
It's the 'Gram. An entire generation of lazy kids has turned a social media platform into a successful lifestyle. Where was this when we worked at gas stations and movie theaters. It is a craze that has swept the world and left little privacy in its wake. Show check out some of the best Insta memes and gifs and everything in between and satisfy that urge to add a Story.

I Accidentally Went On A Date With My Instagram Stalker| thumbnail text - woman

I Accidentally Went On A Date With My Instagram Stalker

Realistic Memes About The Atrocious Discomfort We Voluntarily Submit Ourselves To On First Dates| thumbnail text - sarafcarter SAIA @sarafcarter Me before a first date: I hope he's not a serial killer. Me on a first date: so who's your favorite serial killer?

Realistic Memes About The Atrocious Discomfort We Experience On First Dates

pictures of crazy nail art from russian salon - thumbnail includes two pictures of nail designs women's bodies in bikinis and sailor moon characters

More Crazy Nail Designs From Russian Salon

Funny tweets about social media | thumbnail text -  Cassidy Rota @cassidyrota Doing social media for higher ed is 27% deleting sugar baby want ads from the Instagram comments 3:43 PM · Mar 15, 2021 from East Providence, RI · Twitter for iPhone

Funniest Tweets About Social Media We Saw This Week

overheard ny conversations | thumbnail text -"I love talking to my doorman, so much that I stopped going to my therapist. He's from Staten Island and just so real." Coverheardnewyork

More Funny 'Overheard NY' Conversations For People Who Have Lived In The City Far Too Long

pictures of girl in food Fashion - cover pic little girl posing in dressed made out of leaves and pizza

Mom Dresses Daughter In Adorable Food Fashion

What Disney characters would look like if they were real people - thumbnail includes two pictures of Elsa from Frozen and Tiana from Princess and the Frog

Disney Characters Reimagined As Real Life People

overheard ny conversations | thumbnail text - Middle Schooler to Friend: "We're two different types of New York. You're New York Fashion Week and l'm the guy who puts on the rat suit and jumps out to scare tourists." Coverheardnewyork

More Funny 'Overheard NY' Conversations That Made Us Want To Pack Our Bags For NYC

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail includes two letters - Text - Dear Abe, Thanks for telling me all the fun and exciting things you were going to do to me during the blandest sex of my life. The running commentary doesn't make the sex more interesting, it just makes it weird and uncomfortable. As did the pat on the thigh as you told me "that was amazing." TO THE Thanks, I think, GUYS Rach I'VE Kinda DATED Dear Amnan, I thought it was weird that you

Funny, Brutal Breakup Letters Women Wrote To The Disappointing Men They Dated

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail includes two letters - Text - Dear “Boyfriend", You called me “homie" for the first two years because you "didn't believe in using the word girlfriend" and then ghosted me. My friends say I'm handling the break up well. TO THE Your "homie", Liz GUYS I'VE Kinda DATED Robert, You could have warned me before inviting your MOM to our FIRST date. Saying that your other dates "didn't mind it" is a lie! Obviously they frea

Funny, Brutal Breakup Letters Women Wrote To Their 'Disappointing Exes'

girly instagram comics | thumbnail text - I love myself But like this like that ( love me too

More Girly Comics That Brightened Our Day

overheard ny conversations | thumbnail text -  "Look at that guy, I love his style. His whole black outfit with that white thingy in his shirt and those cool old school glasses." "He's a priest." Coverheardnewyork

'Overheard NY' Conversations That Make NYC Even More Iconic

instagram artist cartoons | thumbnail text -  IT'S SPOOK TOBER! LET'S ALL WATCH SCARY MovIES SO wE DON'T HAVE TO THINK ABOUT OUR FEELINGS

Seasonal Cartoons For Women That Cured Our Seasonal Depression

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail text - Dear David, It was bad enough when you left your chewing gum stuck to my bed post the night you stayed over. What's worse was you lying beside me the next day showing me pictures of all the other women you were also dating and asking me if they were hot or not! Hoping to never see you again, TO THE Suzie GUYS I'VE Kinda DATED CJ, Are you going to tell your wife you cheated on her with me on your honeymoon in

Funny, Brutal Breakup Letters Women Wrote To Their 'Disappointing Exes'

comics for women | thumbnail text - Wearing heels How look How T feel

Fifteen Relatable Comics That Truly Capture Modern Female Experiences

Wicked Comebacks That Must Have Felt Undeniably Satisfying| thumbnail text - The Jamerican Anime Princess @katmiriamxo If you did it when you were drunk you wanted to do it sober. Ter-Lee Comedy @terryleeborror I'm pretty sure I didn't want to sleep outside in a wheelbarrow all night but alright.

Wicked Comebacks That Must Have Felt Especially Satisfying