
Happy and gay all day long. Love yourself and enjoy all the upbeat humor you can handle.

38 pictures from Rupaul's Drag Race | Thumbnail includes one picture including 'The Sound of Rusic' and one picture of a drag queen

"The Sound of Rusic" Rupaul Ruview - 30+ Sassy Snapshots Spilling The Tea On The Latest Episode

30 spicy memes | Thumbnail includes one meme of a woman eating ice cream including '@hotmessbian 吃夜時丰富集 me the idea of my skull being crushed by a beautiful woman's thighs LAFORET 7/27 131 Mon #w LAFORET' and one meme of a man including '

30 Queer Memes For Bedroom Baddies Who Like It Sassy And Spicy

15 pictures of drag queens and dolls | Thumbnail includes two pictures of drag queens and dolls and one picture of a sign including 'SPOILER ALERT'

Drag Race Recap "Welcome To The Doll House": Ruvealing The Emotional Elimination And Who Slayed Their Sisters

36 bisexual memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'straight person: are you gay bi person: no straight person: are you straight bi person: no straight person: y=ax +bx+ (x₁, x₂)=-b V=1²² 3 A BE27' and one meme including 'Im bisexual But I hate everyone So more like Byesexual'

36 Bisexual Memes That Make Heteronormativity Run For Cover

34 lesbian memes | Thumbnail includes one meme of a woman holding on to metal bars including 'THE FLOOR IS MEN' and one meme of a finger and a piece of paper including 'A list of the men that could turn me straight'

34 Lesbian Memes That Moved In Together After The First Date

36 sassy memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'My resume watching me put: "Hardworking and motivated" on it' and one meme including '[Doctor checking my throat] Me: Aghhhh Doctor: We both know you can open wider than that @TwunkTheTwink'

A Sassy Storm of 36 Memes with a 100% Chance Of Shade In the Forecast

30 LGBTQIA memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'for those of you that don't know, i'm not accepted by my parents for being gay. i have struggled for five years with them and decided this year to cut off contact. this is my first christmas not with them and this is how sarahs (my fiancée) dad tagged my gift » Kate To From DAD' and one meme of a trash can including 'it's so nice to be represented ACAUTION i GARBAGE NAME'

A Heartwarming Helping Of Hilarious LGBTQ+ Memes For Wholesome Heroes Who Believe That Gender Is A Social Construct

33 lesbian memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including '*guy approaches me* FUNNYLESBIANS the exit is that way' and one meme of two lesbians including 'lesbians saying goodbye at the end of their 60 hour first date'

33 Funny Lesbian Memes That Are Already Packed In The Back Of The Subaru

34 Rupaul's Drag Race Memes | Thumbnail includes one meme of Rupaul and Michelle Visage including 'me: I don't judge people also me:' and one meme of Dumbledore including 'dr3w @politoed Rupaul collecting trauma from queens Leeds'

A RuPaul Roast Of 34 Drag Race Memes For All The Comedy Queens In the Audience

31 screenshots from Grindr | Thumbnail includes one screenshot including 'Position 08:31 ( You are getting sleepy... you're a tup now 10:19 @ Twunk The Twink Bttm 09:45' and one screenshot including 'How's it going 4:01 PM It's goin ok. Just watchin the chiefs game. You? Mat, we're on grindr and I follow you on Twitter. You can drop the hetero act 4:03 PM 4:02 PM'

Grindr Gems: A Hole New World Of Hilarity In 30 Sassy Screenshots

34 gay memes | Thumbnail includes one meme of a supermarket including 'I'm not a trophy wife I'm a DELICATE FARM BOTTOM OF DISPLAY' and one meme of a bus including 'When you have no gays on your marketing team Manchesten 00000000 Bussy the Vampire Slayer 54268 8 YY65 VXK 00000000 mec com y bus travel'

A Gaggle Of Gay Memes & Tweets For Iced Coffee Queens Who Serve Sass On The Daily

32 Rupaul's Drag Race memes | Thumbnail includes one tweet including 'Jan Sport @janjanjan "Don't fall for him" Me: H SIM ...' and one tweet including 'Olly Barter @OllyBarter. 8h Jimbo's lesbian in the workroom. #AllStars8'

A Sickening Supply Of 32 Drag Race Memes Because Reading Is Fundamental

straight gay gay-best-friend gbf gays best-friend bestie friend friends friendship girlfriend boyfriend ultimatum besties toxic toxic-relationships relationships reddit aita

'I was straight': Girlfriend gets jealous of her boyfriend's gay bestie after he claims to have had a crush on him; gives his a serious ultimatum in response

AITA: 'Definitely a double life': Gaslighting husband takes 3 week vacations with his ‘dear friend’, wife gets left behind and Redditors speculate an affair

AITA: 'Someone has a second family': Gaslighting husband takes 3 week vacations with his ‘dear friend’, wife gets left behind and Redditors speculate an affair

aita post | thumbnail text - Posted by u/throwawaytexasboy1 2 days ago 5 18 18 2 S28 AITA getting my aunt and uncle kicked out their house not letting my husband and sleep together?

Aunt And Uncle Don't Allow Adult Nephew To Sleep In The Same Room As Spouse Because They're A Gay Couple

Straight Men Expose The Strange Things They Were Told Not To Do Because 'That's Gay'| Thumbnail text - irishamerican • 313d 2 Awards At work I once complimented another man on his outfit. My male co-workers looked at me as if I had asked if he had naked photos of himself I could see. 40.4k

Straight Men Expose The Strange Things They Were Told Not To Do Because 'That's Gay'