funny story

26 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of people arguing and one picture of text including '"My boyfriend turned straight?"'

'Everybody called him gay so he just rolled with it': Boyfriend Breaks Up With Partner After Overnight Realization That He Is Secretly Straight

People Who Waited Till Marriage Reveal How Their Wedding Night Honestly Went Down| thumbnail text - thelady1468 • 6h 1 Award We took 167 Bobby pins out of my hair, then fell asleep... G Reply 1 5.2k 3 ...

People Who Waited Till Marriage Reveal How Their Wedding Night Honestly Went Down

When My Date Posted My bikini Pic On Craiglist| thumbnail text - woman, my phone blew with gross pics

When My Date Posted My bikini Pic On Craiglist

husband fuming at wife who hacked into his facebook account to fire his worker | thumbnail text - Posted by u/AITA_35799741 day ago 46 S8 10 AITA: For blowing up at my wife after what she did at my workplace? Not the A-hole I M37 started working at my dad's friend's restaurant since 2016. Started off small. But was able to gain my employer's trust and after seeing how I have been managing the restaurant on days when he wasn't available. He decided to assign me to handle restaurant management tha

Husband Outraged After Entitled Wife Hacks Into His Facebook And Fires Coworker

Woman's Secret Affair With Manager Goes Too Far At Holiday Party| thumbnail text - Our company's holiday party was coming up and I was actually going to receive the president's award for having the highest sales numbers.

Woman's Secret Affair With Manager Goes Too Far At Holiday Party

Parenting Tweets From Parents With The Perfect Amount Of Wit And Grit| thumbnail text -  Myrhhissa @michimama75 Since I refuse, 5 was wondering if anyone would like to play "hammers" with her. She has a hammer and you run. So anyway, let me know. 4:07 PM · Nov 21, 2021 1.2K 64 1, Share this Twe...

Parenting Tweets From Parents With The Perfect Amount Of Wit And Grit

10 Fascinating Scientific Facts About One Night Stands| thumbnail text - 4. Women with broader body frames tend to be the horniest Studies show women with wider hips tend to have more one night stands as per the statistics of the hookup sites. They also attract more men and are known to have a higher libido.

10 Fascinating Scientific Facts About One Night Stands

Best Halloween Walk Of Shame Stories| thumbnail text - I was dressed as a gorilla with not much underneath because it was really hot in there. I got hammered and went home with a girl. I woke up with dried vomit crusted into the fur of my gorilla costume. Since my ride went home with someone else I had to take a city bus a puke encrusted gorilla.

Best Halloween Walk Of Shame Stories

Man Does Ultimate Halloween Walk of Shame Through NYC| thumbnail text - My gleaming white man thigh was glitenting in the sun for all of the early-morning commuters to see

Man Does Ultimate Halloween Walk of Shame Through NYC

funny story from woman about disappointing sexual encounter | thumbnail text - I think we ended up having sex, but I cannot be too sure if there was actually anything inside me

Woman's Funny 'Sexcapade' With Guy Who Was Disappointing In The Bedroom

Woman's Porno Sounds Blast Over Her Speaker In The Middle Of Her Family Dinner| Thumbnail text - This was awkward hearing this considering my parents are pretty devout Catholics and don't even use curse words.

Woman's Porno Sounds Blast Over Her Speaker In The Middle Of Her Family Dinner

Man Refuses To Attend His Brothers Wedding After He Finds Out It's With His Ex| thumbnail text - I (21M) first started dating my now ex girlfriend (21F) when we were both 16, however, we made the decision to break up before heading off to college when we were 18. I decided to go a few hours away while she decided to stay local. Also note that my girlfriend was very close with my family so this was hard on my family as well.

Man Refuses To Attend His Brother's Wedding After He Finds Out It's With His Ex-Girlfriend

Woman's Hookup Ends In A Crowded, Embarrassing Disaster | thumbnail text - "when I reached the floor my eyes finally adjusted. I found myself standing completely naked in front of a strange man..."

Woman's Hookup Ends In A Crowded, Embarrassing Disaster

Woman Hooks Up At Bachelorette Party, Ends Up Stranded On Island With No Passport | thumbnail text - "So here I was, stranded in Jamaica, with only $50 in cash and the bikini on my body..."

Woman Hooks Up At Bachelorette Party, Ends Up Stranded On Island With No Passport

Woman Stranded In Thai Jungle And Misses Flight Home After Hookup Goes Wrong | thumbnail text - The moral of the story is, no sex is worth a trek through a mafia/mosquito infested Thai jungle.

Woman Stranded In Thai Jungle And Misses Flight Home After Hookup Goes Wrong

Stories of pettiest Things People Did After A Breakup - cover pic story about changing HBO password so ex couldn't watch Game of Thrones | MultinucleateClub 16.7k points 1 year ago waited until fifteen minutes before new season game thrones started change password on my hbo account knew he still using.

Pettiest Things People Did After A Breakup

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