
divorce memes | thumbnail text - When you asked your parents for some legos for Christmas but they get a divorce instead Oh Ok

This Week's Collection of Funny Divorce Memes (August 30, 2022)

twitter post | thumbnail text -  $lap @slvppy imagine reading a breakup text on your apple watch Court @xHollywood Court If its one thing women gonna do after a breakup...they gonna rebrand lol

12 Of The Funniest Breakup Tweets We Saw This Week (August 29, 2022)

aita post | thumbnail text - Posted by u/Cardaughteraita 7 hours ago AITA For refusing to split the costs with my ex-wife for my daughter's car when I paid fully for my stepdaughter's car?

Selfish Father Refuses To Split Cost Of Teen Daughter's Car With His Ex-Wife

aita post | thumbnail text - Posted by u/Sail_Essay6483 14 hours ago $3 AITA laughing at my brother while he's going through bad divorce?

Man Cheats On Wife, Fuming When He Discovers He Won't Get Alimony Because Of His Infidelity

divorce memes | thumbnail text - Pope: "Henry you can't just go divorcing all these wome-" BORX RESUME GAME RESTART MATCH CHANGE TEAM FIND ONLINE MATCH OPTIONS LEAVE MATCH

This Week's Batch Of Dandy Divorce Memes (August 23, 2022)

aita post | thumbnail text - r/AmItheAsshole. Posted by u/Ok_Antelope4554 12 hours ago 119 12 AITA having my kids wear tie dye with their dad?

Woman Discovers That Her Shady Ex-Husband Is Stealing Their Daughters' Clothes And Selling Them Online


15 Weekly Divorce Memes For People That Thrive Off Relationship Drama (August 16, 2022)

divorced break up dump him funny memes relationships Memes Divorcee divorce love dating apps breaking up dumped dating - 17653765

Funniest Memes for the Recent Divorcée Ready to Get Back into the Dating Scene

american girl dolls divorce memes | thumbnail text - Kit is doggedly accusing spouse adultery but they didn't do

Funniest Memes Of American Girl Dolls Rebranded As Reasons For Divorces

divorce memes | thumbnail text - Everybody Else: *Takes responsibility for contributing to the breakdown of the marriage* Your Ex: I DIDN'T CHOOSE THE DIVORCE LIFE THE DIVORCE LIFE CHOSE ME

14 Dramatic Divorce Memes Of The Week (August 9, 2022)

divorce tweets | thumbnail text -  I am Divorcing you

This Week's Batch Of Dandy Divorce Tweets (August 3, 2022)

twitter post | thumbnail text - Lihle @tweetbylihle being in a relationship is accepting that your mood can be ruined by 7am isa X @isabella_grayy NONE of my friends allowed to give speeches at my wedding. soon as i hear a "i remember this one time.." AHT AHT gimme the mic

24 Of The Funniest Dating & Relationship Tweets We Saw This Week (July 28, 2022)

divorce memes | thumbnail text - Someone was really happy FINALLY DIVORCED STRAIGHT OUTTA MARRIAGE

This Week's Concise Collection Of Divorce Memes (July 27, 2022)

divorce memes | thumbnail text - This kid looks like he's on his second divorce

This Week's Collection Of Divorce Memes (July 20, 2022)

twitter post | thumbnail text - Annabelle @Annabllebitch7 Sometimes i crawl around like a dog to see what it's like to be my ex 12:51 AM - Jul 10, 2022

14 Funny Breakup Tweets To Get You Over Your Ex

twitter post | thumbnail text -  Jeauxvaughn @JeauxVaughn My wife says she's going into Target one thing. But she grabs cart why is 8:01 PM Jul 2, 2022.

The Funniest Relationship Tweets We've Seen This Week (July 5, 2022)