

30 pictures of women and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures of women and one picture of text including 'who was your first crush/awakening?'

30 Giggly Girlies Spill The Spicy Tea on Their First Female Crush

Cameron Diaz in literally anything
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31 lesbian memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'freethehippies Follow M AD u cant spell disappointment without men 88885' and one meme including 'When ugly guys ask you out I'm a lesbian'

31 Limber Lesbian Memes Giving Us Hilariously Creative Ways To Say "Not interested"

Girls only
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32 queer memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including '2 people of the same gender: - Wrote love letters to each other - Frequently gave each other gifts - Lived together until they died - Were buried together Historians: Oh my god, they were roommates.' and one meme including '"Are you a boy or a girl?" I'm an experience'

33 Qveer Memes For Femmes Fatales Embracing Sassy Soul Sisterhood

You're not just a snack, ladies, you're a whole meal
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30 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one image of a heart with the lesbian flag inside, one picture of text including 'I thought you were American' and one picture of text including '"I could change that". I hear that all the time, and it drives me insane.'

The 30 Most Ridiculous Responses Received By Women When Telling Guys "I'm a Lesbian"

Hi, A lesbian, I'm Dad
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30 lesbian memes | Thumbnail includes one meme of a woman including 'Good luck with your marriage. Your wife's obsessed with me.' and one meme from The Office including 'mlewl two women: lived together in a cottage for their whole adult lives, never married men, stayed like this until they died historians: Like, are they friends?'

30 Memes Full of Sapphic Sass That Speak To Every Woman (Who's Into Women)

These memes moved it together after the second date
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21 lesbian wedding photos | Thumbnail includes two pictures of lesbian weddings

21 Heartwarmingly Wholesome Wedding Photos That Put the L In Love And LGBTQIA

Simply beautiful
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34 lesbian memes | Thumbnail includes one meme of a woman holding on to metal bars including 'THE FLOOR IS MEN' and one meme of a finger and a piece of paper including 'A list of the men that could turn me straight'

34 Lesbian Memes That Moved In Together After The First Date

Putting the L in LGBTQ+
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33 lesbian memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including '*guy approaches me* FUNNYLESBIANS the exit is that way' and one meme of two lesbians including 'lesbians saying goodbye at the end of their 60 hour first date'

33 Funny Lesbian Memes That Are Already Packed In The Back Of The Subaru

Two weeks in and they're already engaged
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funny-LGBTQ, funny-lesbian-couples, lesbian-couple-memes, loving-lesbians, cute-lesbian-couples, women-supporting-women

20+ Funny Dating Memes for Gals and Pals Who Put the 'L' in LGBTQ

Send them one flirty meme and BAM, now you're living together in a loving longterm relationship.
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14 screenshots from a Reddit post where a 14 year-old boy tells the story of how his mom is marrying his step-mom and he feels confused | Thumbnail includes a picture of two women having a conversation and a pink box with highlighted text on it 'My mom has gotten engaged to my stepmom and it feels weird'

'Dad sure knows how to pick em': Man's Ex-Wife Marries His Other Ex-Wife, Leaving Their 14-Year-Old Son Confused & Mortified

What in the Ross from Friends is going on here?
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boyfriend lesbians meet-cute sadie hawkins flirting romantic flirty dms cute Memes girlfriend lol lmao women dating - 17994757

Funniest Memes for Romantically Ambitious Ladies Who Always Make the First Move

Come on ladies, leave all the first moves to the men? I don't think so.
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