Altar

We're here for the ride
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