

Mixing Business With Pleasure: Redditors Share Their Experiences of Hooking Up With Coworkers

Mixing Business With Pleasure: Redditors Share Their Experiences of Hooking Up With Coworkers

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Irresponsible Husband Uses Emergency Money To Buy A PS5 Console| Thumbnail Text - Gadget - AITA for giving the PS5 my Husband bought to my Nephew? I am a 35 year old woman and my husband is 37, I discovered the other day he had bought a PS5 as a gift for himself, but the thing is he used my money to do so without my permission using a portion of my emergency savings that he had access to in case of you know, an emergency. Which I do not believe being able to get your hands on a new video game c

Irresponsible Husband Uses Emergency Money To Buy A PS5 Console

The wife gets back at him pretty good
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