
Husband abandons wife and newborn after power outage to play D&D with his friends, wife blows up at him and realizes she’s married to a child: “He assumed it was on autopay but never checked”

Husband abandons wife and newborn after power outage to play D&D with his friends, wife blows up at him and realizes she’s married to a child: “He assumed it was on autopay but never checked”

“You’re blackmailing my health to win an argument”: Husband refuses to cook anymore after wife makes kitchen impossible to cook in, she feels forced to eat fast food everyday and blames him

“You’re blackmailing my health to win an argument”: Husband refuses to cook anymore after wife makes kitchen impossible to cook in, she feels forced to eat fast food everyday and blames him

Wife tricks husband into kayaking trip despite knowing he hates water sports, he resorts to blowing an airhorn at her when she refuses to let him opt out: “It succeeded in cutting through the clamor and shutting [them] up”

Wife tricks husband into kayaking trip despite knowing he hates water sports, he resorts to blowing an airhorn at her when she refuses to let him opt out: “It succeeded in cutting through the clamor and shutting [them] up”

Boyfriend withholds birthday cake from girlfriend due to a year long grudge, she accuses him of being petty and refuses to speak to him: “After what happened last year this one’s all mine”

Boyfriend withholds birthday cake from girlfriend due to a year long grudge, she accuses him of being petty and refuses to speak to him: “After what happened last year this one’s all mine”

Man unplugs fiancée's phone charger without permission, despite his phone being at 4% and hers at 100%, she freaks out: “It’s still about negotiable etiquette”

Man unplugs fiancée's phone charger without permission, despite his phone being at 4% and hers at 100%, she freaks out: “It’s still about negotiable etiquette”

Man slanders wife to friends and family after she refuses to double date with his toxic ex, the internet backs her up on his red flags: “He’s choosing her over you”

Man slanders wife to friends and family after she refuses to double date with his toxic ex, the internet backs her up on his red flags: “He’s choosing her over you”

Wife keeps throwing out husband’s meal prepped lunches, he refuses to continue making them for her, causing marital tension: “What I did wasn’t a big deal”

Wife keeps throwing out husband’s meal prepped lunches, he refuses to continue making them for her, causing marital tension: “What I did wasn’t a big deal”

Uninvolved father demands a third child, wife accuses him of being a terrible dad and puts her foot down: “I don’t want to be a single mother of 3”

Uninvolved father demands a third child, wife accuses him of being a terrible dad and puts her foot down: “I don’t want to be a single mother of 3”

Women Lashes Out At Foster Child And Fiancé After Getting Criticized For Constantly Cancelling Plans, He Questions Whether She's Ready to Have a Child of Their Own, Rocking Their Relationship Stability

Women Lashes Out At Foster Child And Fiancé After Getting Criticized For Constantly Cancelling Plans, He Questions Whether She's Ready to Have a Child of Their Own, Rocking Their Relationship Stability

Man Finds Out Wife is Pregnant Via Social Media, Resulting in In-laws Debate About Their Marriage and Creating Trust Issues Between Them

Man Finds Out Wife is Pregnant Via Social Media, Resulting in In-laws Debate About Their Marriage and Creating Trust Issues Between Them

Woman Refuses to Continue Reminding Childish Boyfriend to be on Time, He Blames Her When They Arrive Late to Game, But She Puts Her Foot Down: ‘I’m your girlfriend, not your manager’

Woman Refuses to Continue Reminding Childish Boyfriend to be on Time, He Blames Her When They Arrive Late to Game, But She Puts Her Foot Down: ‘I’m your girlfriend, not your manager’

Woman Copies Everything About Her Husband, His Final Straw is When She Buys an Identical Car to His

Woman Copies Everything About Her Husband, His Final Straw is When She Buys an Identical Car to His

Man Records His Wife Arguing Without Her Consent, She Retaliates By Throwing His Phone Out the Window

Man Records His Wife Arguing Without Her Consent, She Retaliates By Throwing His Phone Out the Window

‘I’m not postponing my wedding for you’: Pregnant Sister of the Bride Insists That She Postpone Her Wedding For Her Due Date, Mom is Put in the Middle

‘I’m not postponing my wedding for you’: Pregnant Sister of the Bride Insists That She Postpone Her Wedding For Her Due Date, Mom is Put in the Middle

‘We’re not paying the $1000 bill’: Relatives Expect to Get Free Food at Restaurant Owned By Family Member, Security Guard Gets Involved

‘We’re not paying the $1000 bill’: Relatives Expect to Get Free Food at Restaurant Owned By Family Member, Security Guard Gets Involved

‘We’re a package deal sweetie’: Bride Refuses to Invite Her Parents' Friends to the Wedding, Parents Refuse to Attend

‘We’re a package deal sweetie’: Bride Refuses to Invite Her Parents' Friends to the Wedding, Parents Refuse to Attend

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