
Female Empowerment

30 Witty Women’s Memes for Intuitive Ladies With Unshakable Self-Worth (March 30, 2024)

30 Witty Women’s Memes for Intuitive Ladies With Unshakable Self-Worth (March 30, 2024)

Ladies whose shine no one can ignore
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Relevant Memes When You're Crushing Hard and Don't Know If You're Crush Knows You Exist

Relevant Memes When You're Crushing Hard and Don't Know If You're Crush Knows You Exist

Someone Relieve Me of This Heartache
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'Enjoy the present': The People Behind Cheezcake Answer Intimate Questions About Love and Life #3

'Enjoy the present': The People Behind Cheezcake Answer Intimate Questions About Love and Life #3

There's a plethora of advice...
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‘How dare you decide what I do for the baby’: Uninvolved Father Expects to Decide What Method of Birth His Girlfriend Should Do, She Tells Him Off For Not Even Being Involved

‘How dare you decide what I do for the baby’: Uninvolved Father Expects to Decide What Method of Birth His Girlfriend Should Do, She Tells Him Off For Not Even Being Involved

The divine feminine is giving birth how you want to
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Women Share Green Flags to Look Out for in Female Friendships, Leading to Wholesome Discussion

Women Share Green Flags to Look Out for in Female Friendships, Leading to Wholesome Discussion

Female friendships have great sway and impact. If we really, truly love you, we would stop at nothing to ensure your well-being. There's nothing like the genuine love between two friends who truly care about each other. Having said that, in the post below, a Redditor raises a key question that we have all been thinking about but have never dared to ask: 'What's a sign or trait that makes you want to be friends with another woman'. As I perused the post, I came across a lot of heartwarming, insi…
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30 Memes That Scream ‘Hot Girl Summer’ to Get Ready for Bikinis and Martinis

30 Memes That Scream ‘Hot Girl Summer’ to Get Ready for Bikinis and Martinis

Girls, get in, we're headed to the beach
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'The meaner I am, the more coworkers respect me': Ladies in Tech Talk About What the Word 'Assertive' Means as a Woman in the Workplace

'The meaner I am, the more coworkers respect me': Ladies in Tech Talk About What the Word 'Assertive' Means as a Woman in the Workplace

Gender roles in the workplace
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Male Healthcare Worker Demands That Female Coworker Keep Her Feminine Hygiene Products Hidden from View After It Makes Him Feel 'Uncomfortable'

Male Healthcare Worker Demands That Female Coworker Keep Her Feminine Hygiene Products Hidden from View After It Makes Him Feel 'Uncomfortable'

Nowadays, a large number of women work in fields that were once thought to be exclusively the domain of men. Think about the vast field of healthcare. But should there still be a gender disparity now that women have entered the public sphere and have proven their value via perseverance, education, skill, and dedication? Does the gender of an employee impact their degree of competency? Below is the story of a puzzled healthcare worker. According to the Original Poster (OP), a male coworker decid…
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Wise Women Who Wholeheartedly Indulge In Prioritzing Their Wellbeing

Marvelous Memes for Wise Women Who Wholeheartedly Indulge In Prioritizing Their Wellbeing

Love Thyself First
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‘How could you lie to me about your chest’: Husband Accuses Wife of Lying About Having Implants So She Files for Divorce

‘How could you lie to me about your chest’: Husband Accuses Wife of Lying About Having Implants So She Files for Divorce

A woman's body is hers, period
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‘I tried to tell you…’: Couple Refuses to Accept Assistance From Female Manager, So She Sends Them to New Male Hire Who Hasn’t Even Finished His Training

‘I tried to tell you…’: Couple Refuses to Accept Assistance From Female Manager, So She Sends Them to New Male Hire Who Hasn’t Even Finished His Training

Our choices are influenced by unconscious bias, whether or not we choose to recognize it. It is how, in the end, we decide whom to avoid, whom to befriend, and, most importantly, whom to turn to when we are in need… The story that follows is an account of a young woman who was affected by unconscious bias while simply attempting to do her job. The Original Poster (OP) is a department manager in a big box hardware store. Everything was going fairly well at the store until a couple came in one da…
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32 Single Memes for the Shy, Sensitive, Souls Who Aren’t Ready for the Mingle (March 25, 2024)

32 Single Memes for the Shy, Sensitive, Souls Who Aren’t Ready for the Mingle (March 25, 2024)

Yes, you are happily single, thank you very much.
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‘You need to get fit and doll up for me’: Man Surprises His Fiancée With a Harsh Criticism About Her Body, Revealing His Outdated Attitudes on Femininity and Sparking a Discussion On Body Positivity

‘You need to get fit and doll up for me’: Man Surprises His Fiancée With a Harsh Criticism About Her Body, Revealing His Outdated Attitudes on Femininity and Sparking a Discussion On Body Positivity

When you don't let the patriarchy get you down
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‘Good luck finding a supermodel gf now that you’re unemployed’: A Woman Gets Even While Divorcing Her Husband After Years of Idealizing His Ex and His Inability to Hold Down a Job

‘Good luck finding a supermodel gf now that you’re unemployed’: A Woman Gets Even While Divorcing Her Husband After Years of Idealizing His Ex and His Inability to Hold Down a Job

Honeymoon phase is long gone
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30 Immaculate Introvert Memes for the Quiet Girlies Waiting for Him to Make the First Move (March 24, 2024)

30 Immaculate Introvert Memes for the Quiet Girlies Waiting for Him to Make the First Move (March 24, 2024)

Introvert glow up, 2024
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20+ Yapping Memes for Cute Yapper Girlies Talking Their Way Into Your Heart

20+ Yapping Memes for Professional Yapper Girlies Talking Their Way Into Your Heart

Memes simply add a visual component to your lovely yapping, bestie.
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