

twitter thread about finding love before dating apps | thumbnail text - Rachel Newport Research Midwife @RachelN76 Replying HHMusicOfficial and @DrLindaDykes got drunk on works do and kissed guy fancied all night. Except wasn't him snogged completely different guy too embarrassed admit this, so now are married with two kids. 9:39 PM Sep 2, 2022. Twitter iPhone

People Discuss How They Found Love Before The Era Of Dating Apps And Social Media (Twitter Thread)

Chance encounters IRL
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funny story from woman about disappointing sexual encounter | thumbnail text - I think we ended up having sex, but I cannot be too sure if there was actually anything inside me

Woman's Funny 'Sexcapade' With Guy Who Was Disappointing In The Bedroom

Sexcapades... ridiculous tales of sexual debauchery
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guys all women meet at the gym | thumbnail includes picture of topless man taking gym selfie Text -  Somehow, he has a perfectly chiseled bod, which makes no sense, considering he spends more time hanging out around the mirror than actually working out. If he could make out with his reflection, he totally would.

Guys All Women Encounter At The Gym

Please sir, let me suffer and sweat in peace
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women on TikTok reveal the most blatantly sexist encounters | thumbnail includes two stories Text - Leah "An electrician came to install my light and was saying how difficult it was and I couldn't possibly understand because I'm a girl (actual words)..."

Women On TikTok Reveal Their Most 'Blatantly Sexist' Encounters

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people recall memorable strangers askreddit encounter | GerCop 24 points 2 hours ago Once little girl (around 6-7) years old came into our precinct and confessed she had cheated on her math test and ready go jail colleague mine explained her situation and she won't go jail colleague made her hot chocolate and called her parents so they could pick up their daughter. Bless innocent dumb children.

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