

20 screenshots from a Reddit story where a husband is asking whether or not he was in the wrong for getting mad at his wife for not replenishing their toddler's nappy bag when she got home from an outing, leaving him without them the next time he went out | Thumbnail is a picture of a man putting on a babies diaper, with the text 'this, to me, reads as a man deferring to a woman on womanly things'

‘You Dropped the Ball’: Husband Blames Wife for His Own Incompetence When He Finds He’s Out of Nappies Mid Toddler Outing

Who's responsibility was it, really?
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Pregnant Woman Refuses To Change Diapers At Daycare Job| Thumbnail Text - Product - AITA for refusing to help out a pregnant coworker? I know the title might sound bad but please hear me out. I work in childcare and am currently in the 1-2 year old room. As you can imagine there are a lot of nappies (diapers) that need to be changed every day.

Pregnant Woman Refuses To Change Diapers At Daycare Job

She'll be changing diapers soon enough
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Neglectful Husband Forgets To Change Baby For 4 Hours And Has The Audacity To Say Wife Is Being Unfair| Thumbnail Text - Sleeve - AITA for how I reacted after I discovered my husband left our daughter in dirty diaper for 4hrs? My husband (35m) and I (32m) been married for 3 years. We have a toddler and an infant.

Neglectful Husband Forgets To Change Baby For 4 Hours And Has The Audacity To Say Wife Is Being Unfair

He is the real napping baby
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Woman Punishes Germophobic Husband By Making Him Change Baby's Diaper | thumbnail text - Posted by u/asiam46433 1 day ago O 11 10 S 28 4 AITA for making my (germaphopic) husband change our son's diaper? Not the A-hole My husband M27 and I f25 have a 2 months old together. He does everything almost except changing diapers He's a hardcore germaphobe so I handle the dirty part of our son's care. So my husband's been pestering me about the

Woman Punishes Germophobic Husband By Making Him Change Baby's Diaper

That's one way to parent
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