

people reveal worst gifts they received from their in-laws | thumbnail Text - "For my wedding shower, I got a Pyrex pie plate with a crack in the bottom. Upon pulling it out of the wrapping, my soon to be mother-in-law says, "We got that at an auction. We paid a dollar for it."Thanks for showing me just how much I mean to you. She is no longer my mother-in-law."

Worst Gifts People Received From Their In-Laws

The gift of in-laws
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reddit thread of what would be in a 2020 museum gift shop - cover pic describing fun things that would all be cancelled and only return half the money | jellyfishrunner 172 points 1 day ago Lots really exciting things, like vouchers skydives, holidays etc. But once buy get an email rescheduling one month on, every month, until 's cancelled, and get half money back.

Redditors Reveal: What Would Be in The Museum of 2020

The stuff you want to forget
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house model from lego highly elaborate and detailed lego houses modeled after actual houses

Creative Christmas Gift Idea: The Perfect LEGO Model Of Your House

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funny prank gift boxes

Prank Gift Boxes Are The Most Amusing Way To Surprise Your Loved Ones On Christmas

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