
family drama

‘You’re not entitled to my inheritance’: A Sisterly Dispute Erupts After One Sister Gets a Larger Inheritance, the Whole Family Gets Involved

‘You’re not entitled to my inheritance’: A Sisterly Dispute Erupts After One Sister Gets a Larger Inheritance, the Whole Family Gets Involved

Another story where money is a key player
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'Your feelings are not my problem': Woman Barks at Daughter-in-Law After Being Called Out for Excluding Family Members From Important Meetings

'Your feelings are not my problem': Woman Barks at Daughter-in-Law After Being Called Out for Excluding Family Members From Important Meetings

There is nothing more important in life than family. Nothing compares to the value of family, whether it comes from your birth family or your marriage family. That being said, how would you respond if you discovered a code word that permitted your ‘family’ to get together without you? The mother-in-law who is frustrated is described in the story below. The original poster (OP) came up with a unique code phrase to notify family members—spouse and kids—of an emergency and request a meeting away f…
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 Step-Daughter's Cry Against Unequal Treatment By Step-Mother Triggers Heated Discussion About Favoritism

Step-Daughter's Cry Against Unequal Treatment By Step-Mother Triggers Heated Discussion About Favoritism

Successes should be acknowledged. No matter the size or scope, one must constantly recognize and be proud of their accomplishments. So, what would you do if the success of one person seemed to eclipse the talent of the others? The story that follows describes the confused mother. The original poster (OP) is currently a mother of two daughters: her stepdaughter and her biological daughter. To put things in perspective, OP had only been married for a year to her current partner. The two families…
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Entitled Husband Asks Wife Not to Hang Out with New Friends Because He Fears Losing Her, Internet Sets Him Straight: 'I feel like she would leave me if she had any other options'

In romantic relationships, it's important for each partner to be able to have their own friends and interests. And if they are interested in things you aren't, that's okay, as long as you are supportive of them. You can't forbid your partner from doing something completely harmless just because you don't like it. That is the perfect way to unnecessarily ruin a marriage, kind of like what this husband is facing right now. He took it to the internet because he's torn about his behavior. His wife,…
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‘I can't tell you who the father is’: Man Discovers His Girlfriend Helped Hide His Sister’s Pregnancy After Finding a Positive Test in the Bathroom, Leading to a Dispute Regarding the Father

‘I can't tell you who the father is’: Man Discovers His Girlfriend Helped Hide His Sister’s Pregnancy After Finding a Positive Test in the Bathroom, Leading to a Dispute Regarding the Father

family drama
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Spouses Share Shocking Secrets They Learned About Their Partners After Marriage: 'He took break dancing lessons as a kid and won't show me'

Before you get married, you would hope that you know everything about your partner. Everything - even the bad stuff- should be talked about before you decide to commit the rest of your life to one person. Family history, past traumas, all of it. You don't want to be legally bound to a person you thought was someone else. But alas, that is not always the case. Just like in these folks' marriages, some important things came out after they said, 'I do.' Some of their spouses revealed truths that...
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‘You are not going to embarrass my family!’: Mother-In-Law Insists on Future Grandson's Name Amidst Dread of Mother's Unconventional Taste

‘You are not going to embarrass my family!’: Mother-In-Law Insists on Future Grandson's Name Amidst Dread of Mother's Unconventional Taste

Pregnancy is supposed to be a beautiful time of preparation for the arrival of a new soul on earth. Although everything should proceed without a hitch at this time, things can really turn out a little differently than expected. The story below is an account of a frustrated daughter-in-law. The original poster (OP) and her husband are expecting their first child together. Since OP has a unique name, she is eager to tap into her imagination and come up with a name for her beloved child. OP seems…
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‘You can’t have your wedding in my backyard’: Soon-to-be Bride Wants a Wedding on a Budget By Having It in Her Brother’s Backyard, the Family Gets Into Dispute When He Says No

‘You can’t have your wedding in my backyard’: Soon-to-be Bride Wants a Wedding on a Budget By Having It in Her Brother’s Backyard, the Family Gets Into Dispute When He Says No

Wedding doesn't equal the world revolves around you
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‘It’s my day, not your husbands’: Bride Arranges a Wedding Venue Without Wheelchair Accessibility, Making it Impossible For Her Sister’s Husband to Come, Resulting in Family Dispute

‘It’s my day, not your husbands’: Bride Arranges a Wedding Venue Without Wheelchair Accessibility, Making it Impossible For Her Sister’s Husband to Come, Resulting in Family Dispute

Ladies, beware of the wedding day
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‘You ruined my Mother’s Day breakfast’: 12 Year Old Daughter Makes Snide Comments About Traditional Ethnic Clothes at Mother’s Day Breakfast, She Learns a Lesson About Kindness

‘You ruined my Mother’s Day breakfast’: 12 Year Old Daughter Makes Snide Comments About Traditional Ethnic Clothes at Mother’s Day Breakfast, She Learns a Lesson About Kindness

Never to early to start teaching human decency
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‘I’m not postponing my wedding for you’: Pregnant Sister of the Bride Insists That She Postpone Her Wedding For Her Due Date, Mom is Put in the Middle

‘I’m not postponing my wedding for you’: Pregnant Sister of the Bride Insists That She Postpone Her Wedding For Her Due Date, Mom is Put in the Middle

Happy Mother's Day with your daughters fighting
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Gold Digging Girlfriend Demands Boyfriend Foot the Bill for Lavish Vacation or Face Cancellation Drama

Gold Digging Girlfriend Demands Boyfriend Foot the Bill for Lavish Vacation or Face Cancellation Drama

In a relationship, sacrifice and compromise are necessary. But what would you do if you began to suspect that your partner was taking advantage of you in order to finance her lavish lifestyle? Would you stick to the truth and insist she make some financial contributions, or would you give her everything she wants because you love her and want the best for her? The story below is an account of a frustrated boyfriend. The original poster (OP) had moved in with his girlfriend. At first, everything…
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Woman’s Mother Offers to Cook for Her Wedding, Then Quickly Backtracks After Being Instructed to Accommodate the Couple's Food Preferences

Woman’s Mother Offers to Cook for Her Wedding, Then Quickly Backtracks After Being Instructed to Accommodate the Couple's Food Preferences

A wedding is a joyous ceremony that honors love and the joining of two people in the holy bond of matrimony. It represents unity, commitment, eternity, and family. So, how would you respond if your mother tried to make you serve food on your special day that none of your husband's family members could eat? The story below describes a bewildered mother. The original poster (OP) had volunteered to provide the food on the wedding day of each of her children. Therefore, OP offered to assist with fo…
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‘You can’t divorce me and still have your step-daughter’: Man Wants Full Custody of His Children After Divorce, Even Though One is Not Biologically His

‘You can’t divorce me and still have your step-daughter’: Man Wants Full Custody of His Children After Divorce, Even Though One is Not Biologically His

Another dramatic story about the unfurling of a relationship
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Man Scraps Plan to Buy Parents' Home After Brother Insists on Moving In Rent-Free

Man Scraps Plan to Buy Parents' Home After Brother Insists on Moving In Rent-Free

Your family can either be your closest companion or your greatest foe. That being said, what would be your reaction if your family attempted to live off the produce of your labor to save money? Considering that the essence of family is mutual support, would you prefer to support your family without question or would you prefer to overlook the uncomfortable reality that they are holding you back? The story that follows is that of a frustrated son. The original poster (OP) rented the property his…
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Man Leaves Wife and 3 Kids Homeless, Her Sister Refuses to Help Because She Doesn’t Want to Raise a Family of 4

Man Leaves Wife and 3 Kids Homeless, Her Sister Refuses to Help Because She Doesn’t Want to Raise a Family of 4

Family comes first at all times. If, however, your sister tried to take advantage of you just because it suits her, how would you respond? Would you quietly give in to her ridiculous demands for the sake of her three defenseless children, or would you stand your ground? This is the story of a perplexed sister. After a contentious divorce, the older sister of the original poster (OP) desired to live with her and her spouse until she could afford to start anew. OP and her spouse eventually agreed…
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