
family drama

'How could you?!': Wife Volunteers Unsuspecting Husband for Brother's Moving Day, Causing Him to Miss Son's First Baseball Game

'How could you?!': Wife Volunteers Unsuspecting Husband for Brother's Moving Day, Causing Him to Miss Son's First Baseball Game

In a marriage, compromise and sacrifice are essential. The tale below tells the story of the frustrated husband. The wife of the original poster (OP) offered to assist her brother with his move. To set the scene, OP's wife volunteered to help her brother, well aware that her husband, OP, would pitch in on her behalf. Her brother intends to move in with his girlfriend. The situation worsened though when the wife told OP that she would be taking their son to his first-ever baseball game without h…
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Parents refuse to attend daughter's wedding after she legally changed her first name from Pennsylvania: 'I was teased as a child because of my parent's insistence on using my full name'

If you were born with a name you couldn't stand, would you change it as soon as you became an adult, or would you go by a nickname your entire life? Well, this woman's birth name is Pennsylvania. Her parents are super patriotic and wanted to name all of their children after states. Unfortunately for the Original Poster (OP), Pennsylvania is a tough one to get stuck with. She was teased endlessly as a kid, mainly because her parents refused to let her go by her nickname, Penny. When she left for…
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'Till your other wife do us part': Woman Finds Out About Husband's Second Family, Decides to Stick By Him After He Promises to Leave Them

'Till your other wife do us part': Woman Finds Out About Husband's Second Family, Decides to Stick By Him After He Promises to Leave Them

Love conquers all?
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Parents Refuse to Attend Daughter’s Wedding After Finding Out She Changed Her Name Five Years Ago

Parents Refuse to Attend Daughter’s Wedding After Finding Out She Changed Her Name Five Years Ago

Choosing a name for your child is among the most difficult and stressful tasks you will likely face when getting ready for a child. A child's name is something they will carry with them through good times and bad. So, to use the most infamous quote in the history of television, 'With great power comes great responsibility', what would you do if your parents left you with a name that was too humiliating to ever use in public? The story below is an account of a confused daughter. Since childhood,…
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'I said no!': Stepdaughter Refuses to Let Stepfather Walk Her Down the Aisle, Mother Intervenes, Resulting in Heated Family Dispute

'I said no!': Stepdaughter Refuses to Let Stepfather Walk Her Down the Aisle, Mother Intervenes, Resulting in Heated Family Dispute

Family should always come first because it is the most important thing in life. But what would you do if, on one of the most significant days of your life, your grandfather and stepfather were fighting over who gets to walk you down the aisle? The story below is an account of a frustrated stepdaughter. In the coming months, the original poster (OP) is set to tie the knot with her true love. But instead of acting as helpful observers, the bridal party has forced their grievances and expectations…
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After Sister Unexpectedly Arrives at Wedding Donning Wrong Color Scheme, Sisterly Dispute Breaks Out, and the Bride Refuses to Include Sister in Wedding Ceremony

After Sister Unexpectedly Arrives at Wedding Donning Wrong Color Scheme, Sisterly Dispute Breaks Out, and the Bride Refuses to Include Sister in Wedding Ceremony

Weddings are happy occasions that may also be stressful at times. The drive to organize and execute a perfect day can sometimes cause the ones who matter most to suffer. The bride in the story below is puzzled. The original poster (OP) describes the moments building up to her big day. OP had worked together with her sister to organize the perfect wedding. OP's sister was the maid of honor for a while, but she was forced to step down from her esteemed position in order to take care of her health…
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Husband Claims Stay-At-Home-Wife Does Not Fulfill Motherly Duties, They Switch Roles for a Day, Teaching Husband A Lesson He Will Never Forget

Husband Claims Stay-At-Home-Wife Does Not Fulfill Motherly Duties, They Switch Roles for a Day, Teaching Husband A Lesson He Will Never Forget

Being a stay-at-home mother requires a lot of work and dedication. But juggling demanding coworkers, part-time jobs, and the role of a stay-at-home mother all at once is even more challenging. So, what would you say if your partner insisted that you do everything for him because that's what it means to be a wife and mother, regardless of how difficult your day has been? This is the story of a frustrated wife and mother. The original poster (OP) and her husband are the proud parents of two beaut…
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‘I’m taking my money back’: Woman Lends Her Sister Money to Buy a Car, Then Finds Out Parents Bought Her a New Jeep

‘I’m taking my money back’: Woman Lends Her Sister Money to Buy a Car, Then Finds Out Parents Bought Her a New Jeep

An 18 year old with a new jeep sounds totally reasonable
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‘Back off!’: New Girlfriend Intentionally Causes Rift Between Boyfriend and His Childhood Friends Due to Her Own Insecurities

‘Back off!’: New Girlfriend Intentionally Causes Rift Between Boyfriend and His Childhood Friends Due to Her Own Insecurities

There are a lot of myths regarding friendships between people of different genders. Some believe that relationships between persons of different genders can never last, while others believe that they can last forever. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated friend. For the past twenty years, the original poster (OP) has been friends with the same childhood pal. But recently, the childhood friend started dating a girl who doesn't tolerate having OP around. Therefore, matters deterio…
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‘This is your doing!’: Divorced Parents Blame Daughter for Breakup, Then Fail to Disclose They Got Back Together

‘This is your doing!’: Divorced Parents Blame Daughter for Breakup, Then Fail to Disclose They Got Back Together

As a last-ditch attempt to salvage a relationship, many believe that having a child together would be the best course of action. But what they overlook is that raising a child is quite labor-intensive and demands a lot of your attention, love, and care. Therefore, it's reasonable to conclude that having children is not the best approach for restoring the passion and vigor of a relationship. The story that follows is the tale of a father who is unsure of what to do. The original poster (OP) and…
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Bride uninvites sister to wedding after inviting ex-boyfriend, sister now refuses to pay: 'If she thinks uninviting me to accommodate my ex is okay, then she should also be fine without my financial support'

In this story, the bride's sister had initially offered to pay for half of her wedding as a gift to her. Considering how expensive weddings can be nowadays, this is an incredibly generous gift. However, the sister took back her offer after the bride betrayed her trust. One day, the bride casually mentioned to her sister that she had invited her ex-boyfriend to the wedding, and not only that, he was going to be a groomsman. The sister had been in a serious relationship with said ex-boyfriend for…
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Husband’s Daughter Calls New Wife a 'Bad Mom' and Chastises Her for Never Being There for Her Not Knowing That She Simply Fulfilled Her Mother’s Wishes and Did Not Take on the Role of Stepmother

Husband’s Daughter Calls New Wife a 'Bad Mom' and Chastises Her for Never Being There for Her Not Knowing That She Simply Fulfilled Her Mother’s Wishes and Did Not Take on the Role of Stepmother

Blended families might be viewed as a complete and utter catastrophe or as a lovely, harmonious family unit made up of individuals connected solely by choice. But having honest conversations is essential to creating a cohesive blended family. An irritated stepmother tells her experience below. The original poster (OP) and her husband have been together for over a decade. Her partner's prior relationship resulted in a child. At the request of the little girl's biological mother, OP declined to a…
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Man Proposes to Girlfriend at Brother’s Wedding, Brother Returns the Favor and Announces Pregnancy at Man's Wedding

Man Proposes to Girlfriend at Brother’s Wedding, Brother Returns the Favor and Announces Pregnancy at Man's Wedding

Parents often claim that they love all of their children equally and that it would be impossible to rank them in order of preference. Would you, however, consider your mother's threat to back out of your wedding to be her taking a side? The account that follows is the story of a frustrated son. A few years back, the original poster (OP) tied the knot with the love of his life. Despite OP's pleading and concerns, his brother thought that the wedding was the perfect opportunity to pop the questio…
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‘Good luck finding your traditional wife’: Girl Breaks up With Long-Term Boyfriend After Discovering He Expects Her to Become a Stay-At-Home Mom

‘Good luck finding your traditional wife’: Girl Breaks up With Long-Term Boyfriend After Discovering He Expects Her to Become a Stay-At-Home Mom

So long, farewell
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‘How could you!’: Woman Sells Parents’ Home Behind Her Siblings Back, Family Dispute Ensues

‘How could you!’: Woman Sells Parents’ Home Behind Her Siblings Back, Family Dispute Ensues

Some items are so sentimental that they just cannot be valued in monetary terms. But would you count your parents' home among them? The story tells the tale of a dissatisfied sister who doesn't know what to do. The Original Poster (OP) recently lost her parents. Her siblings were to get a sizable sum of money from the will, and she was to get the house. Everyone was happy at first, but when her siblings' money ran out, they began to get curious about her wealth. Consequently, OP chose to sell t…
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Woman Gets Even With Family After They Pick on Her Brother’s Wife for Getting Eloped in Vegas

Woman Gets Even With Family After They Pick on Her Brother’s Wife for Getting Eloped in Vegas

Since family is the most significant thing in the world, they should always be given top priority. But how would you react if everyone in your family started to turn against your brother? Would you stand by them heedlessly or defend your brother from the enraged mob that goes by the name of the family? The story down below is an account of a frustrated sister. The Original Poster (OP) looks to Reddit for guidance on how to manage her challenging family circumstances. OP's brother and his now-wi…
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