

‘Time you pay back what you owe’: Woman Refuses to Give Ex-husband His Money After He Accidentally Transfers Her $18,000, Claiming It’s a Sign He Should Pay Back His Loans

‘Time you pay back what you owe’: Woman Refuses to Give Ex-husband His Money After He Accidentally Transfers Her $18,000, Claiming It’s a Sign He Should Pay Back His Loans

How the tables have turned
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28 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a girlfriend who payed her boyfriends rent for four months and isn't getting her money back anytime soon | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man in a blue shirt arguing with a woman in a red dress 'You owe me $4000'

'Technically, I don't owe you anything' : Girlfriend Pays Boyfriend's Rent for Four Months Assuming He'll Pay Her Back, He Sees It as a $4000 ‘Investment’ in Their Relationship

Smells like a Ponzi scheme
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