
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

20+ Cuffing Season Memes: Best Wholesome Relationship Funnies Of The Week (February 1, 2023)

20+ Cuffing Season Memes: Best Wholesome Relationship Funnies Of The Week (February 1, 2023)

16 funny relationship memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Jimmy from Jimmy Neutron and a picture of Jerry from Tom & Jerry walking 'Me trying to telepathically tell my boyfriend that I changed my mind and I do want something from the gas station while he's in there paying for the gas Me on my way to annoy the only person who supports me'

15 Quality Memes About Dating Your Partner In Crime

15 screenshots from two Reddit posts about a wife finding divorce papers in the air vent | Thumbnail includes a screenshot from the Reddit post and a pink rectangle with yellow highlighted text on it 'She cheated on you. I'm sorry for that. She let another dick insid an affa physic u. Forge And y 'He wrote himself a pep talk just in case our marriage goes to sh*t' to be fc verythi Don't you co Understand Each Other" from ST3, and go to sleep. Hit tomorrow.'

Husband Panics, Drawing Up Divorce Papers As Precaution When His Coworker Gets Cheated On, Shocked Wife Finds Documents In Air Vent

21 funny memes about people that don't want to have kids | Thumbnail includes a picture of a yellow sign and a picture of two grey pitbulls wearing onesies and cuddling 'Coleague: hey wanna see pictures of my kids? Me: 0 INTEREST Mom: how many kids do you want? Me: just two'

21 Best Memes For Childfree Millennials That Intentionally Choose Not To Have Kids

14 funny relationship memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of the boy from Gravity Falls pressing a red start button and a picture of a sandwich in a plastic bag with a note on top '"don't start with me" me: When you had a fight with your wife last night, but she still makes you a lunch the next day... FYI... This was NOT made With love.'

Funniest Relationship Memes To Tickle Your Love Handles

single life memes dating relationships couples date relatable heart broken awkward apps dating apps love boyfriend girlfriend

Relatable Romantic Memes for Suspicious Singles Who Are Constantly Wading Through the Dating Shallows (January 31, 2023)

funny relatable memes for for couples to send their boyfriend or girlfriend when they need attention

Funniest Dating Memes for When You Crave All the Attention in the Relationship (January 31, 2023)

17 screenshots from a Reddit post where people tell their 'before sunrise' stories when they met someone in a foreign country, spent the entire day/night with them, and then never saw them again | Thumbnail includes a pink and orange gradient background with two screenshots from a Reddit post 'When, if ever, have you had a 'Before Sunrise' like experience? yes - it was absolutely wonderful. i met a guy in florida. (i was visiting from the UK) - instantly connected and stayed up'

17 'Before Sunrise' Experiences Where People Met A Stranger In A Foreign Country, Spent 24 Hours With Them, & Then Never Saw Them Again

12 wild Tinder conversations | Thumbnail includes a pink and orange gradient with two screenshots of Tinder conversations 'Gor plans tonight? Cause I could definitely think up stuff we could get creative with it Sat, Aug 22, 2020, 9:10 PM Apparently as of today I am now homeless so, while I obviously would also enjoy getting to know you intimately I also would be happy if I had a couch to crash on. So what's the story behind the No face picture? Today 1:49 PM Of course.'

Wildest & Wittiest Tinder Conversations Of The Week (January 31, 2023)

20 classical art memes about dating and relationships | Thumbnail includes a picture of a peasant woman and a picture of a royal woman in a big dress. Thumbnail also includes a classical painting of a couple 'Choke me daddy Restrict my airflow father Women are so hard to read Such complex creatures Well actually we just wan- If you just liste- So mysterious'

20 Classical Art Memes That Perfectly Illustrate Relationships In The Modern Day And Age

Funny memes about relationship stages

Memes That Perfectly Describe The Difference Between Short Term and Long Term Dating

22 funny and relatable memes about moody girlfriends | Thumbnail includes a picture of Daria the cartoon and Tina from Bob's Burgers. Thumbnail also includes a picture of Queen Elizabeth 'Who I think I am vs. who I actually am coconutoilpainting this may be the most accurate post I've ever seen WHEN YOUR BOYFRIEND THINKS HE IS FUNNY BUT HE ONLY PISSING U OFF'

20+ Best Relatable Relationship Memes For Extra Moody Girlfriends

Article about toxic traits girls have when dating that includes funny memes

14 Amusing Memes About Toxic Traits Girls Have When Dating

29 funny and relatable memes about being married | Thumbnail includes a picture of Spongebob being excited to see Squidward and a picture of a married couple playing with cats 'How ya girl waits for you to come home from work when she had the day off our cats had a fight and my parents are trying to make them resolve it lol'

29 Relationship Memes For Happily Married Couples

17 funny memes about long-term relationships | Thumbnail includes a picture of a green monster and Sponge bob and a picture of a hairy monster 'My crazy ass gf Me knowing she just needs food Wife: "The shower won't drain!" My wife's hair waiting to make me gag as I pull all twenty-five pounds of it out of the drain...'

17 Very Accurate & Relatable Long-Term Relationship Memes

A Dose of Memes for the Crazy Chicks In The Crowd | Thumbnail shows cartoon and girl crying

A Dose of Memes for the Crazy Chicks In The Crowd