

25 Sassy Memes for Spicy Girlfriends in Serious Relationships

25 Sassy Memes for Spicy Girlfriends in Serious Relationships

For the ladies on the spicier spectrum
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pregnant woman's neighbor complains that she is vomiting too loudly | thumbnail text - Posted by u/Mental_Painting815 1 day ago 2 e3 32 84 AITA for vomiting "loudly" while pregnant and disturbing my neighbor? Not the A-hole I am pregnant and have a lot of morning sickness. There are days when I throw up multiple times a day. I live in an apartment building with thin walls (I can hear my neighbor's shower, conservations at times). My neighbor knocked on my door and said she could hear my "loud pu

Pregnant Woman's Neighbor Complains That She Is Vomiting Too Loudly

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience , but throw in some bad morning sickness, and it can make you rethink the whole thing. Contrary to what the name suggests, morning sickness isn't just limited to feeling nauseous or throwing up in the morning. It can strike at any hour of the day, and you best hope you're close to a bathroom when it does . But what if, as you're struggling to keep your food down, and you couldn't feel sh*ttier if you tried, your a**hole neighbor starts going off about how you…
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woman wants to know if she's wrong to blast music to drown out her neighbors loud kids | thumbnail text - Posted by u/AITAthrowkidsstfu 3 months ago 2 AITA for telling my neighbour I will just blast music over her kids yelling Not the A-hole I (f26) moved into a new house that I purchased. My new neighbour a two days later came over to say hello and asked if we had kids. I said no and she pretty much said (not word for word) "oh I hope you don't mind all the noise mine make, they can get very lo

Woman Asks If She's Wrong For Blasting Music To Drown Out Neighbor's Loud Kids

How to be a sh*tty neighbor 101
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askreddit answers about the worst and most regrettable gifts and presents parents got their kids

It's After Christmas And AskReddit Users Are Sharing What They Now Regret Gifting (25 Responses)

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