
female struggles

34 relatable memes for women | Thumbnail includes a picture of the evil step mother and her daughters from Cinderella overlooking down from a room in their castle and a picture of Kermit the frog looking outside a window 'When someone uses my driveway to turn around orry I can't come all my clothes look stupid on me'

34 Memes Only Women Will Understand

Women <3
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32 Barbie memes about dating, relationships, and female struggles | Thumbnail includes a picture of a Barbie doll with big muscles and a picture of a Barbie doll and a computer 'when you open a jar of sauce on your own BODYBUILDING When you're lurking and your feelings end up getting hurt made with mematic'

33 Female Struggles Illustrated in the Form of Barbie Memes

Being a girl is hard!
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Reddit thread about men who got away with appalling workplace crimes | thumbnail text - white water rafting

Women Reveal Appalling Workplace Crimes Their Male Coworkers Got Away With

If I were a boy...
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Funny reddit thread about worst set-up dates | thumbnail text - KozyTeaSunset 1 day ago Bad, because it turns out my friend wasn't setting me up with him because he thought we would be a good match, but because he told his friend I'm easy and his friend was a virgin apparently. Absolutely no chemistry and the guy was insufferable, he spent a 2 hour date talking about himself and some video game he liked and never asked me anything about myself other than in ways that would relate to him. When I

Women Reveal The Most Horrific Dates They Have Ever Been Set Up On

Never again
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