

funny story from woman about disappointing sexual encounter | thumbnail text - I think we ended up having sex, but I cannot be too sure if there was actually anything inside me

Woman's Funny 'Sexcapade' With Guy Who Was Disappointing In The Bedroom

Sexcapades... ridiculous tales of sexual debauchery
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funny batch of 'men disappointing women' memes | thumbnail two memes text - When he is kissing all up on you and then you remember that one time he lied at 6:37 pm on 5/18/14 When he thinks he broke your heart but he was boyfriend number 2

Relatable Memes For Anyone Who Has Ever Been Disappointed By A Man

As per usual, women aren't impressed
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funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail Text -

Women Write Disappointing Letters To Their Sh*tty Exes

And that, my friend, is what they call closure
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tiktok thread about women giving analogies of how disappointing it is to sleep with men | guy? elimetri its like hoping you win the lotery. not winning end then having to reassure the one who did win the lottery. V•ew Lindsey Judd Ever GO to the store end get teeny good icecreem, get home get hyped that ur going to have it after dlnner. then your house catches on fire.„ Marissa Wilkes Creator im CRYING HAHAHAHA View v carsyn with a y it's like the moment you realize thet you just lost the game:

Women Provide Disappointing Analogies Of Sleeping With Guys

"It's like the year 2020"
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funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail text - Dear Chris, I'm still traumatized over finding your fathers' nudes under the wood paneling in your sock drawer. I knew something was off about you and I'm glad I trusted my instincts to find out what it was. Family gatherings must be interesting, or erotic? Good luck with that, Jermaine TO THE GUYS I'VE Kinda DATED Adam, I appreciate your concern but you didn't have to ask me if I needed to "potty" before we

Sassy Letters Of Closure Women Wrote To The Disappointing Men They Dated

And that, my friend, is what they call closure
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