

hair care routine memes for forgetful girlies who just remembered it's hair wash day and they made plans... time to cancel them

A Shampoo Bottle Full of 28 Hair Care Memes For Girlies Who Just Remembered It's Hair Wash Day

no plans on hair wash day
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Woman Plans Elaborate Scheme to Get Her Husband to Move Out of Their Home, He Finds Her Family’s Group Chat Mocking Him for ‘Holding onto the Past,’ Resulting in Divorce

Woman Plans Elaborate Scheme to Get Her Husband to Move Out of Their Home, He Finds Her Family’s Group Chat Mocking Him for ‘Holding onto the Past,’ Resulting in Divorce

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. Marriages can be long and arduous, a journey of tenacity, patience, and respect. When one person feels disrespected, it’s easy to be offended, but maybe not to the point where you back out of the marriage. Everyone is different, and everyone’s threshold for treatment they’re willing to take is different. A betrayal can look like many things ; it doesn’t always look like cheating, but it is always a form of lying or deceit. It’s more than painfu…
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Woman Pressures Husband for Surgery to Avoid Having More Kids, Only to Divorce a Year Later and Find Out It’s Irreversible

Woman Pressures Husband for Surgery to Avoid Having More Kids, Only to Divorce a Year Later and Find Out It’s Irreversible

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. Most things in life don’t last forever; though we like to fantasize about eternity, even things like marriage aren't eternal for a lot of couples. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but eventually it’s for the better. But the thing is, you assume it is eternal when you marry the person, so you’re probably willing to do whatever you need to do for the sake of the relationship to work. This can get tricky with a decision like a vasectomy, where usually it’s reversible…
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20+ Pickle Memes for Briny Babes Wondering If You're Going to Eat Your Pickle

20+ Pickle Memes for Briny Babes Wondering If You're Going to Eat Your Pickle

There are girlies who hate pickles and there are girlies who love them, and they are besties.
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27 relatable and wholesome memes for lost souls missing their long distance lover on vacation

20+ Long Distance Memes for Girlies Missing Their Sweethearts On Vacation

counting down the days…
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Husband Continually Forgets to Take Photos of His Wife and Daughter Together, Tensions Rise at Daughter’s 5th Birthday Party

Husband Continually Forgets to Take Photos of His Wife and Daughter Together, Tensions Rise at Daughter’s 5th Birthday Party

Welcome back internet queens and kings. Marriages are full of compromises, a nd no one’s relationship is perfect. Someone may want that cute ‘good morning’ text everyday, whereas it could be petulant for the other. Someone may like to cook together, while the other prefers to eat out. Regardless of your preferences, you need to find some sort of middle ground with your partner, and sacrifice some of your wants. But when someone is just plain uninvolved in caring, or seeming uninterested in your…
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Woman Throws Wedding Ring Away After Husband Won’t Stop Gaslighting Her, Claiming They’re Just ‘Silly Jokes,’: ‘He’s making me question my reality’

Woman Throws Wedding Ring Away After Husband Won’t Stop Gaslighting Her, Claiming They’re Just ‘Silly Jokes,’: ‘He’s making me question my reality’

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. In relationships, there are manifold ways of abusing someone. It doesn’t always look like hitting, though that’s horrible enough. Psychological abuse is still abuse, and tormenting someone’s mind for your own personal gain or entertainment is a pretty disgusting practice. It stems from a place of either immaturity and lack of emotional intelligence enough to deal with problems, instead of getting defensive, or it’s just plain malicious . A lot…
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Romantic Realism: 22 Classical Art Memes Illustrating the Ins and Outs of Intimacy in Relationships (August 12, 2024)

Romantic Realism: 22 Classical Art Memes Illustrating the Ins and Outs of Intimacy in Relationships (August 12, 2024)

Even in 1300 they had dating problems
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Woman Refuses to Give Her Boyfriend’s Sister Former Prom Dress For Free, Causing Relationship Dispute

Woman Refuses to Give Her Boyfriend’s Sister Former Prom Dress For Free, Causing Relationship Dispute

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. Our sentimental belongings are, well, sentimental. They’re important to use regardless of their cost, they’re irreplaceable in our memories and hearts. Now, this doesn’t mean they don’t have a monetary value as well. Sentimental items could have both qualities, and it doesn’t take away from their emotional importance. This brings us to the Reddit story. The original poster (OP) is a woman dating a guy with a little sister. The little sister’s p…
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Husband Confronts Wife After Finding Her Secret TikTok Account Exploiting Their Children for Money, Leading to Family Dispute: ‘You’re spoiling my fun’

Husband Confronts Wife After Finding Her Secret TikTok Account Exploiting Their Children for Money, Leading to Family Dispute: ‘You’re spoiling my fun’

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. The digital age is many things; it’s exciting, new, educational, innovative, as well as toxic, addictive, and exploitative. There’s a smaller and smaller line between our private lives and social media. Everything can be filmed nowadays, and being emotionally vulnerable is nothing new on social media. The matter of children is a tough subject; of course as parents it’s natural to want to share your child with the world, in many ways. You think they’re so adora…
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Woman Refuses to Have Another Child With Husband After He Insists on Naming the Baby After Calendar Months, Leading to Family Dispute

Woman Refuses to Have Another Child With Husband After He Insists on Naming the Baby After Calendar Months, Leading to Family Dispute

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. There’s a slew of exciting aspects about becoming a new parent . Even talking to your partner about the prospect of having a child is stimulating and imaginative, fantasizing about all the moments together, how you’ll raise your child, what they’ll be like, what they’ll look like, and what you’ll name them. Naming your child is one of the most important measures to take responsibly. Without consideration of their future, it’s fruitless to just name them whatev…
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A Sunrise of Morning Memes for Moms Forced to Become a Morning Person

A Sunrise of Morning Memes for Night Owl Moms Forced to Become a Morning Person

Remember staying out until 5 am? Now you're waking up at 5 am…
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Woman Bans Her Mother-in-law From Wedding After MIL Buys a White Gown to Wear, Fiancé Gets Involved

Woman Bans Her Mother-in-law From Wedding After MIL Buys a White Gown to Wear, Fiancé Gets Involved

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. A wedding is a special occasion for the bride and groom, and usually the bride has a bit more preferences about the way things should go. Because it’s customary for the bride to wear white on her big day, it’s typical that guests refrain from wearing that color. It’s bad luck, and it’s just plain rude. It’s saying, ‘I don’t care that it’s your day, I’m going to make it about me.’ This can be especially obvious and hurtful when it’s not just any guest, but it’s…
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Woman Rejects Marriage Proposal on Vacation After She’s Repeatedly Told Him She Doesn’t Want to Be Married, She Packs Her Bags

Woman Rejects Marriage Proposal on Vacation After She’s Repeatedly Told Him She Doesn’t Want to Be Married, She Packs Her Bags

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. Marriage isn’t what it used to be. It used to be more common, with a lot of emphasis put on its sanctity. Divorce was less common, and even looked down upon. Through high divorce rates, or watching your parents contempt for each other, people are looking at marriage through a different lens than before. People are waiting, they’re getting married later, and sometimes they’re not getting married at all. In this Reddit piece, the woman here tells…
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Woman Demotes Friend as Maid of Honor After She Makes a Pass at Fiance, Causing a Rift in Their Friendship

Woman Demotes Friend as Maid of Honor After She Makes a Pass at Fiance, Causing a Rift in Their Friendship

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. We all know what it’s like to feel jealousy. That pang of nausea, like there’s a pit in your stomach that you can’t mitigate. Like your head is swirling with thoughts and fears of betrayal, feeling like all your worst nightmares are enclosing around you. It makes us feel worthless, undesirable, and insecure. I think it’s safe to say that no one likes that feeling. It’s even worse when it’s from people you thought you could trust, such as your f…
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Woman Begs Her Sister for Financial Support, Husband Puts His Foot Down, Leading to Potential Divorce: ‘You’re being heartless’

Woman Begs Her Sister for Financial Support, Husband Puts His Foot Down, Leading to Potential Divorce: ‘You’re being heartless’

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. When mixing money and family, make sure to add tact, respect, and modesty. Money is the ultimate divider; even among family members, relationships are torn apart when cash and assets become involved. Hostility, resentment, and even going no contact with family members isn’t impossible when you suddenly have to decipher a will together, and realize that your cousin Becky got more money than you did. This brings us to the Reddit piece. The original poster (OP) i…
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