
Parents Roast Their Kids On Twitter By Revealing The Weird Things They Collect| Thumbnail text - Doc McMuffins .. @Cynical_Parent Other kids: collects rocks/Pokemon cards/unicorns/Hot Wheels* My kid: booger burial ground behind her right curtain panel; the large ones live under her pillow 5:28 PM · May 19, 2020 · Twitter for Android

Parents Roast Their Kids On Twitter By Revealing The Weird Things They Collect

Parenting Tweets From Parents With The Perfect Amount Of Wit And Grit| thumbnail text -  Myrhhissa @michimama75 Since I refuse, 5 was wondering if anyone would like to play "hammers" with her. She has a hammer and you run. So anyway, let me know. 4:07 PM · Nov 21, 2021 1.2K 64 1, Share this Twe...

Parenting Tweets From Parents With The Perfect Amount Of Wit And Grit

People Reveal Major Secrets they Kept With One Parent From The Other| thumbnail text - itsOski13 · 10h That this one time I forgot to lock my door one night and a drunk guy walked into my place. After I, politely, kicked him out, I called my dad and he was like "yeah no don't tell your mother you'll give her a heart attack" G Reply 1 12.1k ...

People Reveal Major Secrets they Kept With One Parent From The Other

aita post | thumbnail text - AITA for refusing to eat at a very expensive restaurant on my birthday? I want to apologize for any typos I'm on my phone. So I (F24) had a birthday today and my whole family went to celebrate. My partner (M28) planned the whole thing and didn't want to tell me. He wanted it to be a surprise. I have never liked surprises. I think he knows as much. My father also planned some of it, so he wasn't in the dark about it.

Woman Refuses To Eat At Her Birthday Dinner Because Restaurant Is Too Expensive

People Expose Their Major Thanksgiving Drama From This Year| thumbnail text - ThatPersonZenZen • 3d F 4 Awards My cousin unfortunately came out as a flat earther while I was showing off my brand new telescope I bought recently G Reply 1 13.5k 3 ...

People Expose Their Major Thanksgiving Drama From This Year

Woman Calls Out Her Sister For Being Emotionally Abusive To Her Claustrophobic Son| Thumbnail Text - Nose - AITA for telling my sister she's mean and cruel to her son? My (24F) nephew (5M) has always been claustrophobic. Even as a baby he hated being swaddled or cuddled too long. He'd get fussy and cry until he was put down and able to move freely.

Woman Calls Out Her Sister For Being Emotionally Abusive To Her Claustrophobic Son

aita post | thumbnail text - AITA for only paying my biological sister's wedding and not for my step sister's wedding So my mom (29m) got divorced from my dad when I was 6 yo and my sister was 8 yo. She didnt want anything to do with us, and she eventually got remarried to a guy who had a daughter 1 year younger than me. Our dad never remarried and it was later that we found out that she cheated on dad with the guy she married. But she got back in contact with us

Woman Demands That Step Brother Pay For Her Wedding Since He Paid For His Biological Sister's

Little Brother Freaks Out After Big Brother Asks Him To Be Sperm Donor| Thumbnail Text - Organism - AITA for not wanting my fiancee (30M) to donate his sperm so his brother and his wife can have a child? My (27F) fiancée (30M) was asked by his brother (37M) and wife (35F) to donate his sperm so that they could have a child. For comprehension purposed l'll call them F, BIL and SIL.

Little Brother Freaks Out After Big Brother Asks Him To Be Sperm Donor

Dad Teaches Daughter A lesson By Leaving Her Out In Negative 8 Degree Weather| thumbnail text - Posted by u/reservedmarko 5 hours ago AITA for not helping my teenage daughter when she g

Dad Teaches Daughter A lesson By Leaving Her Out In Negative 8 Degree Weather

askwomen thread | thumbnail text - Intrepid_Ostrich_847 · 19h My MIL never lets me contribute anything to meals ("Don't bring anything. I've got it all covered!") And then while we eat, she moans about how nobody ever brings anything. I don't get it. She's also one of those women who refuses to share recipes. "Oh, just a little of that and a little of this." Like...what kind of woman doesn't share a recipe?? Annoying AF.

Women Reveal The Most Irritating Things About Their In-Laws

Man Ditches His Fiancée After She Insists On Bringing Her Own Meal To Thanksgiving Dinner| thumbnail text - AITA for going to my parents' house and leaving my fiancée at home after she said she wanted to bring her own food to Thanksgiving?

Man Ditches His Fiancée After She Insists On Bringing Her Own Meal To Thanksgiving Dinner

Golden Tweets From Funny Parents Who Just Get It| thumbnail text - Jessie @mommajessiec *Googles Thanksgiving recipes* *Googles easy Thanksgiving recipes* *Googles really easy Thanksgiving recipes* *Googles is McDonald's open on Thanksgiving* 4:53 PM · Nov 14, 2021 (i)

Golden Tweets From Funny Parents Who Just Get It

Son Gets His Father Dumped By 21 Year Old Girlfriend| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Merseymoys 10 hours ago AITA for warning my dad's girlfriend about his relatio

Son Gets His Father Dumped By 21 Year Old Girlfriend

Rude Girlfriend Complains At Family Wedding To Bride Because There Was 'Too Much Cheese'| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Low-Special-8668 15 hours ago 33 2 9 É AITA for being honest with my boyfriend's mom when she asked if I was enjoying her wedding?

Rude Girlfriend Complains At Family Wedding To Bride Because There Was 'Too Much Cheese'

aita post | thumbnail text - AITA For Calling My BIL Out For His Weaponized Incompetence And Calling Him Pathetic At Dinner? I (F 24) have a sister (F 32) who has a husband (M 38) who is the poster child of weaponized incompetence. They have 4 kids (F10, M8, M5, F3) and she's pregnant. My sister works a full time job (40+ hours a week, cleans her entire house, cooks, takes care of all her children without him doing ANYTHING. It is seriously mind blowing that she wakes up at

Blunt Woman Calls Out BIL In Front Of Whole Family For Treating His Wife Like A Slave

Grown Man Storms Out Of Family Birthday Dinner After There Were No Chicken Nuggets| thumbnail text - - r/AmltheAsshole u/LateNightFalls • 21h 2 4 e7 3 5 8 13 AITA for not accommodating my brother in law during my birthday dinner and telling him his taste wasn't my priority? Not the A-hole

Grown Man Storms Out Of Family Birthday Dinner After There Were No Chicken Nuggets