
30 witty memes about the single life and people attracting only emotionally unavailable people | Thumbnail includes a picture of a Disney cartoon character - a big white man with an orange moustache smiling and holding his hands together, thumbnail also includes a screenshot of a tweet 'Me waiting unavailable for the next emotionally man to come ruin my life Vaibhav @dailytoonies If you're single, have some patience. Your soulmate is almost done with those divorce papers.'

'Single & Ready to Mingle' Memes for Girls Whose Milkshakes Bring All the Emotionally Unavailable Boys to the Yard

Top 20 'Single Pringle' Memes for Ladies Stuck on Dating Apps (April 30, 2023)

Top 20 'Single Pringle' Memes for Ladies Stuck on Dating Apps (April 30, 2023)

22 humorous wifey memes about marriage and parenting | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a text conversation and a picture of a mom hiding from her child under a blanket 'Break it The kids are building a fort Tf is wrong with you If we can't have nice things neither can they. I got this blanket to hide under when I just need a damn moment Ask Go dad'

Top 22 Winsome Wifey Memes for the Witty Committee (April 28, 2023)

33 memes about dating apps and online dating | Thumbnail includes a picture of Peter Griffin reporting on a news channel and a picture of the drawn awkward face meme with a cycle of arrows 'YOU KNOW WHAT REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS? MY GEARS- ONLINE DATING PROFILES WHERE EVERY PICTURE IS YOU IN A GROUP OF FRIENDS AND I HAVE TO SLEUTH WHICH PERSON IS THE COMMON DOMINATOR IN ALL 5 PICTURES Delete dating profiles Lonely <-> Get frustrated with online dating in general Go on dating apps'

Top 33 Memes to Illustrate the Endless Cycle of Online Dating and Swiping Through Dating App Profiles

Top 20 Relationship Memes for Ladies Who Secured a Green Flag Boyfriend (April 26, 2023)

Top 20 Relationship Memes for Lucky Ladies Who Secured a Green Flag Boyfriend (April 26, 2023)

29 witty relationship memes about typical dating situations | Thumbnail includes a picture of two fish from Spongebob in a movie theatre and a picture of a pink power ranger sitting on a bed 'when he picks you up, pays for the movie and then buys you popcorn AND sourpatch kids This could be us but you playin'

29 Witty Relationship Memes for Silly Soulmates Whose Love Language Is Laughing at Memes Together

24 witty marriage memes for married couples with a silly sense of humor | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man using a stethoscope on a woman and a picture of ravioli 'Her: Bae my knee hurts Me: italian condoms are weird'

24 Witty Marriage Memes for Spouses With a Silly Billy Sense of Humor

25 dating memes about uncertain relationships and situationships | Thumbnail includes a picture of Spongebob crying and holding up a sweater made out of his tears and a picture of Pikatchu with a surprised facial expression 'him: don't catch feelings, we just hooking up okay? Lol her: ok i went on a date last night him: I made it with my tears. Guy: I don't want a relationship. Girl: That's fine. Me either. Girl: So what are we? Guy: Friends. Girl:'

25 Dating Memes for People Stuck in a Sticky Situationship

22 sassy memes about the single life | Thumbnail includes a picture of a little girl sitting in a carseat and giving the camera a dirty look, thumbnail also includes a picture of a chuckie doll '"Hey, I'm in your city!" Me: "Ok... have fun" When she's toxic and thinks that new hair is gonna change her'

22 Sassiest Dating Memes for Self-Sufficient Solo Souls

Top 21 'Single Pringle' Memes for Ladies Stuck on Dating Apps (April 23, 2023)

Top 21 'Single Pringle' Memes for Ladies Stuck on Dating Apps (April 23, 2023)

49 humorous memes about complicated relationships and relationship turmoil | Thumbnail includes a picture of Cinderella's step sister's foot trying to fit into a glass slipper and a screenshot of a meme 'when you meet someone hot but you know they ain't the one but you try anyway Things Things I want: snuggles I receive: struggles'

49 Dating Memes for People Going Through Relationship Turmoil

33 wholesome and hilarious memes about husbands | Thumbnail includes a picture of a couple in therapy and a picture of Kylie Jenner pregnant 'Therapist: what's upsetting you? Wife: he's always using common phrases incorrectly Me: cry me a table, Linda When he constantly tags you in memes you've never seen before WIF @MasiPopal [next thing I knew, I was pregnant]'

33 Hilariously Wholesome Hubby Memes of the Week (April 23, 2023)

25 wholesome memes about love and healthy relationships | Thumbnail includes a picture of a cartoon dog holding a cartoon black and white cat in its hand and a picture of a real life grey pit bull standing with its front feet on the oven door 'Gotta show your girl off like this when u try to cook and hope its good cause you love her very much and just want her to be proud of you'

25 Healthy Relationship Memes for Couples With a Wholesome Kink

17 tweets about dating apps | Thumbnail includes a blue and pink gradient background with a screenshot of a tweet '@modernwlfhair dating apps are lame, i find love the old fashioned way: rotting in my room until someone way more outgoing than me adopts me'

Top Accurate Dating App Tweets of the Week (April 22, 2023)

21 memes about cheesy and cringey love | Thumbnail includes a picture of a couple having a date in the middle of the eggs isle in a supermarket and a picture of spongebob laying on the floor with his pet Gary '"Take me somewhere expensive" Lacking vitamin U'

21 Love Memes for Cringey, Cheesy Couples

25 sweet and sassy memes about relationships and dating | Thumbnail includes a picture of Bugs Bunny counting money and a picture of Jessie the cow girl from toy story 'If my gf got paid for getting mad When he do what he said he was gone do in them messages:'

A Mix of 25 Sweet & Sassy Memes to Spice Up Any Relationship Going Through a Rut