
i quit

‘I don't want to give it all up’: Woman Refuses to Resign From Her Role Just So Her Husband Can Receive A Promotion, Claims She'd Be Giving Up Her Livelihood

Husband Gets Promoted To Oversee Wife’s Department on the Condition That She Resigns, Wife Refuses To Sacrifice Her Independence for His $20K Gain

If she quits, they lose $20K of their annual joint income and she loses her independence.
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20+ Women Discuss What Are 'Dead Giveaways' That Your Workplace is Toxic

20+ Women Discuss What Are 'Dead Giveaways' That Your Workplace is Toxic

The managerial team is husband and wife? Ruh-roh, bestie…
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AITA: 'Women should be flattered by catcalls': Clueless creeper attempts to seduce his attractive coworker, toxic masculinity blinds him to how stalkerish he's being until after she quits

AITA: 'Women should be flattered by catcalls': Toxic creeper attempts to seduce his attractive coworker, cluelessly gets offended when she quits because of him

Someone needs to get reported to HR
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