
entitled people

Older Sister Betrays Younger Sister’s Trust by Disclosing Private Marriage Conversation to Boyfriend, Leading to a Breakup and Family Strife

Older Sister Betrays Younger Sister’s Trust by Disclosing Private Marriage Conversation to Boyfriend, Leading to a Breakup and Family Strife

Since we were young children, the elders in our lives have taught us that the best policy is honesty. In actuality, though, occasionally telling a white lie might actually make life a lot easier. The story below is an account of a confused sister. The original poster (OP) and her long-term boyfriend are getting married. In anticipation of her honeymoon, she went shopping with her sister, who happens to be dating her fiancé's younger brother. While strolling around, OP began to inquire about her…
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Maid-of-Honor Says She Can't Afford Bachelorette Party at Disneyland, Bridezilla Suggests She Take Out a Loan: '[It] felt more like a vacation than a party'

That's one way to end a friendship
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Woman Leaves Friend Stranded After He Fails to Wake up on Time for His Flight, Causing Uproar and Furious Showdown Among Friend Group

Woman Leaves Friend Stranded After He Fails to Wake up on Time for His Flight, Causing Uproar and Furious Showdown Among Friend Group

As a responsible adult, there are certain fundamental duties that you need to have mastered by now. The first is being punctual when traveling to important places, like the airport. The story down below is an account of a frustrated friend. The original poster (OP) received an invite to her friend's wedding in a nearby state. Rather than staying in an allocated region with the rest of the wedding party, she and her husband decided to travel alone. As a result, they booked a flight and leased a…
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selfish grandparents backtrack on their word regarding childcare despite warnings from kid's parents, parent has to travel across the country as a result

Children's Grandparents Demand Parent to Come Get Kids Across the Country, Despite Parent Warning Them the Children Would Be a Handful

Well, you were warned.
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Entitled bridesmaids and bride-to-be call out woman for not being able to afford $6K worth of wedding expenses, woman drops out of wedding as a result

Bridesmaid Drops Out of Wedding Due to Expenses Rising to $6K, Is Being Ostracized and Berated by Friend Group As a Result

“I do not want to go into a significant amount of debt for a wedding.”
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boyfriend's entitled sister expects second trimester pregnant woman to watch her kids while they go on vacation to Ibiza, including woman's boyfriend

Man's Exhausted Pregnant Girlfriend is Expected to Watch His Sister's Children While The Rest of Them Go Partying in Ibiza: ‘[He said] I'm at home doing nothing anyways’

Don't expect a pregnant woman to provide free childcare to kids she's never met while you live it up on vacation.
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Bride Refuses to Have Mother’s New Man Walk Her Down the Aisle, Sparking a Heated Discussion Among the Family

Bride Refuses to Have Mother’s New Man Walk Her Down the Aisle, Sparking a Heated Discussion Among the Family

Weddings are joyous occasions. Nevertheless, drama always accompanies a significant event. Nevertheless, how would you react if the man your mother is seeing—someone you have hardly met—decided it is his duty to accompany you down the aisle on your wedding day? The story below is an account of a bewildered bride. The original poster (OP) plans to get married to her fiancé in the upcoming months. In the days leading up to the wedding, her mother's partner made an odd request of her. Given that s…
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Bride Cancels Wedding After Groom's Family Insists on Inviting His Ex-Girlfriend: 'He said that it’s a family tradition'

What kind of family tradition is this?
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‘He says I need to trust him…’: Woman’s Refusal to Surrender Bank Account Control to Husband Creates Rift in Relationship

‘He says I need to trust him…’: Woman’s Refusal to Surrender Bank Account Control to Husband Creates Rift in Relationship

Money is an extremely complex topic. It can enable you to live a luxurious lifestyle on the one hand, but it can also lead to conflict and resentment on the other. The story below is an account of a confused wife. The original poster (OP) suffered years of financial exploitation at the hands of her former husband. After years of suffering, she at last realized she needed to assume ownership of her own life. So, to guarantee she never again finds herself in that vulnerable situation from all tho…
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‘Are you kidding me?!’: Man Brands Older Brother’s Wedding Mediocre Then Demands Payment for His Own Wedding Celebrations

‘Are you kidding me?!’: Man Brands Older Brother’s Wedding Mediocre Then Demands Payment for His Own Wedding Celebrations

Weddings are happy events created to honor the union of two individuals in marriage. Weddings are attended by all of the couple's closest friends and relatives. That being stated, how would you respond if your brother made fun of your wedding and then made matters worse by demanding payment for his? The story below is an account of a frustrated brother. The original poster (OP) married his wife not some time ago in a beautiful, low-key ceremony that was witnessed by all of his closest friends a…
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Woman Excludes Friend From Engagement Dinner Due to Parenthood and History of Non-attendance, Putting Friendship at Risk

Woman Excludes Friend From Engagement Dinner Due to Parenthood and History of Non-attendance, Putting Friendship at Risk

The purpose of weddings is to commemorate the joining of two people in the holy bond of matrimony. Having said that, people usually invite their closest and dearest to the celebration in order to recognize the momentous occasion. But what if your friend didn't ask you to her wedding because she believed you 'wouldn't come'? The story below is an account of a frustrated bride. The original poster, or OP, is set to tie the knot. Before the wedding, OP hosted a bridal shower for all of her close f…
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Woman's Fiancé Expected to Be A Free Wedding Photographer At Her Entitled Sister's Wedding, Driving the Couple to Reconsider Attending

Being volun-told to do things is not fun.
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 ‘Why does a 6-year-old need a master suite?!’: Woman Calls Off Vacation After Power Struggle with SIL on Itinerary and Sleeping Arrangements

‘Why does a 6-year-old need a master suite?!’: Woman Calls Off Vacation After Power Struggle with SIL on Itinerary and Sleeping Arrangements

Your priorities should always be centered around your family. Having said that, when is it right to establish boundaries and limits with the people you care about the most? The story below is an account of a frustrated wife. The original poster (OP) and her partner planned a summer vacation with their sister-in-law and husband. They booked a three-bedroom Airbnb for their joint summer vacation. Even though at first everything seemed to be going well and everyone was excited about the anticipate…
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'You're erasing me from the memory of the wedding!': Man Sparks Family Uproar by Photoshopping Estranged Sister-In-Law From Wedding Pictures

'You're erasing me from the memory of the wedding!': Man Sparks Family Uproar by Photoshopping Estranged Sister-In-Law From Wedding Pictures

Weddings are happy occasions created to celebrate the union of two individuals in the sacred tie of matrimony. Usually, the couple extends invitations to the most significant and intimate people in their lives to join them on this momentous day. However, if your sister attempted to take center stage during the day, how would you react? The story below is an account of a frustrated husband. The original poster (OP) had lately tied the knot in a private, dreamy wedding with the love of his life.…
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Self-Serving Brother Bans Sister Form Wedding, Fearing Her Medical Condition Will Steal the Spotlight, Leaving Her Heartbroken and Devastated

Self-Serving Brother Bans Sister Form Wedding, Fearing Her Medical Condition Will Steal the Spotlight, Leaving Her Heartbroken and Devastated

Weddings are joyous occasions designed to honor the union of two people. The couple invites their loved ones to join them as they celebrate taking their first steps towards eternity. However, what if your brother and his current partner decided they didn't want you to come to the nuptials because they believed you would be the center of attention? The story below is an account of a heartbroken sister. A leg amputation was recently performed on the original poster (OP) as a result of multiple me…
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toxic and entitled best friend isolates woman from friend group when everything isn't about her, entitlement ensues and sparks a friendship feud

‘Leader’ of Woman's Friend Group Consistently Makes Everything About Her, Isolates Woman From the Group As a Result: ‘I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone’

“When it was my birthday this year I asked if anyone wanted to go out for dinner and the leader announced in response that she was pregnant again.”
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