
entitled people

Woman Attempts to Take SIL’s Nanny Away With Promises of a Better Job and Higher Salary

Woman Attempts to Take SIL’s Nanny Away With Promises of a Better Job and Higher Salary

For many parents who want to run their lives as smoothly as possible, nannies are the holy grail. Considering this, how would you respond if your sister-in-law tried to lure your nanny away with the promise of a bigger payday? The story below is of a dumbfounded mother. The original poster (OP), a mother of three, hired the most incredible nanny to help her take care of the children. The nanny is dependable, creative, and well-liked by the children. As a result, OP quickly agreed to the nanny's…
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'Your feelings are not my problem': Woman Barks at Daughter-in-Law After Being Called Out for Excluding Family Members From Important Meetings

'Your feelings are not my problem': Woman Barks at Daughter-in-Law After Being Called Out for Excluding Family Members From Important Meetings

There is nothing more important in life than family. Nothing compares to the value of family, whether it comes from your birth family or your marriage family. That being said, how would you respond if you discovered a code word that permitted your ‘family’ to get together without you? The mother-in-law who is frustrated is described in the story below. The original poster (OP) came up with a unique code phrase to notify family members—spouse and kids—of an emergency and request a meeting away f…
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 Step-Daughter's Cry Against Unequal Treatment By Step-Mother Triggers Heated Discussion About Favoritism

Step-Daughter's Cry Against Unequal Treatment By Step-Mother Triggers Heated Discussion About Favoritism

Successes should be acknowledged. No matter the size or scope, one must constantly recognize and be proud of their accomplishments. So, what would you do if the success of one person seemed to eclipse the talent of the others? The story that follows describes the confused mother. The original poster (OP) is currently a mother of two daughters: her stepdaughter and her biological daughter. To put things in perspective, OP had only been married for a year to her current partner. The two families…
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‘You are not going to embarrass my family!’: Mother-In-Law Insists on Future Grandson's Name Amidst Dread of Mother's Unconventional Taste

‘You are not going to embarrass my family!’: Mother-In-Law Insists on Future Grandson's Name Amidst Dread of Mother's Unconventional Taste

Pregnancy is supposed to be a beautiful time of preparation for the arrival of a new soul on earth. Although everything should proceed without a hitch at this time, things can really turn out a little differently than expected. The story below is an account of a frustrated daughter-in-law. The original poster (OP) and her husband are expecting their first child together. Since OP has a unique name, she is eager to tap into her imagination and come up with a name for her beloved child. OP seems…
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Woman’s Mother Offers to Cook for Her Wedding, Then Quickly Backtracks After Being Instructed to Accommodate the Couple's Food Preferences

Woman’s Mother Offers to Cook for Her Wedding, Then Quickly Backtracks After Being Instructed to Accommodate the Couple's Food Preferences

A wedding is a joyous ceremony that honors love and the joining of two people in the holy bond of matrimony. It represents unity, commitment, eternity, and family. So, how would you respond if your mother tried to make you serve food on your special day that none of your husband's family members could eat? The story below describes a bewildered mother. The original poster (OP) had volunteered to provide the food on the wedding day of each of her children. Therefore, OP offered to assist with fo…
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Man Scraps Plan to Buy Parents' Home After Brother Insists on Moving In Rent-Free

Man Scraps Plan to Buy Parents' Home After Brother Insists on Moving In Rent-Free

Your family can either be your closest companion or your greatest foe. That being said, what would be your reaction if your family attempted to live off the produce of your labor to save money? Considering that the essence of family is mutual support, would you prefer to support your family without question or would you prefer to overlook the uncomfortable reality that they are holding you back? The story that follows is that of a frustrated son. The original poster (OP) rented the property his…
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Man Leaves Wife and 3 Kids Homeless, Her Sister Refuses to Help Because She Doesn’t Want to Raise a Family of 4

Man Leaves Wife and 3 Kids Homeless, Her Sister Refuses to Help Because She Doesn’t Want to Raise a Family of 4

Family comes first at all times. If, however, your sister tried to take advantage of you just because it suits her, how would you respond? Would you quietly give in to her ridiculous demands for the sake of her three defenseless children, or would you stand your ground? This is the story of a perplexed sister. After a contentious divorce, the older sister of the original poster (OP) desired to live with her and her spouse until she could afford to start anew. OP and her spouse eventually agreed…
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'You only had one job...': Husband Refuses to Help His Wife, a Stay at Home Mom, Claiming Housework Is Her Responsibility

'You only had one job...': Husband Refuses to Help His Wife, a Stay at Home Mom, Claiming Housework Is Her Responsibility

Divide and conquer, or allocating duties fairly, is a crucial aspect of managing a home. However, what would you do if your partner turned you down for assistance on the grounds that ‘it's not his job’? Below is the story of a frustrated stay-at-home mother. The original poster (OP) is a mother of two who works as a stay-at-home mom and is pursuing a doctoral degree. On the other hand, her husband supports the family financially while helping to make ends meet so that she can pursue her academi…
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'The door is that way...': Husband Storms Out of Home After Wife Drives His Mother Away for Eating All Her Food

'The door is that way...': Husband Storms Out of Home After Wife Drives His Mother Away for Eating All Her Food

Life is full of unexpected events. But you never, ever, stop to consider the basic fact that when you marry someone, you are literally marrying his entire family... The story below is an account of a frustrated daughter-in-law. The original poster (OP) had just welcomed a darling newborn boy with her now-husband. The baby is the husband's firstborn and OP's third child overall. At first, everything was going great for OP, but after the baby was delivered, her mother-in-law became involved and m…
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Husband Confronts Gold Digging Wife After She Demands Father-In-Law Finance Her Extravagant Lifestyle

Husband Confronts Gold Digging Wife After She Demands Father-In-Law Finance Her Extravagant Lifestyle

It's important to maintain unity of stance in a relationship. Since you are now a couple rather than a standalone person, you should always consider your partner and their needs. So, how would you feel if your partner decided to approach your parents without first getting your consent? The story that follows tells the tale of a disappointed spouse. The original poster (OP) married the love of his life, and together they raised three beautiful children in a blended family. OP is the father of on…
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'I've never met you before...': Woman Resists Familial Pressure to House Estranged Step-Sister Prompting Father to Sever Ties with Daughter

'I've never met you before...': Woman Resists Familial Pressure to House Estranged Step-Sister Prompting Father to Sever Ties with Daughter

Despite the fact that family is what matters most in life, how would you react if your parents started assigning you random relatives to take care of? Would you gracefully stand your ground or would you quietly cave in to familial pressure? The step-sister who is frustrated is described in the story below. The original poster (OP) tells her tale in the touching post below. OP's parents divorced a few years ago, and her father remarried a new woman approximately a year later. Following a stern r…
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'You lied...': After A Decade of Marriage, Husband Find Out About Wife's Secret Daughter from Previous Relationship

'You lied...': After A Decade of Marriage, Husband Find Out About Wife's Secret Daughter from Previous Relationship

One of the most significant aspects of life is family. Your family should always come first and be your top priority. Having said that, after more than 10 years of marriage and three kids, how would you feel if you found out that your partner had a secret child that she has kept concealed from you your entire life? The story below tells the tale of the frustrated husband. The original poster (OP) and his spouse have raised three beautiful children over the course of their more than ten years of…
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‘Ask your mother…’: Bride-To-Be Faces Hard Rejection as Future Mother-In-Law Refuses to Prepare Traditional Cookie Table for Upcoming Wedding

‘Ask your mother…’: Bride-To-Be Faces Hard Rejection as Future Mother-In-Law Refuses to Prepare Traditional Cookie Table for Upcoming Wedding

Weddings are a joyous event. Marriage represents the union of two families on a larger scale, as well as the union of two persons on a micro level. If your future mother-in-law refused to accept the fact that you were now a formal member of the family, how would you respond? Would you try to make things right, or would you just accept things as they are and give up while you're ahead? The story that follows tells the tale of a perplexed mother-in-law. The original poster (OP) expresses doubts a…
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‘My house, my rules!’: Parents Vow to Kick Out Pregnant Daughter from Home Following Announcement of Baby Name

‘My house, my rules!’: Parents Vow to Kick Out Pregnant Daughter from Home Following Announcement of Baby Name

The moment just before a baby is born is incredibly exciting. You envision, strategize, and plan everything you want to do with your unborn child. But what would you do if your parents tried to force you to give the child a specific name by means of threats and coercion? For the sake of your child, would you cave into all of their demands, or would you stand your ground? The story that follows is an account of a frustrated soon-to-be mother. The original poster (OP) is expecting a child with he…
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Woman’s Parents Argue With Her New Husband for Keeping Pictures of His Late Wife Around the House, He Insists It's for His Children’s Sake

Woman’s Parents Argue With Her New Husband for Keeping Pictures of His Late Wife Around the House, He Insists It's for His Children’s Sake

Above all else, your children come first. They motivate you to put in a ton of effort, keep going, and get up every morning hoping that it will be better than the last. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated son-in-law. Along with his late wife, the original poster (OP) is the parent of three children. Even though he and his late wife were not the best of friends before she passed, he still makes an effort to cherish her memory for his children. In order to prevent any potential p…
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'I said no!': Stepdaughter Refuses to Let Stepfather Walk Her Down the Aisle, Mother Intervenes, Resulting in Heated Family Dispute

'I said no!': Stepdaughter Refuses to Let Stepfather Walk Her Down the Aisle, Mother Intervenes, Resulting in Heated Family Dispute

Family should always come first because it is the most important thing in life. But what would you do if, on one of the most significant days of your life, your grandfather and stepfather were fighting over who gets to walk you down the aisle? The story below is an account of a frustrated stepdaughter. In the coming months, the original poster (OP) is set to tie the knot with her true love. But instead of acting as helpful observers, the bridal party has forced their grievances and expectations…
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