
family drama

‘You have to console me for cheating on you’: When a Man’s Emotional Affair Must End, He Demands Comfort From His Wife For His Loss

‘You have to console me for cheating on you’: When a Man’s Emotional Affair Must End, He Demands Comfort From His Wife For His Loss

Imagine the audacity.
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‘You’re not the woman I married’: Husband Confesses Lack of Attraction to Wife After She Fails To ‘Bounce Back’ To Pre-Pregnancy Body

‘You’re not the woman I married’: Husband Confesses Lack of Attraction to Wife After She Fails To ‘Bounce Back’ To Pre-Pregnancy Body

An inborn, uncontrollable response to another person is attraction. But what if the once-steamy attraction vanishes without warning? The story that follows centers on a frustrated wife whose partner has lost interest in her. For context, OP has been married to her spouse for six years. Four years ago, they welcomed their first child together. OP gained a lot of weight during and after her pregnancy, and giving birth had a detrimental effect on her health. For want of a better phrase, OP let her…
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‘Relax, it was just a joke’: Family Fails to Support Daughter After She Refuses to Become a Doctor, Leading to Family Dinner Gone Wrong

Oh no they didn't...
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‘Get over it already…’: Woman Skips Wedding of Childhood Best Friend to Attend Another Wedding, Bride Ghosts Ex Best Friend

‘Get over it already…’: Woman Skips Wedding of Childhood Best Friend to Attend Another Wedding, Bride Ghosts Ex Best Friend

The individuals you select to surround yourself with are your closest companions. No one forces you to stay in a relationship with a person you dislike. However, what happens if the relationship is obviously one-sided? Do you try to repair the relationship that you cared so much about, or do you give up and let it go? The bride in the following story is upset and wants to know if her response is appropriate. To put things in perspective, OP has worked extremely hard to organize her wedding and…
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30 Mommy Memes for Making the Most of Your Manic Days With Your Munchkins

30 Mommy Memes for Making the Most of Your Manic Days With Your Munchkins

Trapped Inside With Your Kids This Winter?
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‘Choose, it’s me versus them’: Woman Refuses to Attend Sister’s Wedding Due to ‘Child Phobia’, Demands Sister Make it Kid-Free

‘Choose, it’s me versus them’: Woman Refuses to Attend Sister’s Wedding Due to ‘Child Phobia’, Demands Sister Make it Kid-Free

Essentially, siblings are just naturally born best friends. Somehow, people have a tendency to think that having an odd number of children is a recipe for disaster. Since the eldest will always be their parents' first love, it is said that they have it easy. The youngest child will always be the baby of the family, so they will have it even easier, but the middle child always seems to receive the short end of the stick. In the story that follows, an older sister expresses her anger at the birth…
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'Mom, you're not invited anymore': Man uninvites mother from his wedding after she demands a mother-son moment with him at the altar

'Mom, you're not invited anymore': Man uninvites mother from his wedding after she demands a mother-son moment with him at the altar

A wedding commemorates the union of two individuals in the sacred bond of matrimony. Weddings also celebrate the union of two families. What would happen, though, if the families were at odds? Better yet, your prospective mother-in-law feels that you are 'stealing' her son from her... Well, the story below is an account of a frustrated bride-to-be. OP is ecstatic to be getting married to the man of her dreams. At first, everything appeared to be going smoothly, but when the monster-in-law—sorry…
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‘Don't touch my daughter': Woman Forbids Mother-In-Law From Holding Her Baby After Child Throws a Tantrum

‘Don't touch my daughter': Woman Forbids Mother-In-Law From Holding Her Baby After Child Throws a Tantrum

MIL is at it again.
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'My day, my rules!': Bridezilla Forces Sister-In-Law to Cover up Tattoos on Wedding Day, Sister in Law Refuses

'My day, my rules!': Bridezilla Forces Sister-In-Law to Cover up Tattoos on Wedding Day, Sister in Law Refuses

The joining of two people under the holy vow of matrimony is referred to as a wedding. A joyous occasion that, in theory, ought to signify a day full of love and happiness. But what happens if the lovely bride is already turning into a bridezilla a year before the wedding even takes place? The story that follows, however, is from a concerned future sister-in-law. OP's brother, who is now engaged, has asked her to be a bridesmaid. At first, OP felt happy and privileged to be a part of her future…
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34 Memes for Moms and Dads That Nail the Honest Truth About Parenting

34 Memes for Moms and Dads That Nail the Honest Truth About Parenting

Keeping it real.
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‘I don’t want your kid at my wedding': Bride Informs Cousin That Her Daughter Is Not Invited to the Wedding, Cousin Tries to Turn the Family Against Her

‘I don’t want your kid at my wedding': Bride Informs Cousin That Her Daughter Is Not Invited to the Wedding, Cousin Tries to Turn the Family Against Her

If it's not your wedding, maybe just stay out of it.
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‘You will not see your grandson again if you don’t apologize': Woman Kicks Parents Out of Her House After Her Stepdad Won’t Stop Making Jokes About Her Baby

‘You will not see your grandchild again if you don’t apologize': Woman Kicks Parents Out of Her House After Her Stepdad Won’t Stop Making Jokes About Her Baby

Not a welcomed dad joke
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 ‘We’re done': Woman Refuses to Take Care of Stepdaughter After Family Prioritizes Biological Mother’s Parenting Over Her Own

‘We’re done': Woman Refuses to Take Care of Stepdaughter After Family Prioritizes Biological Mother’s Parenting Over Her Own

Stepping in and taking on the role of stepmother could result in two distinct results. A happy blended family with strong bonds amongst all of the members would be the ideal result. On the opposite end, the second scenario can entail a disagreement about the appropriate level of parental authority between the biological parent and the stepparent. The story that follows is that of a frustrated wife who had, up until this point, happily welcomed her husband's daughter into her home. Since getting…
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'Go for the smart boys, and you'll thank me later': Woman Gives Her Young Relatives Financial Advice, Urging Them to Marry Rich

'Go for the smart boys, and you'll thank me later': Woman Gives Her Young Relatives Financial Advice, Urging Them to Marry Rich

There are many different ways to make a living. There are various fields one might explore while seeking a quick fix or a career. Having said that, what would happen if someone's whole financial strategy consisted of taking advantage of others? The story below tells the tale of a frustrated young lady who refuses to see gold-digging as commonplace conduct. To put things in perspective, OP comes from a middle-class household, but her cousin—who we will refer to as Rachel for the purposes of this…
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‘You used your children to take away my spotlight’: SIL of Bride Makes Wedding All About Her Kids By Sabotaging the First Dance

‘You used your children to take away my spotlight’: SIL of Bride Makes Wedding All About Her Kids By Sabotaging the First Dance

Sometimes people think the wedding is all about them.
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‘You've had it too easy for too long’: Husband Calls Out Stay-at-Home Wife for Her Entitled Behaviour Following Her Refusal to Help Around the House After Kids Leave The Nest

‘You've had it too easy for too long’: Husband Calls Out Stay-at-Home Wife for Her Entitled Behaviour Following Her Refusal to Help Around the House After Kids Leave The Nest

Marriage is difficult. Marriage is the one thing in life that gets considerably harder as one gets older as opposed to easier. The story that follows tells the tale of a husband who finally, after years of marriage, has had enough. OP and his wife have three beautiful kids together. OP was the breadwinner and his wife looked after the kids, so their lives were quite peaceful. However, everything changed when their youngest moved out to start his own independent adult life. The once tranquil hou…
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