
family drama

Man Reprimands Step-son Publicly, Wife Gets Her Revenge By Embarrassing Him in Front of His Children

Man Reprimands Step-son Publicly, Wife Gets Her Revenge By Embarrassing Him in Front of His Children

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. When mixing families, things can get more complicated than one would think. Two parents and two sets of children all under one roof. It’s a miracle at all that they can function together. This brings us to the Reddit story. In this piece, there’s a lot going on. The mother has two children, a son and daughter. Their biological father has never been in either of their lives, until recently, when the son attempts to contact him on Facebook. They almost make plan…
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Woman Refuses to Babysit for Her Sister’s ‘Nightmare Child,’ But Will Babysit for Friend’s Kid, Resulting in Sisterly Dispute

Woman Refuses to Babysit for Her Sister’s ‘Nightmare Child,’ But Will Babysit for Friend’s Kid, Resulting in Sisterly Dispute

Welcome back internet queens and kings. In life, we can choose our friends and partners, but we can’t choose our family. More than that, we can’t choose how our children will turn out, we can only hope to raise them in a way that makes them a good person in the world. Which brings us to the Reddit piece. In this particular Reddit thread, there’s a childless sister, and her older sister with a 4 year old son. The son has clear emotional and behavioral issues, and his mother is either complacent…
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Son Receives His Mother’s Home in Her Inheritance, He Kicks Out His Step Dad, Only to Beg Him Later for a Financial Handout

Son Receives His Mother’s Home in Her Inheritance, He Kicks Out His Step Dad, Only to Beg Him Later for a Financial Handout

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. Money and inheritance, unfortunately, is something that often tears families apart. People become possessive, greedy, and they lose sight of the love they’re supposed to have for one another. Human behavior really does become skewed when money is involved, and people show their true colors. That brings us to the story. In this particular Reddit piece, a woman with a son remarries. The son isn’t a fan of his new step father, but that’s besides the point. The wo…
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Brother Shelters Homeless Sister Who Demands Wife-Like Treatment Leading to Her Eviction by His Wife

Brother Shelters Homeless Sister Who Demands Wife-Like Treatment Leading to Her Eviction by His Wife

Prioritizing your family over all else means that you should always be willing to assist a member in need. Still, will you embrace a family member with a warm embrace and a helping hand if they start mistreating your partner, losing their sense of identity, and taking advantage of your kindness? The sibling who is frustrated is described in the story below. Following her homelessness and lack of resources, the original poster (OP) and his wife kindly welcomed his sister and her two kids into th…
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Woman Wrongfully Accuses Sister of Theft While Babysitting, Then Demands She Watch Her Children Again as ‘The Kids Aren’t at Fault’

Woman Wrongfully Accuses Sister of Theft While Babysitting, Then Demands She Watch Her Children Again as ‘The Kids Aren’t at Fault’

Family comes first at all times. You ought to be able to prioritize your family's needs over any other commitments. The story below is an account of a frustrated sister. The original poster (OP) has been her sister's primary babysitter ever since her nieces were born. This setting was initially quite helpful and advantageous, but things took a bad turn when OP's older sister accused OP of stealing her wedding band. OP tried her hardest to defend herself, but her sister would have none of it and…
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Woman Discovers Her Ex Husband Impregnates Another Woman Immediately After Their Divorce, He Then Expects Her to Be ‘Auntie’ to His Little One

Woman Discovers Her Ex Husband Impregnates Another Woman Immediately After Their Divorce, He Then Expects Her to Be ‘Auntie’ to His Little One

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. I hate to be the one to say it, but the world can be an incredibly cruel place. The only way to deal with all the pain, is to laugh about it. Divorce is hard enough, with splitting houses, possessions, friends, family, and not to mention missing the person themselves, but there can be so many layers to this that make it all the more painful. In this Reddit thread, the couple is recently divorced , and within their marriage, he was adamant about…
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Daughter Accuses Mother of Favoritism, Raising Tensions Over Unequal Rules for ‘Golden’ Sister: 'I wish you could be more like Rebecca!'

Daughter Accuses Mother of Favoritism, Raising Tensions Over Unequal Rules for ‘Golden’ Sister: 'I wish you could be more like Rebecca!'

Relationships within the family are dynamic and multifaceted, particularly between sisters. That being said, should parents make it a point to treat their kids equally no matter how different they may seem? or should a set of rules be given to every child based on their manners and personality? The story that follows describes a dissatisfied mother. The original poster is a mother of two girls (OP). The first sister is the picture-perfect child, in contrast to the other sister, who is disobedie…
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Jealous Sister in Law Copies Every Aspect of Woman's Life, Including Pregnancy

Jealous Sister in Law Copies Every Aspect of Woman's Life, Including Pregnancy

Copy cat!
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Woman Sparks Conversation About Having Kids With Her Husband of 8 Years, Only to Find Out He Doesn’t Want Kids With Her, ‘I can barely deal with you now, much less when you’re pregnant and hormonal’

Woman Sparks Conversation About Having Kids With Her Husband of 8 Years, Only to Find Out He Doesn’t Want Kids With Her, ‘I can barely deal with you now, much less when you’re pregnant and hormonal’

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. The infamous talk about having kids between a couple can get emotional, to say the least. It’s usually a deal breaker if one person wants kids, and the other doesn’t. It’s not really something that will change (despite so many people insisting it will). If someone does cave and agrees to let go of their desires for their partners, resentment can arise, and the child might not be raised in a great environment. Though that’s not exactly what’s happening between…
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Woman Refuses to Attend Her Brother’s Wedding When She Finds Out He’s Marrying Her Ex-boyfriend, Sparking Family Favoritism

Woman Refuses to Attend Her Brother’s Wedding When She Finds Out He’s Marrying Her Ex-boyfriend, Sparking Family Favoritism

Welcome back internet queens and kings. It’s not the first time, and won’t be the last. But imagine the devastation of finding out that your boyfriend is actually gay. A big blow, f eeling betrayed, that your love was all fake . It could be heart wrenching and confusing all at the same time. It may feel like they never really loved you. A fate I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, but unfortunately it’s the truth about what happened to the original poster in this story. This Reddit piece follows a…
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Man Throws Away His Birthday Gift From His Wife, Claiming It’s a Mediocre Representation of Her Efforts, Leading to Their Potential Divorce

Man Throws Away His Birthday Gift From His Wife, Claiming It’s a Mediocre Representation of Her Efforts, Leading to Their Potential Divorce

Hey there, men and women of the internet. I think we’ve all heard the phrase, ‘communication is key,’ and whoever said it knows what they were talking about. Communication is key in any relationship. We always assume the other person can read our thoughts and feelings, and truthfully, they can’t. Without expressing our feelings, how we want to be treated, and how we want to be loved, it won’t just come miraculously. Albeit, with that being said, it’s exactly what the original poster (OP) did. I…
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‘You’re just their stepmother’: Woman Stands Up to Ex’s Wife After Finding Out She’s Been Undermining Her Parenting, the Whole Family Gets Involved

‘You’re just their stepmother’: Woman Stands Up to Ex’s Wife After Finding Out She’s Been Undermining Her Parenting, the Whole Family Gets Involved

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. Parenting isn’t easy . Life throws hurdles at you that you can never expect, and you have to hope for the best, while dragging along a little one, and trying to instill in them decent life values. This poses to be even more challenging due to certain circumstances. Children see a lot, maybe too much these days. And children aren’t stupid; they know more than us sometimes, and even as you try to keep something from them, they will find out. Which brings us to t…
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 Wife Unmasks Her Partner’s ‘Perfect Husband Persona’ During Family Gathering, Sparking Family Division and an Intense Familial Dispute

Wife Unmasks Her Partner’s ‘Perfect Husband Persona’ During Family Gathering, Sparking Family Division and an Intense Familial Dispute

In a relationship, patience is required. Even though you could eventually lose patience, it's important to remain calm and show respect during these trying moments since it matters more how you say something than what you say. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated wife. The original poster (OP) had been married for a considerable amount of time. Despite her desire to advance her marriage and begin the process of starting a family, her husband strongly protested the notion, citing…
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Sibling Missing Sister's Wedding After Initially Telling Her the Date That Might Not Work for His Family, Internet Debates Who's to Blame: 'She knows it costs a fortune for us to fly out, that it’s a full day of travel in each direction'

Is this a valid excuse to miss your sibling's wedding?
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'I have him wrapped around my finger...': Wife Discovers Her Husband Is Cheating After Overhearing His ‘Friend’ Brag That She Can Have Him Anytime

'I have him wrapped around my finger...': Wife Discovers Her Husband Is Cheating After Overhearing His ‘Friend’ Brag That She Can Have Him Anytime

Without mutual respect and trust, a marriage cannot last. Thus, if your friend approached you with a notion about her husband that she finds unsettling, what advice would you give her? The story below is an account of a heartbroken wife. The original poster (OP) recently tied the knot with the person she had imagined would be her lifelong partner. However, as fate would have it, she happened to overhear women around her discussing how they could 'have it' with the groom at any time. Despite the…
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'How on earth did you manage to spend $10,000?!': Man Drains Joint Savings for Wild Bachelor Party, Leaving Fiancé in Financial Crisis Before Wedding

'How on earth did you manage to spend $10,000?!': Man Drains Joint Savings for Wild Bachelor Party, Leaving Fiancé in Financial Crisis Before Wedding

When you tie the knot, you begin a shared future with the person you consider to be your person—your one true love. Having said that, the pair shares their happiness and victories as well as their monetary and personal commitments. The story below is an account of a frustrated fiancé. The original poster (OP) had been looking forward to her wedding day ever since she got engaged. As they anticipated their impending marriage, the couple decided to host bachelorette parties for themselves. Fortun…
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