
25 Oddly Specific Mid-2000s Snapshots That Will Transport Every Millennial and Gen Z Woman Back to Girlhood

25 Oddly Specific Mid-2000s Snapshots That Will Transport Every Millennial and Gen Z Woman Back to Girlhood

26 Lo-fi Love Memes for Internet Couples Whose Love Language is Sending Memes

26 Lo-fi Love Memes for Internet Couples Whose Love Language is Sending Memes

Woman Sings Praises of Kindhearted Husband in Wholesome Thread Where She Asks Internet to Show Him Some Love, Internet Responds Adorably

Woman Sings Praises of Kindhearted Husband in Wholesome Thread Where She Asks Internet to Show Him Some Love, Internet Responds Adorably

30 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes text including '‘I'm not mad or disappointed, only worried about my husband's reaction’'

'What if it's not just a phase?': Modern Mom Learns How To Navigate Puzzling Pronouns With Wholesome Advice From The Internet

1 tweet and 22 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of text including 'Rachel Elizabeth @chaotic_sub Thinking about the first time I ever clicked the "interested in women" setting on Bumble and the first person it showed me was my therapist'

Woman Goes From Couch Confidant To Swipe Surprise When She Finds An Unexpected Match On Bumble, Internet Reacts Hilariously

31 Nostalgic Memes for Millennial Women Longing for the Good Ol’ Days

31 Nostalgic Memes for Millennial Women Longing for the Good Ol’ Days

25+ Heartwarming Memes for Partners With a Wholesome Kink in Relationships (August 11, 2023)

25+ Heartwarming Memes for Partners With a Wholesome Kink in Relationships (August 11, 2023)

18 screenshots from a reddit article where users wrote in what they do when they miss their significant others | Thumbnail has a zoomed in picture of a hand holding a phone next to a cup of coffee, with black text outlined in a light pink color that says 'I text him that I miss him and spam him with memes'

‘I Go Ballistic’: 18 Co-dependent Couples on How They Conquer the Catastrophes of Missing Each Other

twitter thread about internet insults | thumbnail text -  Lawrence @SBINF Replying thedigitaldash_ One time this dude told looked like wore fedora and referred women as "m'lady 10:32 PM Mar 13, 2022 Twitter Web App

People Recall Internet Insults They Received That Will Stick With Them For Life (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about tumblr | thumbnail text - @surbirby Replying abbygov tumblr og @GirlsWhoCode blueprint 8:40 PM Jan 20, 2022 Twitter iPhone

Tumblr Deserves Credit For Molding Us Into The Women We Are Today (Twitter Thread)

liars called out internet shameful liar roast public | Replying No, our universities infested with Communists went my sons graduation U O Eugene. His history professor started off his speech hate America 10:29 PM 12/12/19 witter iPhone 1d v Replying am chair history department at University Oregon and conduct our graduation ceremonies. This did not happen. 8 27 17 155

Liars Who Got Called TF Out On The Internet

twitter thread abot offline BFs | thmbnail text - known gaslighter @AFABRocky ... tbh “offline boyfriends" are overrated. there is an insurmountable cultural, linguistic, and humor gap between people with internet-poisoned brain and people without it. you'll never truly relate to each other, and you'll feel crazy trying to explain your jokes to him. 8:16 PM · Nov 30, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Internet-Obsessed People Debate Whether 'Offline Boyfriends' Are Worth Dating

Facebook Is Now Called 'Meta' - Time To Call In The Roasters| Thumbnail Text - Product - OO Meta Brandy Jensen @BrandyLJensen this all happened because zuckerberg never meta girl until college 9:29 PM Oct 28, 2021 104.8K 496 Share this Tweet

Facebook Is Now Called 'Meta' - Time To Call In The Roasters

people who embarrassed themselves on the internet in really awkward moments | Text - If you were 32 weeks pregnant, and your spouse posts a meme in a private group that you're not in, that says "I only date antivaxxers because you only have to pay child support for 8 years instead of 18" What would your thoughts be? He says it's not about me

Awkward Moments Which Take 'Awkward' To A New Level

Embarrassing Misunderstandings That Will Now Live Forever On The Internet| thumbnail text - Tweets Tweet I don't understand why people always say that the Mona Lisa is Leonardo Da vinci's best work. I really liked his role in titanic! 9/22/13 10:07 AM via web

Embarrassing Misunderstandings That Will Now Live Forever On The Internet

husband refuses to look at wife's boudoir photos and intenet calls him an asshole | thumbnail Text - Posted by u/thorwayayawn 13 days ago 3 AITA for telling my wife I don't want to look at her boudoir photos? Asshole My wife is two years older than me. She's 41 now and I think she knows that she's been aging. Even though she takes reasonably good care of herself, it's pretty stark how she looks and how everybody else in our group of mid to late thirties people look.

Husband Refuses To Look At Wife's 'Desperate' Boudoir Photos, Internet Scolds Him

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