

Biological Son Feels Abandoned as Parents Favor Adopted Siblings, His Concerns Are Overlooked and Labeled as Spoiled and Entitled

Biological Son Feels Abandoned as Parents Favor Adopted Siblings, His Concerns Are Overlooked and Labeled as Spoiled and Entitled

Family bonds are complex and ever-changing. Parents go above and beyond to ensure that their children are happy. However, occasionally, when one child requires a little more love and attention than the others, it is easy to get caught up in his or her problems and forget about the needs of the rest of the family. The story below is an account of a frustrated son. The original poster (OP) recounts his personal experience of growing up with well-intentioned parents. The original poster, the sole…
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Sibling Rivalry Intensifies as Parents Gift 'Golden Child' Family Home, Leaving the Other Sibling Empty-Handed and Sparking a Sour Debate Around Favoritism

Sibling Rivalry Intensifies as Parents Gift 'Golden Child' Family Home, Leaving the Other Sibling Empty-Handed and Sparking a Sour Debate Around Favoritism

Your family should always come first. However, what should you do if, although your family is your first priority, you are their last priority? The story below is an account of a frustrated son. The original poster (OP) is the family's eldest child. Compared to his younger sister, OP's parents had never paid him as much time or attention. Additionally, when the siblings grew older, the issue was made worse by the unprecedented levels of favoritism, which worsened the already tense relationship…
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