
Man informs wife he doesn't want to be with her during the birth of their child, she considers divorce as a responds: ‘This proves he doesn’t prioritize me’

Man informs wife he doesn't want to be with her during the birth of their child, she considers divorce as a responds: ‘This proves he doesn’t prioritize me’

‘He hasn't talked to me in days’: Man refuses to talk to his new wife after she jokes about him taking too long to propose during their vows, she considers getting a divorce

‘He hasn't talked to me in days’: Man refuses to talk to his new wife after she jokes about him taking too long to propose during their vows, she considers getting a divorce

marriage kids wife relationships parenting husband ex wife divorce entitled family daughter karma Family - 39387909

'He was angrier than me when he saw her': Woman sets boundary after finding husband’s ex-wife fresh out of the shower after she lets herself in to visit their daughter

18-year-old woman “abandons” her father’s affair partner’s 5-year-old son, she refuses to attend his birthday party and grandparents guilt her for it: “We don’t like who you’re becoming”

18-year-old woman “abandons” her father’s affair partner’s 5-year-old son, she refuses to attend his birthday party and grandparents guilt her for it: “We don’t like who you’re becoming”

bride drama siblings parenting wedding divorce family sister mom entitled people Family - 39405829

'My mom is acting like her divorce is the bigger event': Sister plans divorce on bride’s wedding weekend, family expects bride to reschedule

Man blames pregnant wife's hormones for her intuitive feeling over his relationship with a coworker, private messages on Instagram prove she was right all along: "The phone became the bane of my existence"

Man blames pregnant wife's hormones for her intuitive feeling over his relationship with a coworker, private messages on Instagram prove she was right all along: "The phone became the bane of my existence"

Father refuses to walk daughter down the aisle on after finding out she asked her stepdad as well, he demands she chooses one: ‘No way I’m walking with him'

Father refuses to walk daughter down the aisle on after finding out she asked her stepdad as well, he demands she chooses one: ‘No way I’m walking with him'

19-year-old refuses to babysit half-siblings, father guilt-trips her despite cheating on her mom and destroying the family dynamic: “I really don’t care about them”

19-year-old refuses to babysit half-siblings, father guilt-trips her despite cheating on her mom and destroying the family dynamic: “I really don’t care about them”

"She thought I would grow out of it":  Wife mocks husband's hobbies despite him being openly passionate about gaming since the beginning of the relationship, says he's "overreacting" when he considers divorce over insults

"She thought I would grow out of it": Wife mocks husband's hobbies despite him being openly passionate about gaming since the beginning of the relationship, says he's "overreacting" when he considers divorce over insults

family drama marriage baby toddler kids mother stepmom wife family feud parenting step kids husband dad divorce mom children Family - 39194885

'It's too late to save our marriage': Woman decides to leave after step kids turn against her and husband stands by doing nothing

Woman’s cheating ex keeps “accidently” sending her Valentine’s gifts meant for the other woman, she’s torn between throwing it away or returning to sender: “At this point it almost feels intentional”

Woman’s cheating ex keeps “accidently” sending her Valentine’s gifts meant for the other woman, she’s torn between throwing it away or returning to sender: “At this point it almost feels intentional”

Woman mocks sister for being a “tradwife,” and refuses to help her leave her cheating husband: “You picked this life, deal with it”

Woman mocks sister for being a “tradwife,” and refuses to help her leave her cheating husband: “You picked this life, deal with it”

Woman gifts daughter jewelry meant for ex-husband’s side-piece, the act of revenge leaves him stunned: “He knew I didn’t wear bracelets…something told me it was an affair”

Woman gifts daughter jewelry meant for ex-husband’s side-piece, the act of revenge leaves him stunned: “He knew I didn’t wear bracelets…something told me it was an affair”

19-year old guilted into babysitting half-siblings from dad's infidelity, finally takes a stand when he expects her to drop her weekend plans last-minute: "I never wanted siblings":

19-year old guilted into babysitting half-siblings from dad's infidelity, finally takes a stand when he expects her to drop her weekend plans last-minute: "I never wanted siblings":

18-year-old refuses to play older brother to his soon-to-be stepsiblings, their grandmother gets involved to pressure him into a relationship: “[She] texted me again and I quickly blocked her”

18-year-old refuses to play older brother to his soon-to-be stepsiblings, their grandmother gets involved to pressure him into a relationship: “[She] texted me again and I quickly blocked her”

“Forget you know me”: Men and women comment how they would react if their ex hit them up out of the blue in hilarious relationship thread

“Forget you know me”: Men and women comment how they would react if their ex hit them up out of the blue in hilarious relationship thread

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