
family drama

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'She gave me a list of demands, including quitting my job a month before the wedding': Parents Force Daughter to Pay for Part of Sister's Wedding, Sibling Cancels All Vendors Days Before Ceremony After Sister Becomes a Bridezilla

was she justified?
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‘Never contact me again’: Daughter Tries to Reconcile Estrangement From Deadbeat Dad After He Cheated On Her Mom, Resulting in Family Dispute

‘Never contact me again’: Daughter Tries to Reconcile Estrangement From Deadbeat Dad After He Cheated On Her Mom, Resulting in Family Dispute

Hey there internet people. Entanglements with family get complicated before they get better sometimes. In our day and age of everything being canceled, unfortunately this applies to family members as well. It’s a new cultural norm to omit family members from our lives for a multitude of reasons. It’s not just that someone was a terrible parent, sometimes it’s so far as just something they said, or something they did. People are becoming less magnanimous by the hour, and it’s shown in everyday l…
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Woman Expects Husband to Fork Over Thousands of Dollars For Her Sister in Financial Trouble, Resulting in Potential Divorce

Woman Expects Husband to Fork Over Thousands of Dollars For Her Sister in Financial Trouble, Resulting in Potential Divorce

Welcome back internet aficionados. It’s not always easy to manage money when you’re married. Shared finances means that your money isn’t fully yours, and that you’re always playing a balancing act between financial, as well as emotional compromises. When you start lending money things get really sticky, and even dramatic to the point where friendships and family relations are split. This particular Reddit piece follows a couple and their finances. They’ve been putting thousands of dollars into…
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Woman Ditches Agreed Upon Name for Firstborn After Twin Sister Objects, Siding Against Husband and Sparking Heated Debate About Marital Loyalty

Woman Ditches Agreed Upon Name for Firstborn After Twin Sister Objects, Siding Against Husband and Sparking Heated Debate About Marital Loyalty

Your family should always come first in your life. When you're a small child, your parents and siblings should come first. When you become older and start a family, your partner and your children should come first. Everyone else should come second. This is the tale of an unhappy husband that comes next. The original poster (OP) and his spouse are anticipated to welcome their first child together. The couple chose a name that they both love and have an emotional attachment to after learning the…
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Woman Finds Out Her Boyfriend is Cheating on Her With His Ex, She Revokes Her Expensive Birthday Gift For His Daughter

Woman Finds Out Her Boyfriend is Cheating on Her With His Ex, She Revokes Her Expensive Birthday Gift For His Daughter

Relationships aren’t easy. Regardless of if it’s a family member, a spouse, a sibling, a partner, teacher, friend, you name it, people with people is a recipe for disaster. Ever heard of the guy who lived in the middle of nowhere in a log cabin? Yeah, sometimes we feel like that too. You really don’t know someone until you know them. There reaches a threshold where they show their true colors for you, and once that happens there’s no going back. This Reddit story is about a woman, a man, his ex…
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Parents Skip Daughter's Wedding for Son's Football Game, Sparking Accusations of Favoritism and Fiery Debate

Parents Skip Daughter's Wedding for Son's Football Game, Sparking Accusations of Favoritism and Fiery Debate

In the family, favoritism is hardly unheard of. In most families, there is always a child who is closer to the parents than the others. Having said that, it is the responsibility of parents to ensure that each child feels valued and cherished. The story below tells the story of the frustrated daughter. The original poster (OP) married the love of her life in a magical ceremony that was witnessed by the people she holds dear. However, things rapidly became dire when pictures from the big day sta…
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‘Unbelievable…’: Wife Keeps Family Dinner a Secret, Leaving Husband Stranded at Home

‘Unbelievable…’: Wife Keeps Family Dinner a Secret, Leaving Husband Stranded at Home

Your priorities should be centered around your family. In addition to the individuals you are biologically related to, your family may also include your close friends and the families you marry into when tying the knot. Having said that, what would you do if your partner abandoned you after publicly and repeatedly displaying disrespect towards you? The story below is an account of a frustrated husband. The original poster (OP) moved across the state recently to accommodate her wife's new job. T…
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'Taking her along to the appointment would have resulted in tears, confusion, and not finding a dress': Entitled Mother-in-law Stops Speaking to Bride After Not Being Invited Wedding Dress Shopping

who's in the wrong?
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Woman Demands Her Children Come Home From Her Sister’s Pool Party After What Her Daughter Tells Her, Causing Sisterly Dispute

Woman Demands Her Children Come Home From Her Sister’s Pool Party After What Her Daughter Tells Her, Causing Sisterly Dispute

Welcome ladies and gentlemen. We all know how important our reputations are. One libel and it’s all over. And unfortunately, when it comes to ‘he said she said,’ it’s all up to faith. People will believe whatever they want to match the narrative they agree with or that makes sense to them. This can cause logical fallacies in the entire function of the interpersonal relationships between people. Now, imagine you have your sister and her teenage children over for a pool party, in which your frien…
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Woman Kicks Out Her Brother-in-law From His Family's Home After She Buys It, Causing Family and Financial Dispute

Woman Kicks Out Her Brother-in-law From His Family's Home After She Buys It, Causing Family and Financial Dispute

Welcome back internet aficionados. With family comes a lot of drama. Sometimes too much, to the point where we don’t even want to deal with it. There’s something about family that really makes things feel harder than they have to be. You’re off doing your own thing, and taking care of yourself, and for some reason having family around could also make you a worse version of yourself. Regression is real. There’s nothing worse than family mixed with money. Somehow ‘dad’ sounds a little different w…
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‘I’m not your children’s mother’: Woman Expected to Take Care of Her Boyfriend’s Children, Despite Their Agreement That She Wouldn’t be Involved in the Parenting

‘I’m not your children’s mother’: Woman Expected to Take Care of Her Boyfriend’s Children, Despite Their Agreement That She Wouldn’t be Involved in the Parenting

Hey there internet ladies and gentlemen. When entering a relationship with someone, there’s a lot of trial and error to find out how compatible you two are. There’s a whole nature of the relationship that could be extremely incompatible, but does not reveal itself until too late into the game. The important thing is to find out the truth before things get too deep. If a normal, traditional beginning of a relationship is difficult to navigate, adding children becomes downright tiresome. Things c…
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Woman Stands Alone at Long-Awaited Doctoral Ceremony as Husband 'Forgets' to Attend

Woman Stands Alone at Long-Awaited Doctoral Ceremony as Husband 'Forgets' to Attend

Healthy relationships take ongoing effort. Only those couples who genuinely love one another will persevere through both good and terrible times and emerge from the experience stronger. The story that follows is the story of a frustrated wife. In addition to working to support her marriage, the original poster (OP) is a doctoral candidate. Unsurprisingly, OP works very hard to maintain a healthy work-life balance. With the faculty comprising professors, students, wives, and other family members…
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Man Demands Future MIL Pay for Lost Items After She Misplaces His Valuables and Calls Him ‘Careless’

Man Demands Future MIL Pay for Lost Items After She Misplaces His Valuables and Calls Him ‘Careless’

It is crucial for you and those around you to feel responsible for your actions. Having said that, how would you react if your future mother-in-law misplaced something that you had explicitly told her to keep an eye out for you? In the event that the item disappeared, would you take responsibility for it or would you hold her or her careless actions accountable? The story below is an account of a frustrated boyfriend. The original poster (OP) had gone on vacation with his girlfriend's family. S…
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‘You’ve failed us’: Man Up and Quits His Job as Soon as His Wife Gives Birth, She Blames Him For Their Financial Struggles

‘You’ve failed us’: Man Up and Quits His Job as Soon as His Wife Gives Birth, She Blames Him For Their Financial Struggles

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. Building your future with someone is no small decision. There’s a lot of responsibility involved for both people. If you can’t rely on your partner's words or actions, or if you don’t perceive them as financially responsible, then how is one to trust them in the future with money? Especially when you start bringing kids into the situation, it’s imperative to have full trust in your partner , and to know that you’re a team building something together. This all…
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Woman Demands Postnup After Husband’s Ex Surprises Him With a 13 Year Old Daughter

Woman Demands Postnup After Husband’s Ex Surprises Him With a 13 Year Old Daughter

Welcome people of the internet. There are countless and incredulous stories to read about… endless dramas and situations that seem nightmarish if you were in them, but somehow entertaining from the side. Life can throw a lot of curveballs at you, and you need to be prepared for them in any situation. One could never predict what’s coming around the corner, but being adaptive to outward situations is the first step to coming to terms with the unknown. Finding out your husband has a kid with his…
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Wife Confronts MIL Over Years of Mistreatment Towards Husband, Igniting Intense Family Discussion on Favoritism

Wife Confronts MIL Over Years of Mistreatment Towards Husband, Igniting Intense Family Discussion on Favoritism

The love a mother can give is unmatched. The idea that there is someone out there who will reach across the sky to guarantee your well-being has tremendous allure. Still, how would you respond if your mother-in-law disapproved of your partner? Would you try to make up for it if he noticed the disparities between you and your siblings, or would you just accept things the way they are? The story below is an account of a frustrated wife. For over a decade, the original poster (OP) has been married…
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