
family feud

 Woman Abandons Hope of Winning Stepfather’s Love, Turns to Grandfather to Walk Down the Aisle on Her Big Day, Deepening Family Strains

Woman Abandons Hope of Winning Stepfather’s Love, Turns to Grandfather to Walk Down the Aisle on Her Big Day, Deepening Family Strains

It's impossible to pick your family. You do have a choice about who you consider family, though. Given this, how would you respond if your stepfather urged that even if you shouldn't think of yourself as his child, you should nevertheless respect him like a father? The story below is an account of a frustrated daughter. Since her mother remarried approximately a year after she was born, the original poster (OP) has never had a relationship with her father. As a result, her mother's husband has…
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'I'm done': New Mom Ends Marriage as Husband Refuses to Help with Housework and Baby, Resulting in Daily Chaos

'I'm done': New Mom Ends Marriage as Husband Refuses to Help with Housework and Baby, Resulting in Daily Chaos

The minute you and your spouse welcome a baby into the world, everything you have known up to that point drastically changes. Suddenly, your partner is more focused on the baby than on you. Everyone is preoccupied with the baby, so suddenly you have no time to prioritize your needs and wants. However, a modification such as the one mentioned above can have a big effect on the parents. Would you therefore be critical of or hold your spouse accountable for their inability to cope with the change?…
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‘He is well-known around town’: Daughter Introduces Boyfriend Twice Her Age to Parents, Leaving Them in Turmoil

‘He is well-known around town’: Daughter Introduces Boyfriend Twice Her Age to Parents, Leaving Them in Turmoil

As a parent, you want the best for your children. You'll go above and beyond to ensure they have a great future. That being stated, what would you do if your child came to visit you with a partner whom you find disagreeable? To avoid upsetting your daughter, would you choose to grieve in private or would you try to drive the two apart by speaking out? The story below is an account of a dumbfounded mom. The original poster (OP) recently learned that her daughter, who is twenty years old, has bee…
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Careless Husband May Lose It All When His Wife Threatens Divorce After He Leaves the Stove on in the Room With Their 4 Year Old

Careless Husband May Lose It All When His Wife Threatens Divorce After He Leaves the Stove on in the Room With Their 4 Year Old

Welcome back kings and queens of the internet. As sad as it is, there seems to be endless stories about careless, reckless, or imbecile husbands just not really living up to their wives' expectations of them. And don’t think this is strict to only husbands and wives; it happens with young dating couples as well, but we’ll get right into the story. The woman has a disability herself, as she had a car accident as a teenager. This has left her functional up to a certain degree, but she isn’t able…
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‘Back off my son’: Husband Yells at Step-son Every Time He Goes Near New Baby, Mother Gets Involved

‘Back off my son’: Husband Yells at Step-son Every Time He Goes Near New Baby, Mother Gets Involved

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. When having a new baby, there’s a lot a parent can be terrified and worried about. The world is a scary place, there’s bad people, disease, freak accidents, the list goes on and on. A newborn baby is just so vulnerable ; their immune system isn’t developed, and they don’t have the physical strength to fight off anything. They need to be protected, but of course, there’s a limit. More people should educate themselves on human health and the human body. Not all…
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Woman Publicly Condemns Boyfriend and Sister for Pregnancy-Inducing Affair, Straining Family Bonds

Woman Publicly Condemns Boyfriend and Sister for Pregnancy-Inducing Affair, Straining Family Bonds

Family is one of the most important social networks in a person's life. From the moment of your birth, you are surrounded by an abundance of love and support. How would you respond, then, if the ones you trusted the most—your family—betrayed you? Would you stick to your beliefs and exclude them from your life, or could you forgive them under the pretense of family? The story below is an account of a heartbroken girlfriend. The original poster (OP) and her partner ended their three-year relation…
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Man Reprimands Step-son Publicly, Wife Gets Her Revenge By Embarrassing Him in Front of His Children

Man Reprimands Step-son Publicly, Wife Gets Her Revenge By Embarrassing Him in Front of His Children

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. When mixing families, things can get more complicated than one would think. Two parents and two sets of children all under one roof. It’s a miracle at all that they can function together. This brings us to the Reddit story. In this piece, there’s a lot going on. The mother has two children, a son and daughter. Their biological father has never been in either of their lives, until recently, when the son attempts to contact him on Facebook. They almost make plan…
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Woman Refuses to Babysit for Her Sister’s ‘Nightmare Child,’ But Will Babysit for Friend’s Kid, Resulting in Sisterly Dispute

Woman Refuses to Babysit for Her Sister’s ‘Nightmare Child,’ But Will Babysit for Friend’s Kid, Resulting in Sisterly Dispute

Welcome back internet queens and kings. In life, we can choose our friends and partners, but we can’t choose our family. More than that, we can’t choose how our children will turn out, we can only hope to raise them in a way that makes them a good person in the world. Which brings us to the Reddit piece. In this particular Reddit thread, there’s a childless sister, and her older sister with a 4 year old son. The son has clear emotional and behavioral issues, and his mother is either complacent…
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Son Receives His Mother’s Home in Her Inheritance, He Kicks Out His Step Dad, Only to Beg Him Later for a Financial Handout

Son Receives His Mother’s Home in Her Inheritance, He Kicks Out His Step Dad, Only to Beg Him Later for a Financial Handout

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. Money and inheritance, unfortunately, is something that often tears families apart. People become possessive, greedy, and they lose sight of the love they’re supposed to have for one another. Human behavior really does become skewed when money is involved, and people show their true colors. That brings us to the story. In this particular Reddit piece, a woman with a son remarries. The son isn’t a fan of his new step father, but that’s besides the point. The wo…
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Brother Shelters Homeless Sister Who Demands Wife-Like Treatment Leading to Her Eviction by His Wife

Brother Shelters Homeless Sister Who Demands Wife-Like Treatment Leading to Her Eviction by His Wife

Prioritizing your family over all else means that you should always be willing to assist a member in need. Still, will you embrace a family member with a warm embrace and a helping hand if they start mistreating your partner, losing their sense of identity, and taking advantage of your kindness? The sibling who is frustrated is described in the story below. Following her homelessness and lack of resources, the original poster (OP) and his wife kindly welcomed his sister and her two kids into th…
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Woman Wrongfully Accuses Sister of Theft While Babysitting, Then Demands She Watch Her Children Again as ‘The Kids Aren’t at Fault’

Woman Wrongfully Accuses Sister of Theft While Babysitting, Then Demands She Watch Her Children Again as ‘The Kids Aren’t at Fault’

Family comes first at all times. You ought to be able to prioritize your family's needs over any other commitments. The story below is an account of a frustrated sister. The original poster (OP) has been her sister's primary babysitter ever since her nieces were born. This setting was initially quite helpful and advantageous, but things took a bad turn when OP's older sister accused OP of stealing her wedding band. OP tried her hardest to defend herself, but her sister would have none of it and…
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Woman Discovers Her Ex Husband Impregnates Another Woman Immediately After Their Divorce, He Then Expects Her to Be ‘Auntie’ to His Little One

Woman Discovers Her Ex Husband Impregnates Another Woman Immediately After Their Divorce, He Then Expects Her to Be ‘Auntie’ to His Little One

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. I hate to be the one to say it, but the world can be an incredibly cruel place. The only way to deal with all the pain, is to laugh about it. Divorce is hard enough, with splitting houses, possessions, friends, family, and not to mention missing the person themselves, but there can be so many layers to this that make it all the more painful. In this Reddit thread, the couple is recently divorced , and within their marriage, he was adamant about…
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Daughter Accuses Mother of Favoritism, Raising Tensions Over Unequal Rules for ‘Golden’ Sister: 'I wish you could be more like Rebecca!'

Daughter Accuses Mother of Favoritism, Raising Tensions Over Unequal Rules for ‘Golden’ Sister: 'I wish you could be more like Rebecca!'

Relationships within the family are dynamic and multifaceted, particularly between sisters. That being said, should parents make it a point to treat their kids equally no matter how different they may seem? or should a set of rules be given to every child based on their manners and personality? The story that follows describes a dissatisfied mother. The original poster is a mother of two girls (OP). The first sister is the picture-perfect child, in contrast to the other sister, who is disobedie…
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Woman Sparks Conversation About Having Kids With Her Husband of 8 Years, Only to Find Out He Doesn’t Want Kids With Her, ‘I can barely deal with you now, much less when you’re pregnant and hormonal’

Woman Sparks Conversation About Having Kids With Her Husband of 8 Years, Only to Find Out He Doesn’t Want Kids With Her, ‘I can barely deal with you now, much less when you’re pregnant and hormonal’

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. The infamous talk about having kids between a couple can get emotional, to say the least. It’s usually a deal breaker if one person wants kids, and the other doesn’t. It’s not really something that will change (despite so many people insisting it will). If someone does cave and agrees to let go of their desires for their partners, resentment can arise, and the child might not be raised in a great environment. Though that’s not exactly what’s happening between…
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Woman Refuses to Attend Her Brother’s Wedding When She Finds Out He’s Marrying Her Ex-boyfriend, Sparking Family Favoritism

Woman Refuses to Attend Her Brother’s Wedding When She Finds Out He’s Marrying Her Ex-boyfriend, Sparking Family Favoritism

Welcome back internet queens and kings. It’s not the first time, and won’t be the last. But imagine the devastation of finding out that your boyfriend is actually gay. A big blow, f eeling betrayed, that your love was all fake . It could be heart wrenching and confusing all at the same time. It may feel like they never really loved you. A fate I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, but unfortunately it’s the truth about what happened to the original poster in this story. This Reddit piece follows a…
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‘You’re just their stepmother’: Woman Stands Up to Ex’s Wife After Finding Out She’s Been Undermining Her Parenting, the Whole Family Gets Involved

‘You’re just their stepmother’: Woman Stands Up to Ex’s Wife After Finding Out She’s Been Undermining Her Parenting, the Whole Family Gets Involved

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. Parenting isn’t easy . Life throws hurdles at you that you can never expect, and you have to hope for the best, while dragging along a little one, and trying to instill in them decent life values. This poses to be even more challenging due to certain circumstances. Children see a lot, maybe too much these days. And children aren’t stupid; they know more than us sometimes, and even as you try to keep something from them, they will find out. Which brings us to t…
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