
My Date With A 30-Year-Old Frat Boy| thumbnail text - there he was, passed out on the toilet, women

My Date With A 30-Year-Old Frat Boy

Funniest Dating Memes We Saw This Past Week (April 14, 2022)| Thumbnail text - Me: I just don't know what to do with my relationship My friend: let's see what the cards say, What do you want in a relationship* Me: ATTENTION!!! Thanks for your attention.

Funniest Dating Memes We Saw This Past Week (April 14, 2022)

New TikTok Trend has Couples Sharing Their Beautifully Romantic Love Story in 30 Seconds

TikTok Trend has Couples Sharing Their Beautifully Romantic Love Story in 30 Seconds

Unstable Memes For Those Of Who Are Cute And Crazy| Thumbnail text - sorry i can't come all my clothes look stupid on me, not ur manic pixie dream girl @mollydarlene_ Being self aware and mentally ill is so exhausting cause not only do I know when I'm being self destructive, I watch myself do it anyway

Unstable Memes For Those Of Who Are Cute And Crazy

Wife Drops News That She's Pregnant Mid-Photo Booth Session, Husband's Adorable Reaction Goes Viral

Wife Drops News That She's Pregnant Mid-Photo Booth Session, Husband's Adorable Reaction Goes Viral

Surprising Dating Customs From Around the World| Thumbnail text - In 2016, there were 33.6 million more men than women in the country – which, unsurprisingly, takes a toll on men who seek out heterosexual relationships. Because of this, "dating schools" for men who have never been in a romantic relationship have begun to crop up in China.

Surprising Dating Customs From Around the World

TikTokers Who Have Really Raised the Bar for Engagement Proposals This Year

TikTokers Who Have Really Raised the Bar for Engagement Proposals This Year

Funniest Women's Tweets We Saw This Past Week (April 12, 2022)| Thumbnail text - siax @feelxhurtt I wanna be spoiled but i have a bad habit of saying "no i got it" 9:14 AM · Apr 4, 2022

Funniest Women's Tweets We Saw This Past Week (April 12, 2022)

Dates That Made Women Regret Re-entering the Dating Scene| thumbnail text - "Thought my first dating app date was going well until he asked me if I was wearing a push-up bra in one of my profile pics because he was under the impression my tits would be bigger. Clearly, some people forgot their manners."

Dates That Made Women Regret Re-Entering The Dating Scene

People Disclose The Worst Relationship Advice They’ve Ever Gotten| thumbnail text - Spicymoose29 · 5h "Awww, they get insane when they are jealous, it proves how much they love you !" Yeah..Nope.

People Disclose The Worst Relationship Advice They’ve Ever Gotten

Men Express The Most Unattractive Things A Woman Can Do On A First Date| thumbnail text - AndOfCourseSquirrels · 17 hr. ago Talk about her ex too much. Especially if that includes talking about how she still lives with him 20.5k Reply Share ••.

Men Express The Most Unattractive Things A Woman Can Do On A First Date

Funniest Parenting Memes We Saw This Past Week (April 9, 2022)| thumbnail text - Friends with no kids be like: "You wanna go to Africa this Friday?"

Funniest Parenting Memes We Saw This Past Week (April 9, 2022)

dating app tweets | thumbnail text - They wrote an intro l'll keep short sweet and honest think adorable mean really cute and like vibe see feel like my type and attracted and would love spend time with .

Man On Dating App Writes Desperate Paragraphs To Woman To Convince Her To Be Friends With Benefits

Man Refuses To Buy His Pregnant Wife A Mother’s Day Gift Because Doesn’t ‘Qualify’ For One Yet| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/UTVols1557 • 12h 2 O 1 WIBTA if I didn't get my pregnant wife a Mother's Day present when our baby isn't due till mid June?

Man Refuses To Buy His Pregnant Wife A Mother’s Day Gift Because She Doesn’t ‘Qualify’ For One Yet

Memes For Anyone Who Is Simultaneously lazy And Sleep Deprived| thumbnail text -  me eating breakfast at 3pm 16

Memes For Anyone Who Is Simultaneously Lazy And Sleep Deprived

Women are Using Elton John's "Hello Hello" to Share Their Romantic "Meet-Cutes" on TikTok

Women are Using Elton John's "Hello Hello" to Share Their Romantic 'Meet-Cutes' on TikTok