

Woman Kicks Husband Out of Delivery Room After He Brings His Mom In to Give Unsolicited Advice During Labor

Woman Kicks Husband Out of Delivery Room After He Brings His Mom In to Give Unsolicited Advice During Labor

She didn't ask to get lectured during labor!
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Man Insists on His Mother Being in Delivery Room During Wife’s Birth, She Refuses, Resulting in Heated Discussion

Man Insists on His Mother Being in Delivery Room During Wife’s Birth, She Refuses, Resulting in Heated Discussion

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. When a woman is going to be in labor, it’s a very emotional, vulnerable, and intimate position she’s in. Doctors are running around you, nurses are injecting you with foreign objects, and it’s important to have your safety net of people there to comfort you while you’re in such an uncomfortable situation. It’s the woman’s body, therefore it’s the woman’s choice who she wants and doesn’t want in the delivery room with her. No one can speak for her, and no one w…
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"Will It Swaddle?": Labor/Delivery Nurse Goes Viral for Attempting to Swaddle Things That Don't Really Need to Be Swaddled

"Will It Swaddle?": Labor/Delivery Nurse Goes Viral for Attempting to Swaddle Things That Don't Really Need to Be Swaddled

Her expertise for swaddling infants has now leveled up to swaddling other creatures, like cats, chickens, and even a grown adult man.
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Immature Husband Publicly humiliates Wife For Pooping During Labor| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/No-Care3049 · 2d 1 2 31 O1 1 2 2 3 29 a 26 1 AITA for blowing up on my husband infront of his family during N.Y.E celebration after he joked about my birth experience? Not the A-hole

Immature Husband Publicly humiliates Wife For Pooping During Labor

Never too late to file for divorce
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Idiotic New Dad Plays Gross Prank On Wife While She Was 8 Hours Into Labor| Thumbnail Text - Nose - AITA for kicking my husband out of the delivery room? I (23F) and my husband (24M) just had our first baby. My husband was so excited and was super supportive throughout the pregnancy. The only thing is he became obsessed with watching YouTube and TikTok videos of husbands pulling pranks on their wives while in labor.

Idiotic New Dad Plays Gross Prank On Wife While She Was 8 Hours Into Labor

Immaturity at the literal worst time
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women's stories of funny moments in the delivery room - cover pic while I was in labor, my fiance asked doctor if he could hook up his xbox while waiting for me to push

Women Reveal Their Funny And Ridiculous Delivery Room Moments

Not exactly how labor is supposed to go
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ob/gyns reveal craziest things they heard husbands and boyfriends say | thumbnail text -  AthanasiusJam 11 hours ago · edited 11 hours ago S He complimented my surgical ability, stating that he had been to many strip clubs, and he has never seen such a beautiful C-section scar.

OB/GYN’s Reveal The Craziest Things They've Heard Boyfriends And Husbands Say

Some men...
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labor lol confession cheezcake funny weird women - 6380037

20 Crazy Funny Moments From The Delivery Room

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