
It's the 'Gram. An entire generation of lazy kids has turned a social media platform into a successful lifestyle. Where was this when we worked at gas stations and movie theaters. It is a craze that has swept the world and left little privacy in its wake. Show check out some of the best Insta memes and gifs and everything in between and satisfy that urge to add a Story.

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail includes two letters Dearest Joe, My heart broke when you told me your mom passed from Covid. She must have WiFi in the grave because I saw her posting on social media the other day. WTF Ann | Rob, After 10 year hiatus excited see again until asked often masturbated, said were surprised hadn't gotten fat, and suggested l'd make good oven baby. Cheers another 10, Grace GUYS Kinda DATED

Funny, Brutal Letters Of Disappointment From Girls To Their “Exes” (October 8, 2020)

mcdonal's hacks to make things cheaper and easier - thumbnail text - Instead Of Ordering A Sausage Egg Mcmuffin, Order A Normal Sausage Mcmuffin And Add An Egg To Save Some Dollars.

Creative McDonald's Hacks Making Your Life Easier

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail includes two letters - Text - Drew, We had been dating for a while and I relocated to your city a week ago. I decided to check out that local church you mentioned to me. The only man I spoke with there said he knew you, because you were dating his daughter. My dad doesn't go to that church.

Funny, Brutal Letters Of Disappointment From Girls To Their “Exes” (October 1, 2020)

funny dad jokes to make your eyes roll | thumbnail Text - Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes Ladies, if he can't appreciate your fruit jokes, you need... .. to let that mango.

A New Batch Of Eye-Rolling Punny Dad Jokes

satans funny instagram account | thumbnail Text - Satan @s8n Mary : I'm pregnant Joseph : we haven't even had sex? Mary : uhh yeah it's Gods baby, it's a miracle.

Satan's Instagram Is Full Of Funny As Hell One-Liners

Cakes with Internet Trolls’ Written on top - thumbnail includes two pictures of cakes | WAIT TIL YOU BOTH GO TO HELL | ARE AN UGLY EXCUSE HUMAN

Bakery Writes Internet Trolls’ Insults On Cakes, Then Sends Them Back To Trolls

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail includes two letters - Dear Jason, Thank you for picking your nose and eating it in front of me. I can't imagine what you do in private. Disgusted, Bernadette | Tom, My favorite memory is homeless man had guilt into opening car door can't believe lost out on such gentleman. Best Bettina

Funny, Brutal Letters Of Disappointment From Girls To Their “Exes” (September 24, 2020)

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail includes two letters Text - Dearest Josh, Thanks for calling me 74 times in 46 minutes after I said I wanted to take it slow....and then blaming it all on your daughter. The 3 minute voicemail was real cute too. Please lose my number. Thanks, Angela

Funny, Brutal Letters Of Disappointment From Girls To Their “Exes” (September 17, 2020)

funniest snippets of conversation heard in LA | Text - "How was the FaceTime date?" "Eh. He did most of the talking, so it was kind of like watching an Instagram Live about one man's experience with keto."

More Funny Overheard in LA Conversations

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Artist Reimagines What Mona Lisa Would Look Like In Today’s Society (Photos)

incredibly talented Japanese mom creates works of art in kid's food - thumbnail includes two pics of food

Japanese Mom Creates Works Of Art In Food For Her Kids

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Beauty Blunder Of The Week: Bratz Doll Makeup

letters of disappointment from women to guys they've dated | text - Dear Dre, Awesome been sticking over year but can't accept my Facebook friend request. Find new FWB. Love Jenna

Funny, Brutal Letters Of Disappointment From Girls To Their “Exes” (September 11, 2020)

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Fashionable Elderly German Couple Post Flamboyant Outfits On Instagram

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Guy Sticks All Sorts Of Random Objects In His Beard

letters of disappointment from women to guys they've dated | Dear James, Every morning get up use bathroom very quietly pretend l'm still asleep so can masturbate before get back bed. Yes, sometimes have quickie, however, 30 seconds pumping doesn't work Lots things are hard life, but orgasms shouldn't be Love, Layla GUYS Kinda DATED | Dear David could overlook fact didn't look anything like pictures on Bumble. However couldn't overlook side hustle involved taking other peoples' bikes and selling

Funny, Brutal Letters Of Disappointment From Girls To Their “Exes” (September 3, 2020)