

The Moment People Discovered Their Significant Other’s Lack of Intellect (21 Pictures)

The Moment People Discovered Their Partner's Lack of Intellect (21 Pictures)

Is it too late now to take back the 'I do's?
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29 funny and relatable memes about being married | Thumbnail includes a picture of Spongebob being excited to see Squidward and a picture of a married couple playing with cats 'How ya girl waits for you to come home from work when she had the day off our cats had a fight and my parents are trying to make them resolve it lol'

29 Relationship Memes For Happily Married Couples

Those that said 'I do' and never looked back
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Funniest Memes for People Who Married Their Best Friend

Funniest Memes for People Who Married Their Best Friend

I do
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