
funny tinder

tinder conversations | thumbnail text - Hey Girl! Whatcha doing? Hey Girl! Where're you going? Who's that girl? (Who's that girl?) Who's that girl? (Who's that girl?) It's... GIRL

The Wildest Tinder Conversations Of The Week (April 25, 2022)

Tinder be wildin'
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tinder conversations | thumbnail text - If giraffe and were giraffe would slap my neck against 1000 other giraffes establish dominance herd and make my majestic giraffe queen Sent Today 12:26 PM Boy thats nerdy pickup line And guess loves Lol O D O O

The Wildest Tinder Conversations Of The Week (April 18, 2022)

Tinder gets wilder every day
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funny tinder conversations | thumbnail text - Hey, you're bold for leading with that bikini picture and I wanted to commend you Call me squidward cause I'm bold and brash Will do and you can call me spongebob because I am deeply flawed and filled with holes НАНАНАНА thats funny Hell yea I got jokes But yea I think we are not compatible Nicole, but you seem cool AF

This Week's Batch Of Wild Tinder Conversations (April 12, 2022)

Tinder gone wild
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tinder conversations | thumbnail text -  You like big men? Actually not usually but you're pretty faking hot. Does it annoy you how submissive you are to an alpha male? ? No. You're losing me. Alpha male? Gross. Babe I'm 6'5 and bench 450lbs Most men just listen to me and women love being bossed around by me Is this a skit?

The Wildest Tinder Exchanges Of The Week (April 5, 2022)

Tinder conversations are out of control
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tinder conversations | thumbnail text -

The Wildest Tinder Exchanges Of The Week (March 29, 2022)

Tinder is a funky place
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dating app tweets | thumbnail text -  bobby hill @Mocha_Jesus I love when people are like, "I tried dating apps but the people on there were awful," like those aren't the same people at the places you would normally come across organically out in the world. 4:21 AM - Mar 23, 2022 · Twitter for Android

This Week's Batch Of Dating App Tweets (March 25, 2022)

Dating apps ain't it
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funny tinder exchanges | thumbnail text - Close one lol This is gonna sound crazy but I think I bought an ikea chair from you Lol no way I have in fact sold an ikea chair in the past.. Off Facebook market place, the one with black and white stripes Omg how is my chair doing

The Wildest Tinder Exchanges Of The Week (March 21, 2022)

Tinder is prime entertainment
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funny tinder conversations | thumbnail text - very cool tattoos and a cutie doggo 10/10 profile O Gesendet Heute 20:11 didn't ask for a profile rating, but thanks

This Week's Wildest Tinder Conversations (March 14, 2022)

The vibes on Tinder
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funny tinder exchanges | thumbnail text - small town tall r u? 6 foot 8 Wow ur pretty tall Yeah some girls like But sucks because have really long legs and arms and big feet but tiny hands so run look like goblin sometimes there?

The Most Ridiculous Tinder Exchanges Of The Week (March 7, 2022)

Our fave exchanges on Tinder this week
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ridiculous dating app bio | thumbnail text - If Workout +1 school +1 5'2"-5'8 1 Want kids +1 Good with kids +1 Love family +1 Growth mindset +3 Emotionally healthy +3 Relationship with God +3 Professional feminine +2 Understand budgeting debt +1 High sex drive, low body count +2

Presumptuous Man Posts Ridiculous Grading Scale For Women In Tinder Bio

He could have kept these questions for the first date
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funny tinder exchanges | thumbnail text - Animal - Hey, more active on ig if u wnana message on there Today 15:57 Tia have enemies tracking on instagram, l'd prefer if speak here. Also, do have good credit score? Sent Today 16:58

This Week's Most Ridiculous Tinder Conversations (February 28, 2022)

People on Tinder say whatever TF they want
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tinder conversations | thumbnail text - MATCHED WITH CHLOE ON 2/19/22 There are all kinds cool places see NYC Chloe example, comedy clubs a

The Most Ridiculous Tinder Exchanges Of The Week (February 21, 2022)

Nobody knows how to flirt properly
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funny tinder exchanges | thumbnail text - think get on with my grandad, he loves pigeons Today 6:59 PM Hahah sounds like date Is he single 00 jk e Today 7:15 PM Still married afraid good old Dennis Broke my heart S Sent P'll let know my nan dies

Tinder Exchanges That Made Us Giggle On Valentine's Day

Love might be in the air, but it's not on Tinder
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Tinder Scaries tweets | thumbnail text - Oh shit just noticed Taurus this might not work out Oh shit just realized believe astrology this might not work

The Funniest Tinder Exchanges Of The Week (February 7, 2022)

Tinder is a wild app
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dating app tweets | thumbnail text - Masshole WBoundMasshole why am still single? Also on dating apps don't like his name is spelled 6:07 PM Jan 13, 2022 Twitter iPhone

14 Dating App Tweets That Convinced Us We Should Probably Delete Them

The apps are total black holes
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The Funniest Tinder Exchanges Of 2021

Cheers to another year of awesome Tinder exchanges
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