
google maps

twitter thread about men who are hilariously passionate about google maps | thumbnail text - Bayek Sowa @SowaTheArrog Replying wife_geist on vacation Cancun looked up see long 'd take drive home reason don't know 4:33 PM Mar 2, 2022 Twitter Web App

Men Unite Over Their Irrational Passion For Checking How Far Places Are On Google Maps (Twitter Thread)

They're so obsessed it's adorable
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depressing names on maps

30 Screenshots Of The Most Depressing Sounding Places On Google Maps

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cool google maps facts weird google fun facts - 5419525

20 Pretty Cool Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Google Maps

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google maps names places - 4906757

Brilliant Guy Tracks The Most Unfortunate Places On Google Maps And It's Hilarious

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