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Top Wholesome Real Life Meet-Cute Stories From Couples That Will Restore Your Faith in the Dating World

Sometimes dating feels impossible, but don't give up!
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'He is 20... Never packed a bag, lunch, or suitcase': College student sparks passionate discussion on why grown men seem to expect mothers/women to be a constant parent to them

Men? More like boys or manbabies.
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'Back to my place to watch old Elvis Movies': 15+ real life romantic first date stories from women in love

'Back to my place to watch old Elvis Movies': 15+ real life romantic first date stories from women in love

First dates can make or break the beginning of something that could've been beautiful.
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'Those butterflies are a trap': Misconceptions people had about relationships that they eventually realized were total BS

'Those butterflies are a trap': Misconceptions people had about relationships that they eventually realized were total BS

Whether you're in the midst of dating or currently in a relationship, everybody needs a moment to sit down and reflect on past loves . Why did you fall in love? Why did it end in heartbreak? What steps did each party take that made the relationship what it was? Remember, dating takes two (at least). So you have to not only think about your ex-partner, but you also have to look within. Why did you feel butterflies when you were first falling for this ex? Were they actually butterflies, or was it…
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wedding photographers and planners say you can tell if a marriage is going to last depending on how the face cake smash portion goes, if one spouse doesn't want to do it but the other does it anyways, divorced

'I've heard [it from] so many wedding planners & photographers:' The Moment You Can Tell if a Marriage Will Last or Not Is During the Cake Face Smash Moment

I don't think people understand how expensive bridal makeup is?…
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