
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

18 screenshots from a Reddit thread where women talk about all the things they've had to explain to their partners that they didn't know needed explanation | Thumbnail includes a pink gradient background with a screenshot of a Reddit comment 'Markeerstiften. 19 hr. ago Not everything requires a solution. Sometimes I just want them to listen, nothing more and nothing less, just listen.'

18 Things Women Have Had to Explain to Their Partners That They Didn't Know Needed Explanation

15 screenshots form Bumble of cringey conversations and bios | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of someone's bio and a screenshot from a conversation 'LSU 2018 About me Last two exes think I need therapy. Still love one of them. Trying to be a better person with the lord by my side. God said I could still rock your bed tho. 1/29/23 update: may get therapy Today I will be honest....the first thing i judged is your smile....damnn'

This Week's Cringiest Bumble Screenshots Buzzing with Chaos (March 24, 2023)

'Don't be weak, just be a man!' : Pregnant wife unphased by husband's tears after forbidding him to attend birth of their son, tells him to ‘man up’

'Don't be weak, just be a man!' : Pregnant wife unphased by husband's tears after forbidding him to attend birth of their son, tells him to ‘man up’

20+ Red Flag Memes for the Wild Ladies in Complicated Relationships (March 23, 2023)

20+ Red Flag Memes for the Wild Ladies in Complicated Relationships (March 23, 2023)

12 tweets and deep thoughts about marriage | Thumbnail includes a purple to blue gradient background with a screenshot of a tweet 'Fadzilnoir @fadzilnoir ●●● Don't ask why many young people are reluctant to get married. Just look at all the broken marriage around us. All the DV cases. All the cases involving the reveal of the partner's real sexual orientation. 40k to 50k divorce cases every year.'

Some Pretty Deep Tweets About Why People Are Opting Out of Marriage

20 wholesome memes about love | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a text conversation and a drawn picture of a man kissing a woman's forehead 'mckena last night my husband was drunk and he texts me this.. iMessage Yesterday 12:48 am You're the hottest girlfriend I've ever had OMG THAT'S AWESOME I'm your wife Forehead kisses make me feel so loved and safe'

20 Wholesome Love Memes for Couples Who Know the Real Definition of Being Each Other's Peace

20 empowering memes for women to realize their worth and break up with their bare minimum boyfriends | Thumbnail includes a picture of Kim Kardashian laughing and a picture of a classical painting of a woman kissing herself in the mirror 'Finally realized I was never asking for too much, I was just asking the wrong person. When you finally find the person who is going to give you everything that you want in life...'

20 Empowering 'DUMP HIM' Memes for the Ladies That Can Do So Much Better Than the Bare Minimum

shy-gamer-boyfriend gamer-couples funny memes cute-gamers gamers gamer-boyfriend relationships cute-gamer-couple Memes gaming memes dating-a-gamer gamer girlfriend gamer girls dating - 19817477

21 Painfully Relatable Memes for Anyone Dating a Lovable Gamer

22 Witty Relationship Memes of the Week for the Sweet and Spicy Crowd (March 22 2023)

22 Witty Relationship Memes of the Week for the Sweet and Spicy Crowd (March 22, 2023)

Unstable Tinder Date Becomes a Creepy Stalker, Gets Turned Down by a Guy, Then Retaliates by Getting Him Banned From the App Entirely

Unstable Tinder Date Turned Creepy Stalker Gets Rejected by a Guy Then Retaliates by Getting Him Banned From the App Entirely

AITA: ‘He acts like I’m a burden' : Entitled girlfriend expects parental treatment from husband, he sets an ultimatum: ‘Change, or we break up’

AITA: ‘He acts like I’m a burden' : Entitled girlfriend expects parental treatment from husband, he sets an ultimatum: ‘Change, or we break up’

21 tweets about relationships, dating, and situationships | Thumbnail includes a picture of pink water and a screenshot of a tweet 'nicola @prvdanic you guys are so funny like wtf is a situationship if he doesn't want you after a week and isn't obsessed with you it won't work out leave him and move on Imao'

Top 21 Best Dating/Situationship Tweets of the Week (March 21, 2023)

21 sassy memes about being single | Thumbnail includes a picture of a blond child sitting in a car seat and giving the camera a weird look and a picture of a cartoon character meditating in his room '"Hey, I'm in your city!" Me: all "Ok... have fun" Me trying to stop myself from sending a paragraph'

20+ Sassy Single Ladies Memes But With a Sweet & Spicy Twist

cringe cringeworthy worst dates bad date first catfish catfishing dating relationships single hilarious vibes singleness life tinder hinge reddit

'What's the worst dating experience you've ever had?': Redditors confess their worst, most cringeworthy first dates

A Dose Of Amusing Memes For The Dating Haters Amongst Us | Thumbnail includes 'dating advice dont'

A Dose Of Amusing Memes For The Dating Haters Amongst Us

20 screenshots of wild conversations people had on Tinder | Thumbnail includes two screenshots of two conversations on Tinder 'Free today? 11:19 AM Lmk online 12:37 PM Today connected with you You can pee on me Lilly Gestern So just interested in clash of clans? Heute .4G And butt stuff'

Top 20 Wildest Tinder Conversations of the Week (March 21, 2023)