

26 Witty Higher Self Memes for the Enlightened Hippies Among Us

26 Witty Higher Self Memes for the Enlightened Hippies Among Us

Can't talk right now I'm going through a spiritual awakening
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40+ Memes for the POV: You're Dating a Nerd

35+ Memes for the POV: You're Dating a Nerd

nerds ain't losers anymore people!
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45+ Memes for the Women That Know How to Protect Their Hearts

45+ Memes for the Women That Know How to Protect Their Hearts

never make the same mistakes twice
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27 Bittersweet Memes for When You Give the Ugly Guy a Chance and Inadvertently Inflate His Ego

27 Bittersweet Memes for When You Give the Ugly Guy a Chance and Inadvertently Inflate His Ego (July 4, 2023)

Who hurt you?
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Hot Take: The Feisty Girls Have the Best Character Development

Hot Take: Feisty Girls Have the Best Character Development

feisty girls do it best...
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Husband Makes Demeaning Jokes Misrepresenting His Wife's Better New Career, Complains When She Corrects Him | caption reads - "He said that he will always support my dreams when I brought up the idea, and he would help more around the house so I had time for classes. He was also quite proud when I graduated, but now it seems to have flipped a bit. He doesn't seem to like my job very much and has told me that I should have focused more on helping people instead of helping the fish."

Husband Makes Demeaning Jokes Misrepresenting His Wife's Better New Career, Complains When She Corrects Him

Turtles aren't fish, just FYI to the fool husband
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daughter accuses father of having fragile male ego after he makes homophobic comments | thumbnail text - Posted by u/NyxiesPuppet 2 days ago 26e13 3 12 .5 AITA for telling my dad his masculinity is too fragile? Not the A-hole So my whole life I've known that my dad was a homophobe. No one else in my immediate family is, and no one really talks about any kind of Ibgtq+ topic around him so it doesn't really come up a lot with him. But whenever anything "gay" happens around him he starts on a small

Woman Accuses Her Father Of Having A 'Fragile Male Ego' After His Homophobic Comments

That fragile male ego at it again
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Twelve images that might expose your dirty mind| thumbnail text - "So I was like ya know, I've always wanted a Bentley and so what did I do? I went out and was like fuck it, and I got myself my Bentley. And I think about it, and l'm like, wow, I'm just so blessed, ya know?"

Worst Date of the Week: Delusional Man Gets His Ego Checked

A Bentley is not a personality trait
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